
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs

The Colosseum calls: nobles in the arena

While the feast was in full swing and the nobles were talking with their children, one could sense a growing tension in the room. Sabalef, the dark god who watched the developments from afar, saw an opportunity to advance his own interests.

He approached Luxia with a flattering smile. "Do you see the tensions, dear Luxia? The confrontations that have arisen during this feast? What if we could get them to settle their differences in the arena? A tournament, not for the children, but for themselves."

Luxia was skeptical at first. "What do we gain by having the nobles settle their conflicts in public?"

Sabalef deftly replied, "Peace, honor, and the respect of their subjects. The people would see what their leaders are capable of. And treaties... Treaties that each side must honor. This would prevent future conflicts."

When he spoke of the treaties, Luxia brightened. "And you really believe they would abide by them?"

Sabalef nodded eagerly. "Of course they would. And to make things a little more exciting, we could set up some special rules. Mortis, for example, could compete against several warriors at once. And the dwarves, like Edna, could have their own battles."

Luxia considered for a moment and finally relented. "Fine, but there will be clear rules. And no one will be forced to fight."

Sabalef bowed. "As you wish, Goddess of Light."

The noise and loud bickering of the dwarves seemed to fill the festival hall. Every dwarf, young and old, joined in the heated discussion of honor, strength, and traditions. In the midst of this atmosphere, when the murmuring and shouting was at its peak, something unexpected happened.

A sudden shadow fell across the tables, and the nobles present looked around in surprise and irritation. The dwarves felt an oppressive chill spread through the hall. And then, as suddenly as the shadow, Sabalef stood beside Edna.

His presence filled the room, and all eyes turned to him. With his jet-black robe and the malevolent expression in his eyes, he was a fearsome sight.

"Enough!" he shouted in a voice that made the walls of the banquet hall tremble. "I have heard your complaints and your squabbles. Your wish has been granted."

He turned to Edna and the other dwarves, "You may prove your strength here today in the divine Coliseum. After the meal, the tournament will be suspended, and a new event will begin. An event that is not about the children, but about you. The details are still being negotiated. Until then, sit down and wait in anticipation."

Sabalef's sinister smile continued to spread across his face as he spoke these words. The dwarves were speechless and stared at him in disbelief.

Without another word, Sabalef made his way to his own place. There, other dark gods and followers were already waiting for him, their faces drawn with curiosity and expectation.

The luxurious lodge was seething with anticipation. Some nobles were still reeling from the recent events, while others were already looking forward to the coming spectacle.

Above the lodge, the gods had gathered in a magnificent council chamber. The atmosphere was tense but purposeful, as each of those present knew they had little time. A large round table of solid stone stood in the center of the room, and although the tension was palpable, everyone knew that a quick decision had to be made.

Sabalef was the first to speak, "Our time is limited, let us move swiftly. We agree that there should be battles to test the abilities of our chosen, but they must not hurt each other. A protection spell, similar to the children in the tournament, should ensure this."

Luxia nodded in agreement. "The fights must be fair and just. No fighter should be at a disadvantage."

Terrion suggested, "Let Mortis face the three kings and the Emperor of the Sands. A truly royal duel that will keep the spectators on the edge of their seats."

Another god added, "Edna and Nominene are set. Their confrontation is highly anticipated. And for additional entertainment, we could organize some minor fights that will be mentioned only briefly."

After a few more details were settled, including confirmation that no combatant was to be seriously harmed, the meeting was over after only thirty minutes. The gods left the council chamber satisfied, ready to present the great event.

The nobles in the lodge could hardly contain their excitement when they learned of the upcoming battles. The divine Colosseum would soon witness battles unprecedented in their intensity and significance.

The mortals in the stands were restless, wondering when the tournament would continue. But suddenly an impressive light show of darkness and brightness lit up the arena. Sabalef and Luxia stepped forward, and their imposing presence immediately drew everyone's attention.

Tense silence spread as Luxia began to speak: "Dear spectators, an unexpected event has caused us to postpone the children's tournament until tomorrow. But fear not, today will still be the day of action! As it seems, there are certain tensions among the nobles, big and small. These have moved us to give them the opportunity to demonstrate their beliefs and abilities in the arena today."

The noise of the audience died away as Luxia spoke, and a pin could be heard dropping.

"The rules are clear," Sabalef continued as darkness cloaked his form. "There will be protective spells to prevent serious injury, but the pain will be real, as will the defeat or triumph. Remember, your behavior in the arena reflects not only your own honor, but that of your families and lands."

Luxia raised her hand, and a golden beam shone from it, illuminating the arena. "Mortis, kenog of Bayaroma, will face the three kings and the Emperor of the Sands. A battle that will show the power and prowess of the rulers of this land."

Sabalef grinned broadly, the darkness of his surroundings intensifying. "Edna and Nominene will also settle their dispute in this arena. It will be a spectacle not to be missed."

Luxia nodded in agreement. "In addition to these main battles, other noble warriors who wish to resolve their conflicts will also have a chance to show their skills. But remember, the arena is a place of honor and respect. Show your true strength, but remain dignified."

With these final words, Luxia and Sabalef disappeared in a blinding swirl of light and darkness, leaving behind an expectant silence and an audience quivering with excitement. The atmosphere was electric as the nobles prepared for the battles ahead.

The Emperor of the Sands, already incensed, was unsure whether this news was good or bad for him. After all, everyone had watched the fight between Mortis and Valric, and Mortis's reputation as a hero was not unfounded. However, when the emperor looked across the arena and saw Mortis looking him straight in the eye, pointing at him and then running a towel over his neck suggestively.

Mortis' confident gesture threw the Emperor of the Sands off his game. The sheer confidence and challenge inherent in this simple gesture made him realize that Mortis was not afraid of him or the other kings.

The other nobles in his box began to whisper, their eyes not departing from Mortis' figure. Some seemed impressed by Mortis' self-confidence, others quietly mocked the hero's obvious arrogance. But it was clear to the emperor that behind this gesture was not only arrogance, but also determination and fighting spirit.

He stood up, his robes swirling around him as he rolled up his sleeves. "Well, if Mortis wants a fight, he'll get one," he said in a firm voice. "He may have won a fight or two, but I am the Emperor of the Sands, and I will show him what true power is."