
Reality Game Changer

To save his grievously ill mother, broke college student Alex takes a shady deal to test black market software for a mysterious hacker. He must install the illegal update in his favorite virtual reality game, Elysium Quest. But Alex quickly realizes the hacked program triggers consequences reaching far beyond just getting his gaming account banned.

AlexanderKing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four

Emma took a deep, bracing breath as she pushed open the front door to her childhood home, an upscale two-story in the peaceful suburbs. Alex followed just behind, surveying the graceful architecture and manicured lawn briefly before focusing back on his friend. Her body language telegraphed knots of tension that had nothing to do with the early hour.

Striding down the foyer, Emma called "Dad? Are you awake yet?"

Heavy footsteps echoed down the stairs as Emma's father emerged - Aaron Ross, late 40s with salt-and-pepper hair and a tidy beard framing kind, weathered features well known to Alex. Aaron's gray eyes crinkled happily seeing his daughter unexpectedly.

"Emma, sweetie! This is a surprise so early," he exclaimed, hugging her in fatherly affection. His gaze landed on Alex hovering by the door. "And Alex too! Sorry I haven't come by recently to check on your mother..."

"No need to apologize, Mr Ross," Alex demurred politely. "I know you would visit if possible..."

Just then, alluring smells of sizzling breakfast wafted out as Emma's stepmother Vivian breezed into view - tall and willowy with flowing dark hair and sharp intelligent features. Behind followed Emma's mischievous younger half-brother Ty, resembling Aaron but with his mother's piercing eyes.

Vivian smiled in surprise. "Well, special company this morning! You two should join us for omelettes." Without waiting for response, she swept back towards the kitchen amid cheerful chatter.

With uneasy glances, Emma and Alex had no choice but follow the boisterous family gathering underway. But heavy questions still awaited the first chance to pull Aaron alone.

Alex surveyed the orderly, homey kitchen with approving eye as Vivian busied herself at the stove, speckled granite counters gleaming. Ty gathered plates, shaggy hair falling constantly into his eyes with annoyance as he set the table.

"So, to what do we owe this early pleasure of both your companies today?" Vivian asked lightly, whisking a bowl of eggs.

Alex noted Emma's momentary hesitation responding. "Oh, you know - semester winding down, Emma just had some stuff to grab from home she forgot," he covered smoothly. Emma shot him a subtle grateful look.

"Hmm, well good timing then!" Vivian smiled. "Can't let you leave without a hot breakfast." She glanced over her shoulder curiously at Emma. "Everything going well in classes at least?"

"Yeah, sure," Emma replied quickly. "Just the usual cram sessions and paper writing chaos." She caught her father's eye meaningfully as he entered. Aaron gave an almost imperceptible nod.

Soon the family sat passing steaming plates around the circular table, Emma noticeably picking at her food while sneaking glances at her father. Alex and Aaron made repeated eye contact as well, a silent understanding passing that whatever Emma urgently needed to discuss would occur in due time.

For now, keeping Vivian's lively curiosity at bay took priority. But heavy secrets still awaited airing from the recent chaotic past.

With relieved sighs, Alex and Emma bid temporary farewells to Vivian and Ty, citing schoolwork needing attention back on campus. After last hugs and kisses, Vivian breezily headed out with enthusiastic Ty in tow for his classes.

A loaded moment passed as the front door clicked shut. Aaron rubbed his beard, exhaling before meeting his daughter's expectant look. "I'm guessing that forgotten item wasn't your actual reason for this unannounced homecoming?"

Emma shook her head. "No, just needed an excuse when Vivian asked why I was here so early. What I'm really after are answers about my biological mother...the truth about her fate." She took a deep breath. "Who was she, how did she die...and why the secrecy all these years?"

Aaron paled, clearly blindsided by the direct questioning after decades avoiding this painful history. He opened his mouth but no sound emerged initially. Shakily taking a seat, stunned emotions warred across his expression.

"Sweetheart, I...where is this suddenly coming from?" he eventually managed. "Your mother Mary passed when you were still tiny. I thought we buried remnants of all that hardship long ago..."

Alex remained silently supportive as Emma pulled up a chair herself. "It's complicated, Dad," she began earnestly. "But secrets that significant can't stay buried forever..."

Aaron dropped his face into his hands under Emma's persistent gentle questioning. Finally, haltingly, he unlocked a story never told - of discovering her mother Mary half-delirious on his doorstep one stormy night, inexplicable burn injuries covering part of her body. An infant Emma was cradled protectively in her arms.

"Mary raved crazily about being a soldier from some parallel world, about war tearing her home apart," Aaron whispered. "I chalked it up to trauma-induced delusion. But she refused to go to any hospital, only leaving you in my arms with this pendant-"

He withdrew a delicate, intricate locket on a golden chain from beneath his collar, etched with alien symbols. Emma's eyes widened in shock - a perfect match for the one worn by General Rosaline in Nexus footage.

"Mary said to keep this safe until Emma was old enough to inherit its significance," Aaron's voice shook with buried pain. "Then she disappeared back into the chaos and darkness. We found her body weeks later, but never knew real origins..."

Emma clutched the locket tightly, eyes overflowing at finally touching this physical tie to the mother she never knew. Alex hugged her supportively, moved himself by proxy. The unbelievable was undeniable holding the artifact firsthand.

Subtly, the Nexus AI advised Alex to convince Emma to relinquish the pendant for safety scans, ensuring no embedded traps. Though loathe to part her from such profound connection, Alex reasoned Nexus' prudent precautions had merit before interfacing more deeply with multidimensional mysteries.

Gently prying open Emma's fingers, he collected the precious locket with whispered vows to return it shortly. She wiped her eyes, nodding gratitude for patience and care respecting this solemn revelation. Aaron approached as well, relief and remorse playing across his aging features as he held his only daughter close, a family history finally reconciled.

After Aaron shared long-buried secrets about her mother's tragic fate, Emma finally worked up the courage to drop one more revelation on her reeling father. As she and Alex prepared to depart, Emma hugged her dad tightly once more at the front door.

"I know it's a lot to process finding answers about mum after all these years," she said gently, looking up at Aaron's lined, emotionally drained face. "But there's one more thing you should know now..."

Aaron took a ragged breath, bracing himself after so many razor-edged truths surfacing already. "Go ahead sweetheart, not sure my world can be rocked much harder today. What is it?"

Emma gave a bittersweet smile. "It's about the name you knew her by...Mary? Well, seems that was an alias. Her real name was Rosaline."

Confusion creased Aaron's brow. "Rosaline? But how...?"

Emma nodded slowly. "She's out there still in this other dimension, all mechanically enslaved. My original mum." Her voice broke slightly. "Just wanted you to finally know her true name and identity after all this time..."

Staggered shock rendered Aaron mute. He sank into an armchair, the locket glinting accusingly in Alex's palm. So many misconceptions corrected in mere hours. Emma left her father to soundless processing, grateful Alex could share the staggering load confronting unbelievablefact.

They still had much to unravel about Rosaline's pendant and how it bound souls across space and time. But today, truth and closure alone mattered most dearly. All else waited for the days ahead.