
ready player one reborn

I am new at this it's about a man who gets his memories and some wishes to fight this world disclaimer i do not own ready player one except my own oc I have a YouTube it's lastsecondson and a patreon if you want to support me patreon.com/Lastsecondson

Andrade_Andrade · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Walking down the bustling street, I marveled at the vibrant stalls selling an array of foods. From exotic delicacies like tiger meat, elephant bones, and dragon tongues to familiar comforts like burgers and fries, the choices seemed endless. Intrigued, I approached a seemingly empty stall, where a lovely lady with blonde hair and blue eyes caught my attention.

Curiosity guiding my appetite, I asked her, "How much is a burrito with all the meats you have and a drink?" With a healthy reserve of 100,442 gold, I had no qualms about treating myself.

"That will be 5,000 for the burrito and 1,000 for the drink," she replied with a friendly smile.

Considering the expense, I didn't hesitate to part with the gold, recognizing that in this virtual reality, the taste and sensation were just as important as the sustenance. After the transaction, I stowed the delectable items in my inventory, subtracting 6,000 gold from my total.



As I strolled away, the allure of my newfound abilities beckoned me to the gun range. In a twist, I decided to challenge myself. Securing a room, I drew my pistol and conjured obstacles, testing my precision. With an almost intuitive grasp, I effortlessly guided my shots, hitting targets with pinpoint accuracy.

After a series of successful shots, I decided to raise the stakes. Turning away from the target, I blindly visualized its location, shooting with unprecedented accuracy. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel the virtual recoil and hear the impact of each shot echoing in my ears.

Eager to push my limits further, I modified the settings in the virtual field. Now, rubber bullets shot at me from all directions at varying speeds. Evoking a slow-motion state, I skillfully dodged the projectiles, the challenge escalating as more cannons appeared. The hour-long test pushed me to the limit, culminating in a hit to my hand that left me physically drained.

Putting on my coat and leaving the virtual arena, I had no intention of lingering. My senses heightened from the intense experience Walking through the town, I found a serene spot to sit and savor the taste of my hard-earned lunch, contemplating the extraordinary journey that virtual reality had unfolded before me.

After a refreshing rest, I felt energized and ready for new adventures. Opening my menu, I discovered a fascinating option: home creation. Intrigued, I clicked on it and found a selection of premade structures, ranging from the Bat Cave to the Fortress of Solitude. Deciding on a sleek and modern touch, I chose the hangar from Grand Theft Auto, an all-white space that exuded sophistication.

The price tag read [35,500G], leaving me with [58,942G]. Without hesitation, I paid for my new virtual abode. Stepping into my home, it was pristine—empty yet full of potential. I envisioned turning it into a haven for my vast collection of artifacts and overpowered items, a sanctuary akin to a dragon's lair.

Eager to kick off my collection, I accessed the menu once more, navigating to the worlds section. Choosing the planet Doom, I noticed the artifact event about to commence. With a simple click, a portal materialized before me. Stepping through, I found myself in a world shrouded in darkness and perpetual conflict—a landscape caught in an eternal battle.

Navigating the safe zone, I spotted the event portal and began making my way towards it. Upon entering, I found a colossal room with numerous players already present. The countdown displayed on a massive screen, indicating there were 10 minutes left. Deciding not to waste a moment, I readied myself by bringing out my pistol, grenades, and stuns, securing them on my waist.

As the countdown reached zero, every player was instantly transported randomly around the arena. A central hill stood tall, reminiscent of a volcano, and as the first shot echoed, chaos erupted. The battleground transformed into a symphony of combat, each participant battling for supremacy in this dark and gloomy world. The thrill of the unknown and the anticipation of collecting powerful artifacts drove me forward into the heart of the conflict.

The arena metamorphosed into a cacophony of combat, a vivid symphony where every participant fought for dominance in the ominous, dimly lit world. The allure of the unknown, coupled with the palpable excitement of acquiring potent artifacts, impelled me deeper into the heart of the conflict.

Bolstered by the untraceable prowess of my aimbot ability and undetectable wall hacks, seamlessly integrated into the virtual reality realm as extensions of my consciousness, I exhibited a mastery that transcended the limitations of the game. My movements were a dance, a choreography of dodges and precise shots aimed at the heads of my adversaries.

As I advanced toward the central hill, a calculated move in this strategic ballet, an impact grenade hurtled menacingly in my direction. Swift reflexes kicked in, and without missing a beat, I seized a Pikachu equipped with a knife by the head. With a swift motion, I hurled the electrified companion toward the oncoming explosive.

"Go, Pikabitch! Use shield!" I commanded.

"Pikkaaa (Asshole!!!!!!)" Pikachu's indignant response echoed with a hint of humor, adding a touch of levity to the intensity of the virtual battleground.

The Pikachu, now my impromptu shield-bearer, created a protective barrier that absorbed the explosive impact. The clash of virtual abilities and tactical wit reverberated through the arena, an exhilarating fusion of skill and strategy. Undeterred, I pressed on toward the pinnacle of the hill 

After enduring numerous deaths, a testament to the fierce competition, I finally reached the culmination of the battleground. The artifact, a coveted Eye of Odin, awaited discovery. Aware that chaos still unfolded around me, with contestants mercilessly battling for supremacy, I seized the artifact in a swift, determined motion.

With the Eye of Odin in hand, I embarked on a heart-pounding descent, navigating through the ongoing skirmish. The scene was a canvas of full-blown action—bullets whizzing past, explosions erupting, and combatants engaged in a relentless dance of survival. Each step demanded agility, and I expertly wove my way through the chaos.

Reaching the portal marked safety but didn't guarantee escape unscathed. The final stretch was a tense sprint, punctuated by narrowly avoided hazards and close encounters with rival contenders. In a flourish of adrenaline-fueled motion, I leaped through the portal just in time, leaving the battlefield behind.

In the safety of my virtual haven, I took a moment to assess my spoils. The Eye of Odin gleamed in my inventory, a symbol of triumph amidst the digital chaos. The cumulative reward, now totaling 23,344 gold, swelled my virtual coffers to a formidable 82,286 gold. A peculiar observation struck me—guns seemed to be absent among the spoils, a testament to the survival-focused nature of the alternate world.

Deciding to return to my home world, I initiated the process of opening a portal. Unbeknownst to me, the entirety of my journey, victories, and the unfolding drama were being live-streamed to an audience beyond the virtual realm. As the portal shimmered into existence, I stepped through, oblivious to the fact that my exploits were being witnessed by an unseen audience, adding an unforeseen layer of intrigue to my digital escapades.

ps i used chat gpt to improve my writing so i wrote everything that is here but chat improved my grammar so i dont know if you are gonna like it or not