
The distant land... (Luke 15: 10 - 32)

You know we children of God can be quite something, (Yes, I personally believe we are all children of God, it's not really in my place to say if you are a child of God or not, only God can decide who is his) we sometimes feel we can survive without him. We think we can be without him, but it's basically impossible. The reason why we feel we are ok without God is because we are blinded by the illusion and definition of being Ok. If you're rich, healthy, happy and alive, then you're Ok, right... No really true, if you have God, you are Ok, it's as simple as that, everything outside this is you being in a distant land, far from God's reach. And the craziest thing about being in a distant land is that anything can happen at anytime. Your wealth can disappear at anytime in the distant land, your health can be compromised at anytime in the distant land, your happiness can wither in the distant life. And even when this happens, the one who's supposed to be your keeper, you've kept at the distance. Your shelter in times of storm, your keeper through the good and bad. You've left his presence to a distant land, making your self Vulnerable. You need to be kept, you need to be watched, you need to be guided, you need to be with Christ today. Leave the distant land, and return to your father.