
Reaching Dream

Dream Restanes Afabella ("drēm") happened to met a Corporate Business Man who offered her to be his Executive Secretary, taking advantage to the situation, Dream accepted the offer as her escape from the peril chain of her father. After sometime, they became too much fond of each other and when they're about to marry, a tragedy came their way. Dream lost her memories. They fell apart. Then, as years passed, Dream became to be known writer in her country, Philippines, but writer her nightmares sent her back to Berlin, Germany. The crooked paths of the two crossed once again. But, Serion, the guy, happened to be a father already. Will their fate be tangled again? Or will their longing will just prove that it isn't love.

galintheglasses · Televisi
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2 Chs


AS fast as I could, I ran to chase the time, I mistakenly set my alarm clock and right now I'm about to lose some multimillion investment.

Fuck Serion what a reckless dude you are!

Yes, I kept cursing myself. of course it's such an unlucky reckless thing I could ever done in my whole life.

"ROSÉTTA CAFÉ" as carved in the wall, with fancy carvings of flowers and coffee in cup. The cafe's name was nothing when you enter inside..the vibe was classic, and the whole building was amplified with calm piano recordings, if I'm not mistaken it was Canon in D t'was playing along.

"Mister anything for you?"

"Is Deborah Fluctin around?"

"Mr. Leoncio Serion? Take your seat."

"Ms. Fluctin, I'm really sorry about being late, I kind of recklessly set my clock later than anticipated."

"No, time for me is precious but I don't do business by books so I engage to waiting..my patience is what will make the decision." She smiled and sip from her cup..I took some of mine too before presenting my proposal contract to her.

"Well, uhh, I am impressed of you, seems like you took some studies of how will you effectively close this deal efficiently."

"Well, yes, I took some information, but I plea you won't be offended about it"

"Nah in our line of life, we shouldn't be offended being exposed, for what reason do we engage in management that mere information checking would make us curse a few?"

"Yeah, so uhm what's the verdict?"

"You have the humor..yeah it's a deal Mr. Serion. Call my secretary as soon as you've finalized the contract. I guess I have to go. It's a pleasure doin' business with you."

We shook hands "Thank you Ms. Fluctin! Have a nice day Miss."

As we bid our farewell, she headed out and I chose to stay at the café..

As I was about to call my secretary, the chimes of the entrance door rang as someone entered, in a long blond hair, on a silver top and long skirt, heel level, weirdest woman in the cafe. As she ordered to the counter she bun her hair and tied it with a silver lace.


"Dom, I have talked to Ms. Fluctin, go and finalize the contract"

"Alright Director, would that be all? When will you flying back here?"

"I will just call you again."

I was disturbed again by the estranged lady as she duck on the table as soon as she sat and placed her venti mocha on the table.

As I noticed her sobs..which later turned into painful cries, I can't help but to sit in front her and gave her my handkerchief. Then I left the cafe.

The next day, the temperature in the country dropped into least and coldest state, being near the Rosétta's, I took a rest and ordered some brewed coffee, perfect for the cold breeze.

"Brewed black for Señoré Serion"

"Cold venti mocha for Señorita Dream"

I was surprised as I took my coffee at the receiving bar, the lady from yesterday's here again, ordered the same variety and situated on the same part of the café. Near the windows, near the antique clock. On the wooden C-shaped table, and comfy coffee-colored couch.

I was hesitant but I found myself sitting in front of her again.

I was sipping to my cup when she took something on her purse and gave it to me "veilen dank, brohter"

"How sure are you that this hanky is mine, Missie?"

She looked at me at the eye "I saw you even if you didn't"

I was awed of her words..her fierce face looked like a front act that very moment, her greenish eye was like a mysterious wall I want to break.

"Look Miss, I don't took away what I've given so, take that, it's yours now."

"Well then." She took the hanky and placed it back inside her purse "am I loud yesterday? Are you annoyed?"

I sip from my coffee "nah, why would a precious cry in such a calm cafe, I wonder"

She heaved sigh. "troubles. my parents took control again of me after abandoning me and thrown me here, in Berlin, to study Management..studying was a damn thing but after like decade I am able to be free from it but my father took advantage and blocked me from applying into conglomerates here, wanting me to handle his."

"Aren't you not pleased to work or manage yours than make other people take advantage of your intelligence for their profits?" I glanced at her, she squinted her eyes, as if she's looking at a prey.

"What's the difference? Now I'm blocked to any..hell I would invest myself to his empire. I hate him. His tactics. His whole being. I'm disgusted." She told me, looking in the eye..

"Well you are young, you can roam around, vent your anger to all the coffees, and simulate your mind, you can just create your own, Ms. Dream. As what your name says, dream, reach it, conquer your own."

"Why are you so persuasive?"

"I'm Leoncio Serion. I'm bit of serious you know."

"Well Mr. Leon, as I could see, you are a fine young man, been aged to management, will you hire me instead?"

I was left speechless of her remarks. She wants what?

"Won't you? Am I that bad kind of investment?"

I shook my head..this cunning woman.

"You wants what?"

Finally I am able to utter words.

"I want to seek help from you. Hire me. No specific position demanded, just help me. Hire me."

I was in awe. This woman. But again I phoned my secretary "Dom, do you badly want to go to the Planning?"

She looked at me with her keen eyes.

"D-director, that would be my only—"

"You're fired.."

"Sire? I'm sorry I—"

"you are now hired to Planning department, now email me all my schedules and my whereabouts from this day onward..I have found a replacement so don't cause a fuss to the HR."

"O-alright Director. Thank you. Have a safe flight back..that would be my last duty, what time will I set your flight back?"

"9 PM tonight. Book two."

"Alright Director..I'll do as what you want."

"Alright, thanks Dom."


"You're hired. Ms. executive secretary."

"Gosh, I got the chills."

I grinned. And sipped off my warm coffee.


"Ms. Afabella, what time will your boss arrive?"

"Ma'am pardon for you have to wait a little bit more. He went overseas to attend a very important business transaction, I'm hoping you'll be patient enough to wait and close this deal with us when he got here."

"Well I can. I'll give you 10 minutes."

"M-ma—..excuse me"

The phone rang, so she suddenly answered the call "Sir, Ms. Daez is patient within 10 minutes, will you be able to make it?"

The background was noisy but luckily they're able to hear each other.

"I can. We just landed. Were the documents prepared?"

"Yes, you are the only not"

She heard someone chuckled "I am ready, be there in 5"

She rolled her eyes and left with nothing but to wait for her boss, and also to accommodate the VIP.

"You're pretty diligent at work Ms. You don't have a boyfriend, I supposed."

"She have"

To their surprise the door opened and it revealed the man they're expecting..grin was evident on his face, as if he is the proudest man alive.


"What was that?"


"Grand entrance? No knocks?"

"Who am I? Do I have to knock?"

"Whatever. You have a dinner meeting with the C.E.O of Gomez Tradings later at 7PM. But before that, you have an appointment with Frances Textiles, 4 in the afternoon."

He grabbed her to sit on his lap "Leon! Get off me!" She hissed.

"Cancel those..I have my most significant appointment with my girlfriend."

"Mr. Serion, you've postponed these appointments for couples of times already, you'll be rude to them if you'll do what pleases you again."

"But..I want to have dinner with you mademoiselle."

"Don't be stubborn. Fix yourself, it's late 3 already." The woman get off his embraced and took distant step away her boss.


"Mr. please calm down"

"No! Save Dream! Save My Dream!"

"We will do everything we can Sir, all you could help is be calm and wait."

"Fuck! This is my fault, I shouldn't have let her stay and work!"

"Director, the fire was stopped, half of Miss' office was burnt, yours was luckily not. There was sign of chaos in the burnt office, I supposed the victim saw the arsonist."

"Inspector Lacson? Do what best you can to identify the culprit, I'll appoint some of my investigators to your team. I want efficient results. Call me when you caught the suspect."

Only silence was rummaging the hallway of the hospital, the young man was very nervous but hopes for the doctor to went out the E.R flashing a smile or with a good energy.

"Dream! My sister, Dream!"

"Filiza stop crying, your sister will be alright."

Here comes the 7-years, youngest sibling of Dream, with their brother and their nanny.

The crying child was evidently awakened by the awful news, she has messy hair, on her pj's and slippers put to support her feet.

The brother was neatly dressed but his eyes were in verge of crying, seeing their youngest cry, and thinking about his sister in between life and death.

The nanny on the other hand embraces the child but with her trembling hands, nervous of what may happen to her child-treated-boss.

"Leo what happened?" Asked the nanny.

"I was out to a business dinner meeting, when I got a call from the office, they told me our office was burning, and I hurriedly went off when I realized she promised me she'll wait for me there..I-I'm really am sorry. If I wouldn't have let her wait, this ruckus wouldn't have happened."

"Stop it! Your resentments won't bring back my healthy daughter!" To everyone's surprise their father came, and punched the helpless Leoncio. He's been always mad to the latter, and now with his anger and resentments he was driven to hurt the man of his daughter. "You are not worthy of her pain! She was just as fine before! But when you came, her world, her goals and decisions went off the path! Bastard, my daughter won't be seeing you again! I'll protect her from you!"

"Sir, I, I'll make sure the suspect will be jailed, sir I promised you that..but sir please, don't take her away..I love your daughter, Sir. I'll protect her."

"No, you can't do that! I am the only capable of doing that!" men in black came, in rush and held Leoncio "go."

"No! Get off me! Sir please, let me see her, let me please!"

The nanny went and blocked their way "Leo, gather your strength..I will take care of her, you need to be tough hijo, you must."

"Nanny Dalia, please do..please" tears flew off his eyes, "get off me. I can walk" he remarked so coldly, with authority on it. Then for the last time he glanced at the E.R, he went in the elevator, encircled of the black-suited men, he saw the doctor went off the room, with bit of calm but sympathetic in facade. "Dream. I promise, I'll see you again. I'm sorry."

The elevator closed. The silence flew. Only sobs surfaced. He thought, he just lost the woman he love so dearly. He just lost his woman whom he promised to live with. He just lost the woman he's about to ask be tangled to him and marry. He blew away the chance of them being together. He lost his grip to his woman. He lost his Dream.


Author's Note: I'm just sharing this here, I've also shared this to WATTPAD writing platform.


This is fiction. Every names, events, and places is conveyed by the author's ideas. Any resemblances to living or dead persons' names, events and places is purely coincidental.

-feel free to express your criticisms, expect grammatical errors, because, honestly this is my first time writing English, or venturing into this universal language.

P.s. English is not my first language, so read at risk.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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