
Make way towards the hunter

"Well that message is pretty crystal huh?" I chuckle aloud. "And anyway can you describe what this insignia looks like?"

Reinhard then takes a glance at me. "Why do you want to know? I'll have you know stealing an insignia isn't immediate execution but a lifetime of torture."

"Then I clearly don't want to steal it!!" I say sweating a river. "Just knowing what it looks like may help."

"Well why not." Renhard sighs. "You already know about the insignia, so no more harm in telling you what it looks like."

Coughing Reinhard clears his throat. Wait wouldn't you have a blessing for something like that? Do they even have blessing for something so stupid? Your just trying to look cool!!!

"Ok, well the royal insignia is actually really simple, it's a black seal with the image of a golden dragon on it. And in the mouth of said dragon is a gem. This gym of course is what decides who is a royal candidate." Reinhard explains.

I then pretend to go into thought putting my hand to my chin. After all, it would be suspicious as hell to suddenly say you knew where the candidate was.

"I think I saw something like that." I say slowly. "A half elf was chasing after a thief and I could hear her saying something about the insignia."

"Anything else?" Reinhard asks seriously. "It would troublesome if someone sold out the insignia, this would cause a lot of issues for the future of the Lugnica."

"I think i also saw a red glow coming from the hands of said thief." I say quickly. "But she was definitely heading towards the slums also."

Reinhard hearing this narrows his eyes. "Are you positive about the insignia glowing?" He then continues. "If so, I'm going to have you come with me since I don't like being lied to."

Honestly this couldn't have gone any better. One, I helped out the sword saint. Two, I can kill Elsa if everything goes right. Three, maybe this plan can work.

"I have no problem about that, I'm merely an adventure so I have nothing really of importance on my hand." I say waving my hand. "Plus I also have something I need from the slums. I caught a thief stealing a bag of coins from me earlier."

Reinhard still a bit suspicious decides to give it a try. "Alright, well I just hope what your saying is true." He then sighs. "You would honestly be doing me a favor after all."

"Please Sword Saint, I'm happy to help." I fakery say. "But we should probably get on our way. We don't want this insignia to fall into the wrong hands."

"Well, lets go .... wait what your name?" He asks.

Hmmm my name huh? Seeming as how I have been taken to a new world. And I have taken over suburus miserable fate. Let's go with that.

"Natsuki Suburu." I say making a bow of courtesy. "A pleasure to meet you Sword Saint."

"Please call me Reinhard." He says. "I would rather be called by name from a potential friend."


The trip to the slum was honestly pretty quick as I had told Reinhard to just pick me up and make haste. With that being said, he just slung me up and hopped building to building.

It only took about 5 minutes to go from the market district to the slums. Information was also simple, I just told Reinhard to threaten someone with execution if they didn't spill any information.

He of course looked at me weirdly as this went against his idea of a knights justice. But I had to remind him that this was reality and reality calls for desperate measures. Reinhard surprisingly understood this and went along with my plan.


"This should be the place Reinhard." I say while looking up. "The suns starting to go down too, we should quickly wrap this up."

Reinhard just nodded and we walked through the doors.

Once in we noticed a silver haired woman arguing with a blonde loli.

"Please give me it back." The lady says looking pretty desperate. "That object is of a lot of importance to me."

"Sorry lady, but I found this first and I'm going to need money if I would even consider giving it up." The loli says rudely. "So unless you have enough money to sway me or have a object of appropriate value, I honestly don't care how important it is to you."

"May I see this item?" Reinhard suddenly asks. "I want to see what this lady is buying."

"Ooooh?" The loli says. "Do you hear that? This man may want to clash prices with you."

"What? But why would he?" The woman replies tilting her head.

"I'm sorry but you have me mistaken." Reinhard says quickly shutting down the loli's idea. "I just need to make sure the object in your possession isn't what I think it is."

The loli then goes quiet and thinks. "Old man rom, bring it out please."

Then the big man named rom then takes out the object in discussion.

"Yes this is definitely the correct object." Reinhard says seriously. "And as they sword saint of this kingdom I can't help but ask you to return it."

"Sword saint!" Rom yells. "Felt this is bad, let's go ahead and give this up."

"Sword saint?!" Felt says. "I... uh... found this on the ground.... yeah...."

"Why would the sword saint even want this?" Felt says as she takes the insignia from rom. "Just what is so important about it that it would drag you to the slums?"

Reinhard then notices the insignia start to glow. Narrowing his eyes he quickly grabs a hold of felts wrist to get a better look.

"What are you doing?!" Felt exclaims loudly.

"This is truly troublesome... it seems you where right Suburu." Reinhard sighs. "I guess I owe you a favor."

Well this is done, now to keep him here until Elsa arrives. Honestly where is she?

"What's going on here?" A sultry voice says out loud as the pair of doors open softly. "Is this all for me?"

Well speak of the devil and he will come.