
The Battle In The Stone

Rumble, as the quaking ground and the roaring sky both, erupted their might. Power unrivaled clashing at each other manifesting strong tremors that flattens mountains, divide the seas and breaks the skies. Two powerful masters collide their pressure preparing for a fierce battle that will surely be written in the pages of history.

On the top of the giant sword mountain, If one focused their sight one might able to see a black hooded figure eating popcorn and drinking a freshly blended smoothie as waited for the battle that was about to be unveiled. Zero who is waiting for the right opportunity to act, getting impatient from his sit.

Back to the two pinnacle leveled masters. The battle started after their chit-chat, it began with both of their fists connecting together. One symbolizes a blade and the other a claw. The power created shockwaves that dived the clouds and made craters on the ground.

The fight continued intensely with both fighting neck to neck, at this point anyone would clearly see that one is at a disadvantageous position receiving grievous wounds every time they collide together. On the other hand, the Old man only receives a few scratches here and there.

Their fight reaches its climax, one final clash, both gathered energy for their most powerful spirit ability that will decide the outcome of this battle. One created a field of blades that have the ability to cut anyone on the premise, while the other forms spheres of light outshined the sun itself.

It felt like a thousand stars clustered together tightly against each other, then suddenly fell like a hail storm of homing meteors, flying towards a single coordinate. The other man used his swords form a barricade of blades to block the incoming attack. A huge explosion engulfed the place leaving trails of dark smog clouds of dust.

Subsequently, the dust clouds dispersed it revealed a massive pit. At the core lay a motionless man who lay fallen, the golden-haired man covered in crimson blood flowing from his large wounds caused by crushed bones and functionless organs. It was a gruesome scene to look at, one might need a strong mental capacity to stomach.

The pit was filled with the fragments of his broken blades, shattered and some even smitten to dust. The man's clothes were shredded some part burned. He was barely even breathing, he used the remainder of his strength to look at the man who obliterated him to his current form. He was a very prideful man even though he knew he did not even stand a chance he refused to yield down and beg for mercy, there is always a mountain beyond a mountain.

The old man with a wing mask covering fourth of his face spoke: "What a pity another powerhouse has fallen yet again, I gave you a choice, join our cause to rule the world and clearly you picked the wrong one" with a flick of his cloak he turned around walking to the distance.

this was my cue, now for my dynamic entry. I hoped down the mountain and glided my way at the center of the pit. I saw a man who was gathering spiritual essence to heal his wounds, but it was clear as the day that he will not be able to survive much longer.

"Hello there, I was observing your battle with the spirit hall's supreme elder, Qian Daoliu, and I believe you are in need of my assistance if still want to live" Admirable even after the battle his guard never got down, what an admirable person.

"Don't worry If I wanted to kill you I would've done it earlier before you can even recover some of your strength" His eyes are sizing me up trying to measure how powerful I am. "How can I trust you and your words if I don't even know your name"

Fair enough "My name is Zero" as I introduce myself I activated my spirit ability rejuvenation. HIs body was covered in green light as the power of nature mends his wounds slowly healing leaving no scar behind returning him back to his former glory. His eyes revealed disbelief "Impossible, how can this be".

"There is no such thing as impossible in this world" as I said that I released all my spirit rings revealing [X] number of red and gold rings with a tinge of different colors.

"I-i-impossible how can such being exists, this is impossible" his words became muddled with stutters and pauses. "You say it is Impossible yet here I stand in front of you, I have a proposal to make would you like to hear it?" I lend my hand to help him stand.

"I am all ears senior, it would be a disgrace not to pay back my benefactor"

"I need allies, in the near future approximately five years from now, a great war will unfold that will decide the fate of this realm. I need you to train in seclusion hidden in the eyes of the world. Don't think about returning back to your clan, it will only bring them to harms way. Send them a message of year death if you wish to speak to them one last time" I did not wait for him to answer since I already know what it would be, just like that I apparated away.

The reason I disappeared because of IRL problems. I make chapter from midnight to early morning usually leaving me 2 hours of sleep left. My health deteriorated my inspiration disappeared my mind became exhausted unable to process more than what is left in me reducing the quality of my work. this chapter was created months ago and also what I should be posting tomorrow but I have decided to make another as a sorry to the readers I've left wondering what hole did I hid myself in.

Azellanacreators' thoughts