
(Final) Until My Bones Break Again

When I opened my eyes I saw vast lands. this place is cold, fits me just fine. I saw towering mountains that surpasses the sea of clouds. I wonder where I am. "Hey, kid are you awake"

It was Old Chen. It smells nice. I think he is cooking something and my nose says its good. "So Old Che... I mean Master, where are we" I can't think of any place in the story that matches this place's description.

"Oh, we are in the thousand desolate peaks where the land surpasses the skies" he scooped a bowl of congee and passed it to me. "Eat it, it will help you strengthen your body"

"After you're done, we will start your training" he stretches his body left and right. "Today we'll go back to the basics to strengthen your foundations, A towering castle with paper as its foundation will crumble down without even reaching the finish line"

After finishing the boul of congee Master Chen Handed me a pill. "After you take in this pill we will start our training". I placed the pill inside my mouth, it doesn't taste good.

Wait a minute why do I feel weaker. I looked at Master Chen with questioning gaze. he seems to understand what I'm implying. "That is called Dantian Sealing Pill, and guess what," my jaw is already rock bottom.

"Welcome back to the mortal stage" he jumped to the next peak. he placed both of his hands behind his back and let the wind sway his clothes and hair.

"Your first mission is to reach this peak in one months time, be careful on your way back this place is full of powerful spirit beast may I remind you"

How would I get down from here, all the sides of this mountain are flat cliffs. Let's not look down and just look up while going down. Argh, I can't do it. Maybe I can ask the system, then it wouldn't be called training.

Woo, just face all your fears and get on with it. Placing one foot down followed by the other. I was a few meters away from the top I can do this about an I don't know the amount of distance left.

How unlucky of me, the rock that I was stepping on broke and since the rocks where slippery my hands were not able to grip hard enough causing me to fall.

Budum Budum. My heart rate continues to rise faster and faster. I was falling there is no stopping it. I positioned my self to glide if there is a construction on the way.

I entered the sea of clouds, that was my regret. I should stay put and think of a way to leap to the next peak. The beautiful sea of clouds became a raging sea of storm, lightning, and thunder roaring everywhere.

I felt a burning sensation that hit my back. A lightning hit me so hard. Urgh, I can't bear the pain anymore. Thus, I hit something hard. I bounced left and right leaving me with wounds and bruises.

After an unknown amount of time. "Ahahaahahaha I survive you see that" I was about to take another step but when I look down I found out that I was still a few hundred meters above ground.

This 700 meters tall tree is what saved me. But how would I get down my back still feels burned? I need to find something to patch this up.

Argh! Sitting here won't do me good, this place freaks me out. It looks like something out of a horror film. A dark forest covered with thunderstorms and howling winds.

I opened my storage and brought out the survival manual. I remembered it depicting something about what plants can and can't be trusted.

Page 47. Burn Wound First Aid, a large leaf, vines, clean water, and a bunch of paste. A large leaf that is green in color where will I find that everything in this forest is color violet or red.

Vines, another thing to worry about. This place is full of vines nice if they weren't full of poisonous thorns. Why would I want to add salt to my injury? I may be naive and childish in some way but I ain't stupid.

Water, good old clean water where can I find you in this stormy forest raining with unknown water that evaporated, condense, and rain on me.

This place isn't safe I feel my instincts being disoriented. I slowly descended the tree for three days. Good thing that this tree's branches were big enough to fit a car.

It was a hard way down the bark of the tree was simply too slippery, covered in moss and water. I fell a few times but manage to survive with the smaller branches decelerating my fall.

My clothes are partially ripped off, dozens of bruises and scratches marked my body. The wound on my back is just getting worse.

Next morning the rain depleted, bits of light now illuminates this once dark forest. I got to use this chance to find materials. I walked branch to branch from different trees. Going down to the soil might be dangerous, spirit beasts are lurking everywhere.

I manage to find a large leaf and a vine that hasn't grown thorns yet. The only ingredients left are the water and the paste. Sadly making the paste is another unsolve matter.

It needed herbs like… there that is one. I saw just the right ingredient, it is called Nights Morning Tears a special heavenly herb that can only be found if speci!l conditions are met.

I was about to grab the flower when my spidey sense tingled. I jump backed to dodge but it still hit my leg. Urgh! It hurts, that it almost threw me off the edge.

A ten-meter long Redolent Abrosia Lizard oh God please help me. I have no way of fighting this monster except for the 9 Serious Youth Punch that was badly downgraded due to my powers being sealed.

I only need to get that herb and leave, easy peasy. I climb my way back up. Tactic number one, frontal assault, "Prepare, here I come '9 Serious Youth Punch No. 1: Black Armament' eat this"

My hand was covered in black metallic gleam that strengthens my skin's defense. As my first and the lizard's claw connected series of vibration rocked the place.

I was blasted back to the opposite tree, meanwhile, the lizard was standing there unharmed b the collision. I got to act faster.

I leaped over it trying to dodge the claw attack. A tail coming from my blind spot managed to strike my abdomen. I crashed at the tree's bark creating a small crater.

I coughed out blood, shit I wish I still have my powers back. I saw an incoming acid attack. I dodge by moving sideways. Creak, sounds of breaking can be heard.

The branch that I was stepping on is about to break. I need to find a chance to bait him while trying to reach the flower. "Face me for I last time Lizard, I'll show you who's the boss"

He dived to bite me so I jumped stepping on his head using it to spring my jump to the next branch. It tried to grab me but was too late, the branch that he was stepping on broke down.

I grabbed the herb and created the ointment for my wound. "That feels better, now where am I" I lost track of the direction when I was smitten by the lightning.

Slowly descending this place. I wish I knew what dangers await me down below. Those peering eyes that even powerful masters fears. One can fight not many but only one equal or ten of a realm below him.

I jumped from branch to branch to sped up my phase a little bit. Those vines are not strong enough to carry my weight. Almost there about 200 meters left. The further I plunge down the darker it gets.

Feels like a nightmare, a place where no light reaches. In the very depths roars, howls, and screeches sounds of creatures being purged.

"I wonder how Old Chen even got here in the first place" thud* I reached the bottom. I felt like my eyes are closed and the previous noises are now replaced with total silence.

Smell if death lingers around. I can feel my necromancy tingling even though its faint. I walked slowly being alert in every step. I bumped a few times... No, I bumped into something every ten steps or so. I even touched a gooey substance that wasn't nice in every way.

Ouch, I proclaimed as I bump yet again but this time I bumped into a wall a fairly large wall. I tried to circle around it to find out what it is. I speculate that this was a mountain base.

I was about to climb up when I saw a light. What could a spec of light be doing here in this place where no light shine. Intriguing let's explore for a bit I already know where this mountain stands so it all good.

I wonder if curiosity already killed all nine lives of the cat. I wonder what will the consequence be after I tried to mess with the unknown, would this powerless me survive?

The blue light was floating further and further away so I decided to chase it. Wow, there were hundreds of those blue lights illuminating the dark forest.

The lights seem to go in pairs. It was like a small tornado but something feels off am I seeing what I think I'm seeing. Are those lights eyes?

The movement stops and looked at my direction. Now I see it clearly ravenous eyes that are drooling can't wait to feast on its prey.

Slowly the light becomes lightning. It covered its entire body revealing a pack of wolves that easily surpasses hundreds. I slowly walk backward trying to lose myself in the dark when.

Crack* Shit I stepped on a branch. Run zero run, the wolves started to chase me. What the freak how can they fly? It looked like they were made of winds that shaped like wolves.

They are quickly gaining on me. I need to find a way to slow them down. Argh!!! Stfu, I kept bumping into stuff. Wait that's it the obstacles.

I punched and kick and bashed all that comes in my way making it stumble back obstructing they're way. I kept doing this until.

Thud* that hurts. I fell down a hole that actually saved my life. I saw the wolves passed above me not noticing my presence down below.

I waited just to be sure they're already gone. Climb up, if I was running from that direction the mountain should be northwest from here.

I reached the base of the mountain and start my climbing. Grumble* my stomach is retaliating, just endure it when we reach the top I'll be sure to ask for something delish.

It was hard grabbing to the stones as they were slippery as hell but I managed somehow. Every now and then I made stops at cave like indents on the mountain's side.

They were handy. I need to apply another ointment on my back. I grabbed the small container made of leaves from my hip. Urgh, this hurts replacing the ointment that stuck like mighty bond on my back.

I resumed my journey and reached the storm area. This is where it gets dangerous. Thunder strikes the rocks above me. The higher I get the bigger the stones are.

Where did this stuff come from? I didn't encounter any falling rocks when I was climbing below? Mysterious, really mysterious indeed.

I am only 500 meters away from the top but my hands are already trembling and my eyes closing. No, I can't die here it will be a disgrace. I caught a falling rock and use it to slice a small part of my skin.

Arghh! The pain hurts so much. That was only a small price to pay considering the consequences of losing. I raised my hand and rose my way up one step at a time.

When I saw the clearing "Such a wonderful place" I saw the sea of clouds again but this time I saw it differently I felt enlighten.

I felt being pushed upwards the air currents are making things easier for me. I was tempted to glide my way up but there is a small percentage in my calculation that says it will fail.

I won't take that chance. I will climb this steep cliff and past the test. Using the air currents I used my remaining strength to jump high then trapped at the rocks when I feel that I am about to fall.

Hard work truly pays off. When I reached the top tears crawled down my eyes. I was shattered by a billion pieces. I saw Old Chen on the peak of another mountain.

Damn it I claimed the wrong mountain. I felt guilt, anger, and rage building up inside of me. I felt so wrong, this is not what I deserved.

"Young Man you almost past it but sadly you climb the wrong one" rubbing salt in my wounds while laughing happily while eating steamed pork.

"You still have two days left to finish the task to go on time is running" I really want my powers back and punch the daylights out of this old man.

So yeah I repeated the climb nine times but every time I did it the time it takes became faster and faster. I manage to reach the deadline barely by a second.

We visited many different places like this. Poisonous Lands where I was tempered to be immune to any kind of abnormal effects.

We also visited a giant volcano and also floating islands. We have many adventures I learned a lot of things from Old Chen.

The best one that I sculpted in my mind is "Building your foundations properly might be strenuous but in the long run, it will show you what unparalleled truly means"

"Here eat this pill, it will allow you to regain your previous powers back" Old Chen Handed me a white pill

"This is the end of the road I already thought you all I know" - Old Chen

"But master…" I was cut offed.

"No buts, if fate wills it we will be able to meet again in the future farewell. You were the best student I could wish for" Remembering the days we've spent together.

All those times we joked around. Where we ate that stinky plant. All the times I've been beaten up black and blue. I will cherish those memories.

Each and every punch each and every kick. Each rock added behind my back each technique that was burned inside my head. Those are the things that will remind me to never stop training.

I fear not the man who practiced 10,000 kicks once but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. I remembered this quote from my past life. This was the one that made me continue to practice my craft to perfection but not perfect.

I opened the shop for the first time for so long I even forgot its existence. I bought a necklace that can store spirit skills. I stored Rejuvenation, Enlightenment, and Nirvana.

I gave it to Old Chen "Here master this will be my farewell gift to you I hope that this necklace will be able to save your life just like you save mine by a thousandfold"

"You're making me tear up brat, Ahahahaha I will be sure to miss you even though you only made me feel nervous. Don't worry I can protect my self" He wore the necklace and started to walk.

He never looked back only waved his hand while looking forward. Then I shall do the same, I looked straight ahead and will never look back.

Next Stop the Sword the size of the giants. Oh before I forget I am now a rank ninety five with my new spirit ring from a hundred thousand years Magnetic Blaze Salamander from the depths of the gigantic volcano.

Its still wasn't much of use except for the flames that feel cold and its ability to change the gravity and electromagnetic field around.

I also got a Black Phoenix for my necromancer spirit essence. I still can't fully understand its ability other than it corrodes stuff.

I can see the Sword mountain in my view. Only a week left before I challenge the one who controls the sky. I wonder what to believe.

He was portrayed as evil by the book but as a comrade that will risk your life for you by Old Chen. I will only know what is what when I meet him. Now let's get a placed to stay I feel like an uncivilized neanderthal from how I lived.

Finally Finished

He doesn't know who Old Chen really is except he's from the clear sky clan

sorry, this chap was rushed I will use the other parts of his training as a side chapter.

his other abilities will be further explained on an auxiliary chapter pertaining to everything so that questions won't be repetitively asked

the longest chapter yet of the week

there are 4 unnamed Serious Youth Punch comment your idea down below

rate the chapter and power stones cuz I'm shameless

Azellanacreators' thoughts