
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Chapter 19


[2 Hour Earlier]

[Third Person POV]


Goku was sad as his precious Power-Pole was taken away by a kid with a tasty name. Last night he even drank one cup of soup less than the regular. And the worst thing of all, even his beloved Grandpa was trying to take that thief's side.

Goku was currently standing in the opening nearby his hut taking a leak.

"That damned Garlic, next time he comes I am going to keep biting him until he returns my Power-Pole," Goku mumbled to himself.



Suddenly Goku heard a faint sound from above.

"Huh, what's that noise," Goku looked towards the sky.

Goku pulled his pants up and tied the belt on his waist. He turned around towards the hut and ran to ask Gohan about this sound.

"Grandpa, GRANDPA," Goku called out for Gohan.

"What is it, Goku," Gohan's voice came from the hut.

"Grandpa, there is some weird sound…."



Goku was stopped mid-sentence by an unexpected crash. Something came from the sky and crashed to the ground.

"Cough, Cough," Goku coughed and tried to wind the dust away from his face.

"GOKU, what was that explosion, are you okay," Gohan shouted as he rushed out of his hut.

"Grandpa," Goku rushed towards the voice of Gohan.

Goku ran and hugged Gohan.

"Grandpa, what was that," Goku asked Gohan.

"Let's wait for the dust to settle down first," Gohan replied.

Soon the dust in the area started to settle down, and Goku and Gohan saw a big red pole erect in the centre of their courtyard.

"My Power Pole came back to me," Goku cried in excitement, "It must have realized how bad Arlic is and returned to me,"

Goku let go of Gohan and ran towards the Power Pole, and the Power pole also leaned toward Goku. Goku in excitement didn't notice the Power-Pole falling over.



The Power-Pole fell on Goku's head as he wasn't able to catch it.

"Ouuweee," Goku cried out in pain, "Why, why is it always my head,"

"My poor Goku," Gohan mumbled while shaking his head.


[Back to the Present]

[Arlic POV]


After eating lunch, Kami gave me a break of an hour, after which Mr Popo will take over for the physical training.

Currently, I was levitating and controlling 3 dense metal spheres to train my telekinesis.

"I see, so currently I can only lift around 150 kg weight using my telekinesis," I mumbled.

"Good, Arlic, if you keep training like this, you can easily defeat weak opponents by only using telekinesis," Kami said to me.

"Lord Kami, it's time for my class," Mr Popo announced.

"Okay, Mr Popo, please take over from here," Kami nodded his head.

I slowly put the spheres down and Kami then vanished them.

I stood up and walked towards Mr Popo.

Mr Popo looked at me with his expressionless face and said, "Arlic, I'm going to teach you how to stay calm like the sky and move faster than the lightning,"

"At the current stage, although you have a good grasp of Martial Arts, you're still rough around the edges,"

"We are going to start with 'Calm as the Sky', then proceeded to 'Faster than the Lightning'"

"I understand Mr Popo," I nodded.

"Good, so let me give you an example of what happens when you become calm as the sky," Mr Popo said.

As Mr Popo said that I noticed that his presence was slowly diminishing, even though he was standing in front of me, I was not able to sense his presence at all.

"Now, faster than the lightning," Mr Popo said and vanished.

I was not even able to see how he moved.

Suddenly, I felt a subtle movement of air behind me and a very faint sound of someone moving.

I immediately turned around and raised my hands to defend myself.

"Mr Popo…" As I turned around I saw Mr Popo was standing just a couple of inches behind me.

Seeing me turning around Mr Popo smiled and nodded his head, "Good use of your senses, Arlic, I'm impressed,"

Saying so, Mr Popo vanished again, I turned around and saw that he was now standing in his previous position.

"Hmm, maybe teaching you wouldn't be that hard," Mr Popo said with a smile.

"Okay, let us start," Mr Popo said and I nodded, "To become calm as the sky you first have to empty your mind, then try to blend in surroundings, become like a stone, something that is not significant enough to catch someone's attention,"

"Now, sit down and start meditating,"

I sat down on the floor and started meditating to clear my mind. I kept focusing on my breathing and slowly my mind drifted into a peaceful state. Then as suggested by Mr Popo I started suppressing my presence to my current limit.

"Good, Arlic, you are doing good, your presence has shrunk a lot," I heard Kami's praise.

As soon as I heard Kami praising me, my mind faltered and I lost my focus. Due to this, my presence returned to normal.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Kami looking at me smirking and Mr Popo shaking his head in disappointment.

"You lost your focus because you let your thoughts astray, you need to focus on factors that are important rather than meaningless things,"

"Now, close your eyes and start again," Mr Popo instructed.

I followed Mr Popo's words and again started.


[ 3 Month Later]

It's been 3 months since I started my training at The Lookout. And unlike before, this time I'm training in a more relaxed and calm manner. I had decided to have it easy for a year, then train rigorously for the next year.

During these 3 months, after I was successful in staying focused on maintaining my presence low, Mr Popo increased the difficulty by throwing small stones from random directions. Although those stones never hurt me, they were quite distracting, which in turn would cause me to lose my focus and then start again. Due to this, I had to learn how to use my senses while being calm, and it took me a lot of effort. I even created a magic sense technique, in which I release pulses of magical waves around me to discern my surroundings without looking.

So after training for 3 months, I have been successful in learning how to hide my presence, even better than before.

And the best thing was that in the previous month Kami taught me gravity magic and from then on I cast it on myself every time I train my body. My current limit of gravity is 4 times, which I know is pretty low, but I have been training in a relaxed manner, so it is what it is.

Currently, Kami, Mr Popo, Sol and I are having a tea break.

"So, Arlic, how are your studies faring," Kami asked me.

"They are progressing well Master, I think I can easily finish the whole school education by the end of this year," I answered.

"Good good, then you'll start with the College level education, right," Kami asked and I nodded.

Kami then awkwardly rubbed the back of his head and said, "Well, even though I'm your teacher, I can't help you in your studies,"

"However, if you are interested, I have something that I can teach you,"

"Huh, what is it Master, if it is something that I don't know then I will surely learn it," I replied.

Kami smirked and said, "ጎፕ ጎነ ል ዕጎቻዪቿክፕ ፕሃየቿ ዐቻ ረልክኗሁልኗቿ, Arlic,"

{A\N- Because there are no words available for Namekian, I'm using a different style font,}

"Wha…. What did you just say, Master," I asked confused

Kami chuckled and spoke again, "It is a different type of language, Arlic,"

"What kind of language is it, Master," I asked him.

Kami laughed awkwardly and replied, "To be honest I don't know, I have known it since the beginning, I never knew how I came to learn this language,"

"So, if you are interested, I can teach it to you,"

"Master, please teach it to me," I immediately agreed.

"He-He, sure,"


[1 Hour Later]

"Okay, Arlic, you have done a good job in learning to be Calm as the sky, now we are going to start with becoming Faster than the lightning,"

"Now let me show what someone can achieve if they move faster than the lightning," Mr Popo said and took out a small string which had a small Bell attached at its end.


[Ching Ching]

"You see this bell," Mr Popo said as he shook the bell.

Mr Popo then vanished from his place and this time I was able to sense him by only using my magic sense, which indicated that previously he made small errors on purpose to see my reaction. He appeared on my left, disappeared again then appeared on my right, and then returned to his original place.

"Did you notice something, Arlic," Mr Popo asked me.

"Yes, that Bell, it didn't make any sound at all," I replied.

"Hmm, right, it was because I was moving faster than the lightning,"

"If you wish to learn this then there is only one single requirement which is to move precisely, the less wasteful movements you make the faster you become,"

"And to reduce the wasteful movements, you have to focus on improving your Martial Arts," Mr Popo explained.

"And I have a great technique to help you to practise and improve," Kami announced.

"What technique is it, Master," I inquired.

Kami smiled and said, "Image Training,"

"It is a training technique in which you can create a shadow enemy in your mindscape, and then you can train yourself by fighting that shadow enemy,"

"The best thing about this training method is that you also grow strong in the real world,"

"However, benefits are always followed by drawbacks, the worst problem of this method is that all of the damages you receive are real, if you die in your mindscape, you die in the real world,"

"And the consumption of mental strength is also quite a bit, therefore it can not be performed for longer durations,"

"Then shouldn't fighting in real be better than this method, Master," I asked doubtfully.

"Yes, for others, but in your case, don't forget about your best ability," Kami smirked.

My eyes widened as I realised what Kami meant, "Ah yes, I can regenerate in real-time, I can keep using this technique for as long as I want, this technique is certainly made for me,"

"As I said, this method is the best method for you to practice and improve," Kami repeated.

"Come I will teach you how to use this technique," Kami said and I nodded.

Kami and I sat on the floor in front of each other.

"Now, close your eyes,"

"Create a shadow image of yourself inside your mind, and empower it with your spirit,"

"Once that is done, try to connect with my mind,"

I followed Kami's orders and as soon as I did it, I felt a connection to my shadow image. It felt like I could control it similar to my real body. Then I tried to connect with Kami's mind and as I did it, my black mindscape soon changed to a grassy plain surrounded by hills. Kami was standing a couple of meters away from me.

"We are inside my mindscape and as you can see I created this place for you to understand how great this technique is,"

"Now, don't oppose the changes I'm applying to the surroundings,"

Kami said, and I felt a strong psychic wave, which soon covered the whole plain and started making changes in it. The grassy plain soon turned into a forest area, then into a desert, and I even felt the extreme heat of the desert.

"See how effective it can be to train using image training, alas if only its mental consumption was low, this technique would be a great way to train,"

"Okay, this is it, now let's get out of here," Kami said and the desert we were in started to shatter like glass.

I opened my eyes and returned to the real world.

"So did you like the technique," Kami asked me with a smile.

"It's an amazing technique, Master," I replied with excitement.

"Hmm, but make sure to use this technique alone or only with someone you trust, as an enemy can cause damage to your mind," Kami warned.

"I understand, Master," I nodded seriously.

"Umm, Master, about the things that I asked you yesterday," I asked nervously.

Kami chuckled and replied, "Sure, you can have a week's vacation, you can leave tomorrow,"

"Yaaaayyyy," I jumped in excitement, which made Kami and Mr Popo laugh.


{Current Power Level - 420}


Okay so hear me out, even after thinking about it a lot, I can not come up with things that Phoenix can help in during fights other than healing. So, I was thinking to pull off an Ash Ketchum on Phoenix and leave him on the Lookout.

And don't get me wrong I know healing comrades is an important factor during fights, but with MC present he can do everything on his own, so what can Phoenix do while staying with him, other than being an annoying pet.