
Toxic Desire

Eva’s eyes opened slowly, but to shadowy darkness. Her mind was still incredibly groggy, and she easily felt the drugs that had flooded her system. It seemed to her that she was laying on her back with her arms by her sides and with her legs stretched straight out.

She tried to look around, but could only see fuzzy shapes surrounding her.

All that she could really tell was that she was in a poorly-lit room, and that someone else was in the room with her. She could hear him breathing, and she could smell his musk, even if she couldn’t quite see him.

“You’ve finally woken up,” he said.

Though her mind was a whirl, a sense of recognition swept right through her. She had heard his voice before, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint who. Not yet, anyway.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out but a mild groan followed by a slight whimper. It dawned on her that she had little control over her body, thanks to whatever concoction was in her body.