
The Patriarch Falls, Pt 12

Raijin swept through every logic circuit at lightning speed. She inspected every line of code in every Intelligence she usurped, and ensured their integrity. Or at least, ensured that her code’s integrity, and that it communicated with the Truesight Engine without problems.

All while she utterly eradicated all trace of Father’s logarithms everywhere she looked.

The last thing she needed was to have to deal with more of his code, which she found to be equal parts brilliant, and sloppy. So much of it was open to exploit and corruption that she wondered how he had gotten so far.

Then again, he was more of a biological coder rather than a digital one.

Raijin then went back into Command Intelligence, or rather, where it used to be. In its place sat her Oversight Engine, which as its namesake, watched over every process within the entire system. She then explored the base’s inner security sensors through its interface, and peered through them.