
Rising Duelist, Pt 3

The Ra’ventrii armor hung in the air above a portable NanoRepair Platform, which glowed a light green as it slowly repaired the armor itself. A swarm of nanites flowed around the armor and slowly stitched and restrengthened it back to perfect working condition.

Next to it was the Ra’ventrii beltknife, which was also floating above its own portable NRP. It too had its own nanite cloud which reshaped, resharpened, and rehoned the edge down to its atomic structure.

Alevos tweaked the settings of the blade’s resharpening on his circular datapad while Eva looked over his shoulder. Similarly, Miko and Szereth pored over the armor’s performance data, and tweaked its responsiveness carefully.

With great fanfare and multiple vocal flourishes, an announcer’s voice resounded throughout the arena.

“And now, what you’ve all been waiting for,” she said, “the cycle’s main duel! Vestarii versus Falthoss!”