
Pulled to the Front, Pt 4

The Hegemony’s elite Erinyes fleet flashed into orbit high above Rhylen Terra. Ships came in by the dozens, and in force. Battleships and carriers and cruisers flashed into the system in clusters, and brought all their support ships with them.

At Erinyes’ core was half of the Star Dragon’s 5th Fleet, with the other half still deployed on the Hegemony’s southwestern front. As long as they had a presence there, they were sure it wouldn’t get overrun.

Though he supplemented the fleet with a myriad of disparate elite ships and fleets until it was close to a full complement. He directly commanded 2 carriers, 2 battleships, 22 cruisers, 37 destroyers, 64 frigates, and close to 1,000 fighters, mecha, and drones.

Close to his command was Eris and the Temple of Discord. Or rather, half of the Discordian fleet. Like the Star Dragon, she left the other half back where they were in Federation space. So they could continue their operations, and their income, as normal.