
Murky Depths

On realizing just how much their minds had been altered, the medic in Commander Chase immediately hit the alarms. His voice was filled with passion and authority.

“Alright, I’m putting a stop to this,” he said. “No more Prometheus for the rest of the cycle. There’s something else going on here, and I’m not allowing that to harm you!”

Eva would’ve much rather spent the remainder of her time in a Promethean Merge out in an actual machine. Just the few hours she had been out here had already changed her perspective on piloting. No way was she going to give that up.

“Aww, but there’s so much more I wanna check out,” she said, somewhat hazily. “And besides, we’ve still got hours left on our merge!”

“No! Absolutely not! You’ve clearly been affected! No way can you keep going!”

“That’s enough, Ryan,” said the Admiral, her voice stern. “We can’t tell that for certain, not from these readings, so please - maintain your composure.”