
Locked in space

Chris was alone at home as usual.

He never bothered anymore because even if the others are back, it feels more isolated. The lonely house never seems any warmer. Taking care all the house-hold chores and maintaining the appearance of it keeps him way busy. So that if there's any unexpected guest, no one can tell that even with a family of three residing in, there's not even a one time together meal a day.

He opened the door confused as the always dormant bell rang.

Because both of them carry a key.

As he opened the door, the reason was stated clear. It was sure to be a surprise and disappointment to study his closest sibling standing in front of him, smeared in dirt, with tattered clothing and bruises from being beaten up.

But he was not.

He had tried his best.

But everything has a limit when people start to go tired at a point.

Things were even worse a while back, and if it was then he would have freaked out pretty good. He couldn't even rest assured when she started coming home better than before, the way she used to leave home.

As it is said, it's even more dangerous when a criminal stop committing crime.

And he had been right.

That short while of time left her hopeless in more than ever darkness.

She needs to reveal her mind at something, and this time he shouldn't interfere. The more messed up she is than before, the more confused she gets.

Still he cannot help but play the gentle brother and worry. Situations had already turned him mature before time. He didn't even have the chance to be a kid when he actually was.

It's really painful to watch the younger sister fading away gradually in front of the eyes whom you've raised since a toddler.

Chris ran his eyes all over her again and stepped aside for her to enter. She was holding her arm; it must have been bruised good even to use the key.

Jay as usual didn't care to explain.

She still hasn't forgiven him yet.

She went straight in with her eyes facing the ground.

"Arthur will be running late, he's got overtime", he announced unnecessarily for her just to strike a conversation.

Jay just lazily strolled upstairs to her room. Anything going on in the house was completely needless for her to know about. Not even Arthur, her blood brother...nor Chris her close cousin.

She locked her room, stripped and entered the shower. The water stung her wounds and she didn't flinch at all. It felt like a heal.

But there was no other method to it.

She had to suppress her mind somehow, or else…...

She doesn't even want to recollect the memories of when it all started and how did she make it up to this time.

Only the feeling of those unbearable pain when the symptoms just bloomed and a strong will to endure it for some reason keeps returning back.

She almost had herself killed though!!!

She knew she wouldn't die, but tolerating it was nothing like a kid's job. Not even now, and won't be later too.

Getting off the shower, she put on a shirt without even rinsing herself.

A soft knock came in to her ears.

She didn't reply, she knew who it is. She only unlocked the door.

That gesture was a cue for Chris to have permission to enter. He was carrying a tray as he pushed the door with his feet.

He had been doing it for a month now. It had stopped for a while, but somehow he feels relieved to have it resumed.

Jay was sitting on the bed, facing him with her back.

Chris placed the tray beside her and sat behind.

"Show the arm first", he said politely dipping a gauge in warm water.

Jay had never been under the complaint of disobeying.

Chris first studied them properly without a word. Only he shut his eyes tight and let out a short sigh.

So many months had passed, he still has no idea of the reason, situation, mindset or motive behind all these.

He can't stop though he's just an aftermath.

There was huge bruise on the upper arm, bleeding a little.

She had more of them than cuts and a few scratches. Are those signs of kicks? Or punches?

At least she cleansed herself, which opened up the wounds more.

Jay was fair complexioned. Her injuries appeared more prominent each time.

Her palm was bleeding.

Chris first covered all the small cuts with band aids after sterilizing them and then moved to the bruises. They can't be quick treated. He just applied ice all over them so the clot fades.

Jay shows no reaction.

Not pain, nor comfort.

Chris looked up once, and continued on.

"At least….", he started to speak with a hesitating tone," …...can you tell me why?'.

It took a lot of courage to say it.

Jay looked up at him with straight eyes. No light in them. Very normal for a girl of her age, isn't it? A portray of no will to live….

Jay was grasping his words, Chris waited as she took time to response.

"Chris…", she spoke with a cracked tone," ...is it really worth meddling in a matter where you can't offer help?".

Why she is always like this? Talking in twists?

"Or rather, not being able to stay outta it since everything is already over?", Jay added.

Chris bit his lower lip without looking up. She is purposely hitting his weak vein reminding him of what he had done...for her welfare!

But still it is not something for which he feels regret.

He didn't back up on that.

"Right!", his voice changed to stern, "Can't offer help to the one whom I've raised rather than her parents, and prevented from ruining her life???".

Jay didn't care to reply further.

Chris's voice changes to a plea, "If only you had opened up just a little earlier, this would never had happened".

"Things would never have gone to normal even if I did, now it's too late", Jay said drooping her head low.

"Don't you ever care to rely on the ones who are around for you?", Chris's voice slowly breaking, "Instead you had that vile criminal keep beside you!".

Jay looked at him with narrowed eyes, her gaze rueful.

"Don't disgrace him with such a word in front of me", she said. She looked away.

Chris froze on his hands and had his mouth open.

What has she become, what has she turned into to speak such words?

The not so normal situation before, is taking a worse turn now.

All of this…. because of him….!!!

He had brainwashed her completely!!!

He had seen her, in her room clasping her hands around herself in some unknown pain, resisting her tears with a fearful expression in her eyes.

She can't even cry even if she wants to.

He had witnessed her turn in to a spirit from a soul in front of his eyes.

'Do you realize how hard it must have been for Arthur and me?", he asked in a shocked whisper.

"Don't delude yourself!", came the immediate snap.

Chris had nothing else to say more,

He couldn't speak.

Whatever Jay was facing, only the likes of her can understand it.

But people like her.....