
Random K-Pop System

An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

dexxterzxc · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Ch 18 Contest (2)

Jessica and Jay walked around the company for and hour, she brought him to places that only trainees and members of the company are allowed to go to without caring the consequences of getting caught. But luckily no one is around because they have all gathered in the hall to watch the contest.

During the time, they got accustomed to each other and they started calling each other Jay and Jess, without the honorific. She is so happy to finally be able to find a person that is able to speak English without any problem. They even exchanged phone number, which confused him a lot.

"Hey Jess, why do you have a handphone?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I have one, how else would I contact my family members?"

"Well, I thought a trainee can't have one, I heard that's what it says in the trainee contract."

"Whoever you heard that from, that's not true at all. We are allowed to use the phones on holidays and after our practices. However, you should put your phones away when you are attending the classes (dancing, singing, etiquette, language etc) in the company, it's gonna get confiscated if you got caught using them during the classes."

'Seems like not everything I read in the articles from my past life is true, better stop making any assumptions based on rumors in the future.'


"The contest is starting soon, I'm going back to join my friends, you coming with?"

"Nah, maybe next time. I have to join the others trainees, but I'll be watching you very closely okay?! You better do well! Otherwise... I'll be blocking your number on my phone! Hmph!" She walks away while those twintails.

"That's all the motivation I needed..."

When he returns to his boys, the first contestant is already performing on the stage. All four of them stare hard at the contestant, observing and discussing every details of the performance.

"That's Forever Love by FinKL sunbaenim." < Yunho

"She is making a lot of mistakes in her dance, is she nervous?" < Dong Hae

"If you are the first contestant to step on the stage, I'm sure you would be nervous as hell too." < Hyuk Jae

"If she doesn't do well in the singing contest, she is out." < Changmin

(FYI, depending on what you apply for, you have to participate in all kinds of contest, for Jay and the boys' case, they applied to be a trainee for an idol, so they have to participaate in singing, dancing and looks contest.)

"Hi boys!" < Jay

"Oh? You are finally back? I saw you hanging out with a girl earlier, who was that?" < Yunho

"She is a trainee in this company, we met by accident." < Jay

"Ha... if only this kind of accident happens to me more often..." < Hyuk Jae

"Why is it always you? First Jee Eun, now this? Argh, life isn't fair!" < Yunho

"I'm nothing compared to Dong Hae and Changmin, do you know how many love letters they receive a year?" < Jay

"Hyung, we never met or spoken with any of the girls, so technically you are the only one that has the most experience with girls." < Changmin

"Mwo? That's bullshit! I have seen Dong Hae hanging out with different girls on multiple ocassions!"< Jay

"Yah! You promised not to say anything about that!" < Dong Hae

"What?! All these time you've been acting shy and all that... but you are actually a playboy?!" < Yunho

"The innocent Dong Hae is no longer with us anymore... sobs sobs. *wiping fake tears" < Hyuk Jae

"Dong Hae hyung?! Didn't you say we should wait until we are at least 18 for this?! What is this?!" < Changmin

"Ah... maknae is really angry this time." < Jay

"Changmin ah! Listen to me, there is a reason for this, I went out with them to properly reject them, to set an example for other girls that I'm not interested in dating at all at the moment! Trust me! Yah Jay! Say something, this is all your fault!" < Dong Hae

"*whistling" < Jay

"I'm gonna kill you!" < Dong Hae

The mood of the group turns 'cheerful?', and they no longer pay any attention to the other contestants. This is Jay's plan all along, to lift their spirits and to make them less nervous. They talked about everything other than the contest, until Yunho's number was called.

"Yunho ah hwaiting!" < Jay

"You can do this easily!" < Dong Hae

"Go show them why they call you the best dancer in our generation!" < Hyuk Jae

"Hyung, a lot of girls are watching this!" < Changmin

"Changmin ah, that just added more pressure for me, but thank you guys!" < Yunho

He takes a deep breath before going up to the stage, remembering he is the oldest (older than Jay by a few days) in the group, he needs to set an example for them.

He bows to the officials and crowd, introduces himself and starts his freestyle dance, mixing every type dance he knows in his book, without any beats.

This might be the first time the officials show interest in the contestant. When his performance ends, he even receives praises and applauds from them.

Yunho bows to them and the crowd once again and smiles satisfyingly while walking down the stage.

When he returns to the group, everyone congratulates him for his excellent performance.

"Did you notice President Lee Soo Man just now? He nodded his head." < Jay

"Yeah, that's the first time I saw Kangta sunbaenim's smile." < Hyuk Jae

"I can't imagine how much pressure you put on the next contestant though..." < Dong Hae

"Look, the next contestant is up, it's a girl." < Changmin

"Oh it's her! I know her! Well if it's her, she won't be feeling nervous at all, because she might be better than me at freestyling, just watch." < Yunho

"Oh... you who rarely praises a person have such high opinion of her? Damn she must be really good then, let's see what she can do." < Hyuk Jae

'That's...' (Jay already knows who she is)


P.s Who will it be?