
Chapter 4 - Making Friends and Enemies

'huff, puff...' "Fuck you...", "Little bit of pain my a*s."

"Just tell me the effects of the Devouring bloodline."

[Devouring Bloodline "Level 1" - Effect 1: < Active > Consume any forms of energy or mass and convert into chakra; Effect 2: < Active > Can consume stats from killed beings to improve the host's stats; Effect 3: < Passive > Devour all natural needs (host no longer needs sleep, to eat, to use the toilet, to drink, to breathe air, etc.), but host will get stat penalties if he continues to do these actions; Rest of effects locked, available at higher levels]

"Damn, that is going to be convenient but prove to be quite difficult to hide my bloodline and pretend to be an ordinary human, although I feel it is rather important for me to understand the basics of the world I'm in. System can you explain all basic information of where I currently am"

(Author Note: This is me just explaining the Naruto world, I will have a line of stars at where the information ends if you want to skip it)

[Host is in a parallel universe called the Naruto Centered Parallel Universe or Narutoverse for short. The basic abilities for humans in this world are the class known as Shinobi (also known as Ninja). The power levels for ninjas from weakest to strongest are Regular Human (Levels 1-9), Academy Student (Levels 10-25), Genin (Levels 26-50), Chuunin (Levels 51-100), Jounin(Levels 101-1000) and Kage (1000+). The host is currently ranked as Regular Human. Ninjas in this world use the form of 'energy' called Chakra (chakra is composed of 50% physical chakra and 50% spiritual chakra) to use Jutsus (aka skills). Also, most jutsus require specific names as well as specific 'seals' (basically hand positions) to be done beforehand.

There are three aspects to chakra: Shape and Structure, where Shape refers to transforming the shape (such as an orb or a spear etc.) and Structure relates to Yin or Yang Release. Yin or Yang Release is not considered an elemental nature (explained in the second aspect) because it doesn't change the chakra into a specific element. Instead, it changes the balance (positive & negative) of the structure of the chakra. This aspect is the base for all jutsus and is not included in the jutsu name.

Second is the Elemental Nature, which refers to Nature Transformation. Used for any jutsu, and with a prefix of "Something Release: Something no jutsu" (e.g., Lightning Release: Chidori). There are five elements that are strong, weak or average against other elements. Fire > Wind > Lightning > Earth > Water > Fire. So, for example, fire is strong against wind, weak against water and is balanced against lightning and earth.

The third is Composition which for now is not important because there is only one composition for now which is 50% physical chakra and 50% nature chakra

The next piece of information is that some clans have special abilities called Kekkei Genkai (also known as bloodlines), Kekkei Genkai are jutsu passed down through blood and DNA in clans and consist of 2 or more elemental natures and usually with Yin or Yang release. Host's Devouring bloodline does not follow Narutoverse Kekkei Genkai logic.

There are also many classifications of Jutsu and other abilities such as Ninjutsu (basically releasing chakra to cause a change in the physical world), Genjutsu (Mainly illusions), Taijutsu (Physical attributes and physical techniques) and more which will be explained to host upon encountering it.]


"Okay then, time to go to the village."

*At the village entrance*

"Halt child, who goes there and what is your purpose for visiting?" said a man dressed in clothes I assume is the Hidden leaf village shinobi attire

"Emm… Hello, my name is Jake, and I'm here because I have gotten lost. Do you mind if I ask who you are and where I am?" I ask," I can do.

"Hmm… (thinking sound), I suppose a child won't be too much of a threat but I suppose the Lord Hokage will decide what to do with you" said the man mumbling to himself

Suddenly the man turns back to face me while saying in a casual tone that turns inquisitive tone towards the end, "Well my name is Bill, but more importantly where is your parents' child?"

"I don't know who my parents are, all I know is I woke up in the forest a couple of months ago with little to no memories apart from my name, and after spending some time walking around I arrived here.", I said trying to sound as naïve as possible and allowing for gaps in my knowledge to be explainable

"Well come on then follow me to see Lord Hokage, and he will decide what to do about you," said Bill in a tone that left no room for negotiation

"Okay then Mr. Bill" I replied before following behind him

"B.R.O. Who is the Hokage?" I whisper to the system in hopes that Bill and nobody else will hear me

"Hmm what was that boy?" asked Bill with a puzzled look on his face

"I said the village looks super cool," I answered trying to keep a straight face, so he doesn't see through my lie. I see Bill turn around and continue walking without dwelling on the topic, so I think I fooled him.

[To answer your question, The Hokage is the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village with strength at the Kage level, also host can communicate with my simply by thinking what you would like to say]

~ "Really, why didn't you tell me that before then?" ~ (~'s means Jake is communicating inside his head to the system)

[Host did not ask]… It was at this point I realised B.R.O. was not step-by-step babysitting me and instead only gave me the information necessary to survival.

* After several minutes of walking *

"Alright Jake we have arrived, have a seat and wait for you to be called in by Lord Hokage's secretary," said Bill before gesturing at a seat and then walking away

I sat down as asked and just hoped that the Hokage wouldn't kill me or worse, not as though there is much worse than death for a second time

After approximately 30 minutes of waiting, I see a child running out of the Hokage's office while yelling "See you later old man Hokage, next time I won't get caught by you." Due to the speed, he was going he collided right into me knocking both of us to the ground

"*Insert pain sound*, Hey what the hell was that for, look where you are going next time," said the young man with a face full of arrogance and self-righteousness.

WHAT THE F*CK, IT WAS HIS OWN F*CKING FAULT!!! *Insert long deep breath*, oh well no point getting angry over an ignorant child so I will get up and just ignore him

"Hey, why are you ignoring the future greatest Hokage? Are you too intimidated by my presence to reply to me? I suppose I'll let you off if you worship me and call me Boss. Hehe I'm very generous right?" said the foolish child with a look on his face that told me he actually thinks I am intimidated and should be grateful for his offer.

While trying my hardest not to beat him up, I thankfully hear a calm and confident voice from the Hokage's office saying "Jake, you may enter now please."

"Ha ha ha, have fun getting yelled at kiddo," said the child as he walked away while giggling to himself like he just said something hilarious

Now that I think about it, why the hell did the child have whisker looking lines on his face, and what the hell is up with his atrocious fashion sense. An orange jumpsuit. I can only classify him as hopelessly doomed and destined to become anything great let alone a Hokage.

As I enter the Hokage's office, I see an old man sitting behind a desk surrounded by mountains of paperwork with a look of disappointment on his face. "I apologise for Naruto's behaviour, he is actually quite a nice boy once you get to know him", he says in a tone so earnest and convincing, I would actually believe him if I hadn't already met the kid he calls Naruto.

"So, I was told you are an orphan called Jake…, do you have a last name?" he asks in an attempt to get to know me better

"Nope, no last name for now," I reply

"Well none the less, Jake I have sent my team to perform a background check to see what we can find out about you but until then you will be given a place in the orphanage to live for a while, until we find out somewhere more permanent for you to stay", he says then gestures for me to leave, after which a man appears out of nowhere and gestures for me to follow him.

*On the journey from the Hokage's office to the orphanage*

"Hey, Ino why do you think that child has different coloured eyes? It makes him look weird. I have never seen him around here before." said an obnoxious sounding, big foreheaded, pink haired girl who looks like she will always be useless

"Don't know, but it looks pretty cool to me. Although you shouldn't be insulting other people's appearances Forehead Girl", said a cool, stylish girl who will definitely grow up to be useful and beautiful

By this point in the conversation, we have passed to far away from them but I did her Ugly calling 'Ino' (which I guess is her name) by the name of 'Ino-pig' which is just a stupid insult in my opinion.

I think I could be friends with Ino, but I'm betting Ugly is friends with that arrogant Can no toe, or whatever his name was

*Even after all the commotion we arrive at the orphanage, and since it is night time, I get assigned a room and fall asleep straight away*

Screw naruto and sakura. Dont like either of them

BroMan987creators' thoughts