
Rage Fuel!!! - The Prey

As Jerald crushes into the rocky corner of the cave, he shrieks in pain, trying to hold onto his remaining consciousness. His HP has once again dropped from the impact of crushing into the rocky side of the cave (13/100).

"Ah, da*n it! Can't I just take a break on being flung onto the air like a da*m bird!" Jerald shouted, seemingly angry and stressed at the current situation.

Jerald then proceeds to open his inventory and retrieve a single bottle of HP Potion, which he then drank to fully restore his health (100/100). As he drinks the bottle of HP Potion, the ground rat once again lays its attention on Jerald, preparing to charge.

Jerald then holds his steel dagger tightly and prepares for the incoming assault. It seems like the more angrier he gets, the more focused he becomes. Also, the effect of "Eyes of Privilege" to think 10x faster is currently aiding him.

"Come you stupid beast! You're nothing but a bundle EXP for me; you think I'm scared!" Jerald shouts with a mocking and taunting tone, making the ground rat's sensitive ear irritated from all of Jerald's mindless shouting. It then charges head straight forward with the goal of slashing its prey like tofu.

As the beast charges forward in a single direction, its pattern is now more evident and obvious because of its irritation and piled-up anger.

Jerald then climbs a huge rock and waits for the right moment to get closer to the beast, and once it gets in range, Jerald jumps unto its back and stabs the hell out of it, making the ground rat more ferocious and wild. As the ground rat tries to shake Jerald off its back, Jerald holds his steel dagger and pierces its skin, holding and sticking on for dear life.

As the ground rat tries to resist the continuous stabbing, it loses more HP as time goes by because of blood loss and bleeding (779/1000).

Jerald then uses his steel dagger to climb up on the ground, stabbing his way up on its neck, then climbing near into its ear. Jerald then takes a deep breath and shouts with all his might until his throat becomes sore.

The ground rat, with a very sensitive pair of huge ears, suddenly burst out with a faint presence of blood, making the ground rat dizzy and fall straight onto the ground.

Jerald seeing the 2-meter-tall rat fall into the ground made him laugh out loud. "Ahhaahhaha! You sure gave me a really hard time, Huh! You were such a huge pain in the a**! but turning me into this kind of mess is a huge price to pay!" Jerald walks with a huge smile that resembles a maniac, full of anger and annoyance while laughing, as he slowly approaches the nearly dead ground rat menacingly.

The beast then tries to stand up or fight back, but its useless attempts ultimately fail, and once again it falls into a side position on the ground. Jerald then takes his steel dagger, holding it tight in his right hand, and stabs the stomach of the ground rat with all his remaining strength. The ground rat then lets out screams of pain echoing across the cave.

"Yes, yes! Not so tough now are you! Now suffer and let me hear more of your screams of pain!" Jerald laughed while mercilessly stabbing the stomach of the Huge Ground rat.

As Jerald stabbed its stomach multiple times, the gush of blood painted Jerald's face and body, making him resemble a predator feeding on its hard-catching prey. "You taught you're the predator while your nothing but a prey! A prey that can make a predator even stronger; now give me those EXP!" Jerald then stabbed its stomach for the last time, then slashing it open, making its guts come out of its body. Entrails, organs, and bones are now left exposed as Jerald ends the Huge Rat's life.

As Jerald finishes the life of the beast with his overflowing anger and stress, he now feels at peace and is relieved that it has ended with his life still intact.

"Well, I didn't think that it was that dangerous to let your intrusive and angry thoughts take over you, Huh." Jerald said in disbelief that he just killed a living being with his own hands, and yet he feels no remorse nor pity against it, even though it's his first time killing a living being.

"Well, at least I have taken revenge on the beast that killed this body's owner; now the kid's soul can finally rest in peace." Jerald prayed with respect, while closing his eyes and praying for the kid's soul to be in peace.

then a system panel opens in front of Jerald.

<Congratulations! You have gained 3000 Exp for killing the Huge Giant Rat; you are now level 3! >

"Woooooah! It was worth all the trouble if I could become stronger for even just a tiny bit!" Jerald said, seemingly full of happiness and excitement.

Jerald then opens his status screen and sees the improvements to his stats.


Name: Jerald

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Height: 3'8

Weight: 22kg

Level 3 (300/3000 Exp)

Race: Human

Title: (The Reincarnated One)

Health: 300/300

Strength: 20

Agility: 28

Defense: 22

Intelligence: 35-(+10)

Mana: 120/120-(+100)

<You 10 have stat points.>


The Reincarnated One (Max): You will have a higher chance of triggering fateful events, which can be bad or good.

Eyes of the Privilege Lv1—the ability to look at the status of living beings and inanimate things—can also strengthen the mind and make the brain think 10x faster.


"Hey Giya, are these stat points what I think they are?" Jerald asks with great enthusiasm and excitement.

<Yes, it is what you might think is; it's the points can use to increase your current status.> Jerald starts to decide in which stat he will put the available points.

"Hm, let's put it here and there. Done." Jerald has now assigned the points to his choice of stats.


Name: Jerald

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Height: 3'8

Weight: 22kg

Level 3 (300/3000 Exp)

Race: Human

Title: (The Reincarnated One)

Health: (300/300)

Strength: 25

Agility: 33

Defense: 22

Intelligence: 35-(+10)

Mana: 120/120-(+100)


The Reincarnated One (Max): You will have a higher chance of triggering fateful events, which can be bad or good.

Eyes of the Privilege Lv1—being able to look at the status of living beings and inanimate objects—can also strengthen the mind and make the brain think 10x faster.


"Look at that, now it looks a lot more decent than my previous stat... I guess?" Jerald questioned with doubt, for he is still not aware of what stat might be considered normal.

"Hey Giya, can you tell me what a normal adult male stat would look like?" Jerald asks Giya for this information so he can compare his current stats with those of adults.

<Well, a normal and healthy adult male's stats from your world would contain at least 18–25, so comparing to those of male adults, you will be considered great athlete.> Jerald then smiles because of the benefits he gained through the recent hardship.

"Anyways, I stink!"

-Jerald currently covered in blood and flesh...

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