
Race Around the World. Book 1

Book one of an action packed expandable race that starts in Hollywood, ends in Spain, and later continues on. Racing teams partner up and then race from state to state, country to country, and continent to continent trying to get ahead of the other racers so they can win. If something bad happens to a racing team, they might get disqualified from the race and then get replaced with another team, but they might be seen again and then get let back in the race.

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Chapter 15

The next day, all the racers lined up at the starting line and waited for Lacey to shoot off the starting pistol. Once she did, The Genie's Bottle started their 60-second head start and raced off to California. The Genie's Bottle raced through Texas and into New Mexico. Then they drove through New Mexico and stopped at a giant traffic jam covering every square inch of the street. Lacey and Stephanie flew overhead and saw the traffic jam stop The Genie's Bottle. Lacey said, "Looks like our racers will have to think to get by this notorious heavy traffic." Then Stephanie reshot the starting pistol, and all the other racers raced to California and tried to catch The Genie's Bottle.