
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs


"So you want me to pierce your ears?" Fuutarou asked Nino who nodded repeatedly. Fuutarou looked at the piercing device in his hands.

"Are you sure you want this? You'll suffer for a while if it gets infected. Trust me on this one, Nino." Fuutarou explained as he pointed at his left ear. Nino looked closely and saw that his ear had three unnoticeable small holes in it.

"Wait, you got your ears pierced too?! "Nino asked excitedly with stars shining in her dark blue eyes. Fuutarou chuckled and nodded.

'She really likes bad boys doesn't she?' Fuutarou mused before opening his mouth to reply to her question.

"For a time, I did wear three earrings on my left ear. But I took it off because I suddenly found it unfashionable." Fuutarou explained. Nino hummed softly and pointed at her ears.

"Are you really sure about this, Nino? You can never go back after I literally put two holes on your body, even if it's small. " Fuutarou asked her, hesitating because he can sense the immense amount of fear Nino was feeling.

" U-um...." Nino mumbled, unsure what to say to him. Was she really ready to get ear piercings?

"There's no need to be impatient. There's always another time Nino." Fuutarou added with a soft smile on his face. That's when Nino made yer decision.

" Y-you know what Fuutarou, you can pierce my ears in the future. You're right, there's no need to be impatient. I'll get it pierced before I wear a wedding dress." Nino decided. Fuutarou smiled and handed back the ear piercing device to her. Nino put it in the pocket on her blouse.

"How about we look at this together!" Nino suggested while taking out a book that had the title 'Memories Album' written on it.

" Sure." Fuutarou agreed as they sat closer to each other as Nino showed them pictures of when the Nakano Quintuplets were children.

"Look! At that age we were all so cute! And now we're the sexiest people in the whole world!" Nino declared proudly while pointing at a picture. Fuutarou smiled.

" Yeah, you guys are really cute and still are. Especially this girl right here." Fuutarou pointed at one of the Quints with a smug smirk on his face. The quint he pointed at was a young Nino who was grinning broadly in the picture.

Nino's face suddenly became as red as tomatoes. She looked at Fuutarou's smug expression, she pouted at him now knowing that he had done that on purpose.

But Nino had another question in her mind. "H-hey Fuutarou, how the hell are you able to tell us apart?" Nino asked him. Fuutarou shrugged.

" I dunno Nino, guess my eyes are pretty special." Fuutarou grinned at her, making Nino roll her eyes. But Nino knew what the answer to her question was. Fuutarou continued looking at the photo album as Nino's blush became redder than roses as soon as she realized that answer.

'Love!! Grandpa said that it's thanks to love that he's able to tell all five of us apart even if we're assuming the same appearance!....Wait!! Does that mean—' Nino widened her eyes in pure disbelief as she looked at Fuutarou who was smiling while flipping through the photo book.

'N-no w-way!!! T-there is no way t-that he feels that way about us!!' Nino shouted in her mind as her head started having steam rising out of it. Fuutarou looked at Nino who was a blushing mess.

'Did that one compliment affect her this much?' Fuutarou raised a brow at her before chuckling. He gave her the photo album.

"Nino, before we start the tutoring session, why not show your sisters these photos? " Fuutarou suggested. Nino widened her eyes before rushing out of the room.

"I haven't opened this in years, thanks for suggesting that Fuutarou!" Nino gave him a warm smile before exiting her bedroom. Fuutarou smiled as he exited the room too. But his smile quickly disappeared as he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

He widened his eyes a little as he looked at the caller. It was the Quints' father, Maruo. He answered the call and put his phone near his ear.

"Hello Uncle Maruo, long time no talk. How are you?" Fuutarou asked him.

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How are you Uesugi-kun? Is your tutoring going alright?" Maruo asked him.

" I'm doing great, Uncle. The Quints are really hardworking and really good at paying attention. They're really eager to get their grades up too. I'm glad that I'm able to teach them." Fuutarou answered.

" That's good to hear, Uesugi-kun. I heard that the midterm exams is coming up, but I'm happy to hear that you're all studying so hard. Even if it's a bit unfair for you Uesugi-kun, I'd like to use this test as a test of your skills as well. " Maruo revealed, intriguing Fuutarou who smirked.

" Oh? I like a good challenge, Uncle. It better be a good one." Fuutarou challenged. On the other side of the call, Maruo smirked at Fuutarou's words.

"As you already know, the midterm exams is in a week. If one of the Quintuplets get a failing grade, I'll find them a new tutor. " Maruo explained. Fuutarou resisted laughing out loud on the spot.

" That's it uncle?! I assure you that you won't have to waste your precious time finding a new tutor for them." Fuutarou replied with an amused tone.

" Your reaction is expected, Uesugi-kun. This is such an easy request and if you couldn't do it, how can trust you with all of my girls?"

" Uncle, they will pass the exams. That's a promise." Fuutarou replied seriously.

"I will hold you to that, Uesugi-kun. Good luck, but you don't really need it to be honest. I hope we can meet in person soon. Goodbye. "

"Yeah, bye uncle." Fuutarou ended the call and put the phone back into his pocket. He confidently walked down the stairs and to the living room where the Nakano Quintuplets were.

They were sitting closely with each other while looking at Nino's photo album. Fuutarou just stayed silent while watching them.

"Uncle, it's like you already forgot the promise I made when we first talked with each other. They will graduate with smiles on their faces." Fuutarou whispered to himself.



" I'm married!! Please congratulate me!!" Yotsuba declared happily. Fuutarou snapped out his musings and looked at the situation he was in.

The tutoring session was long over, but the Quints wanted him to stay for dinner. Currently, they were playing a board game called The Game of Life.

"Congratulations!" Ichika congratulated her sister happily while Miku stayed silent. Ichika, Miku and Yotsuba were playing with Fuutarou while Nino and Itsuki were somewhere else.

"Man....I wish I can marry you, Yotsuba." Fuutarou grumbled, making the three sisters freeze in shock at his words.

"Wawawawawa???" Yotsuba stuttered incoherently while steam was rising out of her bright red face. Ichika and Miku was blushing at the same intensity at Fuutarou's unexpected words. Fuutarou smiled at them while leaning on his right hand.

"I mean....Who wouldn't marry Yotsuba? She's beautiful, she's strong, she's kind, she's cheerful and also really hardworking. Whoever marries her in the future is gonna be one lucky dude. " Fuutarou described her while having a blush on his face. Yotsuba wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face into it.

"The only one I would m-marry is you....Uesugi-san...." She whispered to herself. Her sisters didn't hear it but Fuutarou did hear it loud and clear due to his superhuman hearing he gained from the Heavenly Restriction skill.

"Damnit.... It backfired...." Fuutarou whispered as he looked away from them to hide the fact that he was blushing vividly from Yotsuba's words.

"Hey, me and Itsuki went to take a bath together and now you guys are playing board games without me?" Nino asked her sisters while she and Itsuki were walking towards them.

Itsuki sat beside Fuutarou and looked at the blonde who had a flustered expression on him

"What happened to you, Uesugi-kun?" She asked Fuutarou stayed silent. Ichika laughed nervously.

"It's nothing to be concerned about, Itsuki. Fuutarou's just really excited to stay over tonight." Ichika explained to the confusion of her sisters. Even Miku and Yotsuba who knew what really happened, was confused at Ichika's excuse.

" When did we agree that Fuutarou was going to stay overnight?" Nino asked while crossing her arms. Ichika giggled.

"I'm just suggesting, Nino. The midterm exams are coming up right? Uesugi-kun should stay here for a while so that he can teach us 24/7." Ichika explained. Yotsuba narrowed her eyes at her.

"That's just an excuse for you to try something while Uesugi-san is off guard, Ichika." Yotsuba stated. Ichika looked at her and they quickly gave each other the stink eye.

" Oh? And where's the proof in your statement, Yotsuba?" Ichika asked while having a dark shadow covering her eyes. Itsuki sighed and pulled them away from each other.

" Geez, you two have been arguing like this ever since Uesugi-kun started being in our lives. Stop that and let's discuss about what Ichika said. " Itsuki ordered. Yotsuba and Ichika pouted and crossed their arms. They huffed as they looked away from each other.

"All in favor of having Fuutarou stay here until the midterm exams are over?" Itsuki asked while raising her own hand. In an instant, her sisters all raised their hands instantly.

Fuutarou widened his eyes at their agreement. They must really like him alot if they trust him to live with them. He smiled at them.

"Nino. Why are you raising your hand? Don't you hate Fuutarou?" Miku asked Nino who snorted.

"Ever heard of a change of heart, Miku?" Nino asked while having a smirk on her face. Ichika giggled.

"I'm glad that we can all agree on something for once. You should go shower first Fuutarou-kun, then you can teach us some more before we go to sleep." Ichika requested. Fuutarou nodded and walked towards the bathroom, leaving the Quints to their own devices.

"Hey, Nino. Did you drain the bathwater like I told you to?" Itsuki asked Nino who didn't answer and looked away with a blush on her face.

"N-nino!! Did you realize what you've done!!" Itsuki squealed out with a big blush of her own.

"What's wrong, Itsuki?" Yotsuba asked her.

" Nino didn't drain the water in the bathtub that we bathed in when we were bathing together! If she didn't, then Uesugi-kun is going to mistake that we already filled up the bathtub for him. So.... so... " Itsuki covered her face with her hands. The words she wanted to say is very embarrassing.

"And then what Itsuki?" Miku asked, fearing her sister's answer. Nino looked at them.

"F-fuutarou is gonna be b-bathing in me and Itsuki's bathwater...." Nino stuttered out.


To be continued.....