
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


"We're back girls." Fuutarou announced, making his and Itsuki's presence known. In a blitz, Yotsuba came rushing out from the kitchen. When she saw the figure of Fuutarou, she immediately ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba shouted while hugging hum lovingly. Itsuki frowned at seeing her so clingy with Fuutarou.

Fuutarou smiled because of her nice hug and patted her head, "Hey Yotsuba, you really love hugging me, don't you?" What he got as reply were her giggles and a tighter hug, that made Itsuki frown even more.

"Ara ara~, someone seems very happy to see Fuutarou-kun." said a sudden voice coming from behind Yotsuba.

Fuutarou and the other 2 sisters looked forward and saw Ichika, Nino and Miku. Ichika had an amused smile, Miku a pout and Nino had her narrowed gaze at him.

"What? You wanna do the same thing right sis?" Yotsuba asked with a smug to counter her sister's teasing, while still being glued to the young man.

Her response managed to get a blush from the oldest sister. "Hehe, m-maybe y-yes." Ichika replied timidly. Yotsuba smirked, satisfied with her counter move.

"Alright girls. Instead of arguing or whatever, wanna take a look at the gifts that I got for all of you?" Fuutarou offered. Nino widened her eyes hearing that Fuutarou had gifts for them.

" A gift for me?! Where is it, Fuutarou? Show me now!" Nino demanded. Fuutarou chuckled and took out the necklaces he bought, showing them to the sisters. He put the necklaces around their necks himself.

The purple one to Nino, the yellow to Ichika, the green to Yotsuba and the blue one to Miku. His gesture made them blush and admired what they received.

"I gave one to Itsuki too." Fuutarou turned to Itsuki to give her a smile, which she returned with a one of her own.

Miku who was still admiring her necklace, smiled brightly and went to hug him with her face on his chest. "Thank you so much, Fuutarou! I love it!" She told him happily.

After her, even the other sisters with Miku included went to hug him from the happiness of receiving a present from him for their efforts. Then they all thanked dearly.

"Thank you Uesugi-san! I love it as well!"

"This is beautiful, Fuutarou! You have good taste!I will wear it every day!"

"Onee-chan loves your present, Fuutarou-kun."

"Thanks again, Fuutarou."

Fuutarou smiled and hugged the five of them all in one go. "You're welcome girls. All of you did your best, so I thought that a little present was deserved. I'm glad that you like them!"

They broke off the hug after some minutes. Fuutarou turned to Itsuki and smiled at her "So, do you want to start making me the onigiri you wanted to make, Itsuki?"

She blushed when he looked at her with his grin, and her sisters, especially Ichika and Yotsuba frowned when he gave his attention to her. Itsuki smiled in return and nodded happily, but she first went to change her clothes.

When Itsuki went to her room, Nino took the chance to talk to Fuutarou, "Hey, would you like something sweet too? I can bake some cookies if you want." Nino offered.

He turned to her and patted her head, making her blush and giggle. "Yeah, I would love to have some cookies too. Thank you Nino." He replied.

Nino continued to giggle and went to the kitchen to start baking the cookies and making dinner for her sisters at the same time. Seeing her sister getting away from him, Yotsuba went to their tutor. "Did you and Miku have fun to the amusement park?" She asked cheerfully.

Fuutaoru looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, it was very fun experience. I'm definitely bringing you all to go there together one day. "Fuutarou promised them.

Yotsuba smiled brightly and said, "Yay! We can have fun all together!" That's what she said on the outside, but in truth she wanted to have the same date that her sister had with her childhood crush. Still, she didn't want to show it and make a scene. She didn't want to make him worry.

Yotsuba has a self sacrificing personality. She hated it because it interfered with her education and her relationship with Fuutarou a lot.

Miku and Ichika, on the other hand, giggled to see their cheerful sister so happy for the idea of having fun all together.

But like her, they wanted to have the same opportunity that Itsuki had. Also, they were curious about what happened between her and their tutor while they were alone.

And they would ask Itsuki about it later when Fuutarou's gone, they would also ask her about why she had lied to them in the first place.

While they waited for the food, they decided to play some board games with each other. Some time later, the cookies and dinner Nino made and the onigiri Itsuki made were done.

Fuutarou and the quints ate them while watching anime. Fuutarou savoured both the onigiri and the cookies, praising Itsuki and Nino about how they tasted so good and giving them headpats. They happily smiled and enjoyed his gesture, and joined the group in watching anime for the rest of the night.

Eventually it got pretty late, Fuutarou decided to go home. He got up from the couch, but before going to the door, he went to Itsuki and gave her a headpat. Her sisters frowned at this, wanting to be in that position so badly.

"I had lots of fun today. Thank you very much, Itsuki." He told her with a broad grin on his face.

She blushed. "T-thank you as well, Fuutarou. I had a lot of fun too." She stuttered back.

The star student smiled and went to the door to leave the house. Before leaving, he turned around and said goodbye to the 5 sisters, thanking again Nino and Itsuki for the food they made. They happily returned the gesture. Fuutarou then put on his shoes and left the apartment. After making sure he was gone, Ichika turned to look at Itsuki with a sly smile on her face.

"Alright Itsuki, would you like to tell us what happened during your date with Fuutarou-kun? And would you also like to tell us why you lied to us just so you can go on a date with him?"




" I'm gonna breeze through this." Fuutarou whispered as he looked at the paper in his hands. It was about the announcement about the midterm exams.

"But why do you look so worried?" Isanari asked his son. Fuutarou put the paper on his table and started eating the lunch Raiha cooked for them.

"It's the Quints that I'm worried about. I can't help but be worried that they might fail the tests." Fuutarou explained.

" Have faith in your teaching abilities, son. You told me that they've improved a lot since you started teaching them right? If that doesn't put out your worries, then I don't know what will." Isanari said.

" I can't help it, dad. There's always that one small part in my mind that's whispering about how they'll fail the exams." Fuutarou mumbled as he drunk the miso soup.

"That's normal. Even now, I still get worried about whether we will have customers in our shop or not." Isanari replied.

" Hmm.... " Fuutarou hummed as he ate his lunch silently. Not only does he need to make sure the Quints pass their exams, he also needed to be leading the fight between Toman and Valhalla.

His mind went back to the appointment of the new Seventh Division Captain Tetta Kisaki. He resented Mikey for not discussing this with him before the final decision was made.

They were supposed to be a team, but Mikey threw that straight out of the window and into the dumpster. Mikey will have to be observed carefully in the future.




"You're early again, Fuutarou." Nino commented while letting out a yawn. Fuutarou laughed nervously and scratched his head.

"Sorry Nino, the midterm exams are coming up and I can't afford to waste a single second. The goal for you five is to pass the exams." Fuutarou explained. Nino huffed and crossed her arms.

"But still, you could've arrived later when we're in our everyday clothes." Nino replied. Fuutarou noticed that she was still in her sleepwear. A purple long sleeved blouse that didn't even reach her knees.

"Good morning Uesugi-san!!" Yotsuba shouted happily as she rushed towards him. She hugged him tightly. Fuutarou smiled and hugged her back. Yotsuba was wearing a brown colored animal themed onesie.

Fuutarou could not resist and stared at her round butt. The onesie wasn't very good at hiding her well endowed figure.

"Fuutarou, stop ogling my sister." Miku commented while staring at him with an emotionless gaze. Fuutarou blushed and immediately released the hug he had with Yotsuba. Yotsuba pouted, annoyed that the hug was released.

"Can you do it by yourself?" Ichika asked Nino while handing her an ear piercing device.

"I-I said that it's fine, don't look at me like an idiot." Nino stuttered back. Ichika giggled and went to the kitchen.

Nino looked at Fuutarou who was busy talking with Miku and Itsuki. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from them, surprising them.

"Come with me for a second, Uesugi."

To be continued...