
The Vice President is Secretly a Sadist (6)

Returning back to school, like Yin Mei suspected, there was a mountain of paperwork waiting for them to complete. "These are the proposals for this years culture festival celebration dance that the classes submitted," a student council member said as he handed off a stack of papers.

After the culture festival was over, the school would host a dance to celebrate. Although the theme changed slightly every year, it was always a luxurious and formal event.

Yin Mei recalled that the proposal that passed this year was a masquerade ball. This was always a very popular theme, and as such was often used, though the last time the school held a masquerade ball event was when Yin Mei was still in elementary school. Because of this, she thought that it was probably about time for it to resurface.

This event had been a good chance for others to bully Wen Hua. Because she was a member of the student council, she was required to attend the event. But, almost all scholarship students wouldn't go, because they didn't want to be embarrassed due to their poor clothing. Being surrounded by people wearing thousands of dollars worth of designer dresses and suits, it was no wonder that many of the poorer students would elect not to attend.

But Wen Hua didn't have that choice, nor did she have the appropriate clothes for the event.

What she did have was a Rong Sheng and Yao Heyan behind her though. Both had sent her a dress appropriate for the dance, and in the end, she chose to wear the one that Yao Heyan had sent, which had upset Rong Sheng. She didn't understand the implications of her choice, and during the ball, the two friends had fought.

Although at this point in time, it was clear that neither of them had much of an interest in Wen Hua, their relationships with her had quickly developed, especially during the culture festival.

Well, because of their interference, not only did the students not get the chance to bully Wen Hua much, but their hatred for her also increased tenfold. Yao Heyan and Rong Sheng were extremely popular. In fact, they were the most popular two boys in the school. Everyday they received a large number of love confessions and letters and presents expressing love toward them.

Huh? Yin Mei felt that her killing intent was gradually rising.

How annoying. Would she continue having to suppress this feeling all the time? It was practically suffocating her.

Anyways, because of this event at the ball, Wen Hua's reputation hit a new all-time low, her aggro drawing skills quickly leveling up at the speed of light. As for He Lanying, she was extremely upset over the fact that Rong Sheng had not taken her to the dance, but instead this Wen Hua, who didn't come from a rich family and had no status to speak of in their world.

This was where He Lanying started going against Wen Hua in earnest, while also trying to avoid the eyes of Rong Sheng and Yao Heyan in doing so.

But, through the power of sheer dumb luck and the protagonist's aura, Wen Hua was always rescued and He Lanying was revealed as the mastermind of everything.

The rest was as already mentioned.

Yin Mei tapped her pen to the desk, in deep thought. Whatever. Did she still even have to worry about such things? If Yao Heyan dared try and send Wen Hua a dress, just see how she would sort him out. Who cares if he looked like the demon king and the zombie emperor. Did he think that just that could protect him from her rage?

She looked through the proposals, finding the one on the masquerade ball. There was nothing wrong with it, so she went ahead and approved it first. Not that it mattered much. She went through the other proposals, approving or rejecting them depending on whether or not they followed the guidelines for the proposal. When she finished, the stack was now slightly smaller. They would then vote on the proposals next week.

In the end, the days passed busily like this. There was so much work to be done that the time seemed to all blur together, and the matter of the engagement was put on hold for now. Apparently Rong Sheng had indeed talked to his parents, but he was having trouble convincing them due to how much they liked He Lanying. It seemed that even the male lead was helpless against his stubborn mother.

Before they knew it, the time for the cultural festival had arrived upon them.

Yin Mei wasn't feeling particularly excited, but she did have a sense of satisfaction seeing the result of all that hard work.

"He Lanying, your waist is so thin and slender!" A female classmate of hers exclaimed, as she helped her tie the sash to the pale green and white hanfu that she was putting on.

"A thin and flexible waist like a willow, and white skin smooth like jade. Truly a traditional beauty that looks good in anything." Another girl complimented as she helped He Lanying put on a dark hanging jade emblem.

The reason why she was wearing this traditional Chinese dress was because this was the uniform for the tea shop. Of course, the other girls would never let He Lanying have to serve others, so instead she volunteered to go out and walk around as a poster girl.

After she was properly dressed, Yin Mei grabbed the class shop's signboard and held it up, preparing to walk through the halls. It was good that she could also patrol a little to check on the other booths and events going on.

Aside from Rong Sheng's and Yao Heyan's sweets cafe, there was still Wen Hua's class, who was putting on a Snow White play with randomly selected roles. Wen Hua had drawn the prince. Yin Mei had to check the information again to see when it was being shown.

It was today and tomorrow, at 2pm. Since the culture festival had just started, at 11am, then there was still three hours of time. The class members were probably roaming around enjoying the festival before they would have to head to the gym.

As for Wen Hua, she should be going around by herself. Although she didn't have any friends in her class because of the situation with Rong Sheng and the student council, that didn't decrease her enjoyment of the culture festival by too much. Of course, she had those lonely feelings inside of her for the male lead to exploit, but she would still try to make the best of things and enjoy the fancy and expensive food with the free tickets given to the students.

Well, she might come into contact with her, but considering the size of the school campus, she doubted it.

And of course, thinking such a thing automatically jinxed her, and not even half an hour later, she was hiding behind the corner as Wen Hua was being bullied by three girls at the back of a building, where barely anyone passed.

Curse her luck that she just had to see Wen Hua being led away by these three girls and she just had to follow out of curiosity.

But, there shouldn't have been such an event today according to the information. Was this the result of a butterfly effect? Godd*mned butterfly effects just have to mess up everything. That being said, the information was normally pretty accurate, it was just that sometimes things would be a little different, probably because of some insignificant action that she had taken had caused things to change.

Cliche lines like "you should quit the student council already" or "don't get too full of yourself just because the president invited you" were being thrown around, and Yin Mei wondered if people really experienced such cliche bullying scenes. This was the first time she had seen something like that. She felt a little bit embarrassed in place of the three girls who were bullying Wen Hua right now.

Yin Mei closed her eyes, seemingly deep in thought for a moment. Yep, let's leave. After deciding this, she was just about to sneak away when a familiar gentle voice echoed out.

"What are you four doing here? You know this area is off limits." Yao Heyan said, and the female bullies apologized in a flustered manner, embarrassed to have been caught by the vice-president. Much to their relief though, Yao Heyan didn't seem to have heard, as he chided them in a kind tone of voice.

Wen Hua also apologized, and the four girls soon left after another few words from Yao Heyan.

"That question is for you too, Lanying." Yao Heyan said with a smile as he poked his head around the corner and Yin Mei snorted at him, turning her head around so that he couldn't see her face.

"What are you doing following around Wen Hua. You couldn't have been worried about her, could you?" Yao Heyan said as he walked around the corner to face her, and Yin Mei harrumphed angrily. He couldn't figure out what in the world had suddenly caused her mood to be so foul.

Of course Yin Mei wasn't worried. After all, with Wen Hua's protagonist aura, she would draw all sorts of men to save her in the nick of time, right?

In the end, Yao Heyan was stuck chasing around Yin Mei throughout the school grounds and trying to comfort her, unsure what exactly he had done wrong (again). He bought her all manner of sweets, and only after two slices of cake, a parfait, and a soft serve ice cream later did she feel a little better inside.

How she doesn't get fat is a mystery.

She sat on a school bench, happily licking at her vanilla ice cream while Yao Heyan had on a helpless smile, but also felt satisfied inside that he had finally coaxed her out of her anger.

"Aren't you supposed to be busy with your class's cafe? What are you doing out here?" Yin Mei said, looking at Yao Heyan. She just noticed that he was dressed in a sharp butler's outfit, looking extremely nice. She immediately took several pictures with her phone, saving it into a new file that she would name "Yandere Vice-President".

Yao Heyan was speechless, but didn't say anything about it. "It's my turn to patrol." He said. Wasn't the patrol schedule passed out the other day? It was odd that He Lanying was unable to remember it.

Yin Mei indeed hadn't recalled the entire patrol schedule, and had just looked at her own shift. After thinking a little she did remember that Yao Heyan indeed had the first shift of the day and nodded.

"You're advertising your shop?" Yao Heyan said, looking at Yin Mei in her traditional styled hanfu. Mm, this style was very good and suited her nicely. Although he felt that she looked good in this sort of fresh spring green color, for some reason, he felt she would look even better in a fiery or blood red. An image emerged in his mind of a beautiful and luxurious red hanfu embroidered in gold. He wondered where that image had come from, but thought that it would be nice to see her in such an outfit.

Yin Mei nodded. "Then I'll come over and buy something." Yao Heyan said, although it wasn't necessary. Yin Mei still remembered that she had said she would save some of the sweets there for Yao Heyan, since they had both assumed they would both be too busy during the festival to visit each other's stores.

After speaking, Yao Heyan fell silent, and Yin Mei didn't say anything either, just licking at her ice cream. She didn't really know what to say. She felt that the emotions she had toward Yao Heyan were exceedingly complex, and the similarity that he bore in appearance with the demon king and zombie emperor didn't really help. The fact that she always felt like she was forgetting something was also quite annoying too.

But she liked this peaceful moment. It made her feel at peace with herself, and relaxed. Like all the violence, blood, and death of the previous worlds was all just a dream - a past that was far, far away.

"About the engagement..." Yao Heyan suddenly brought up, and Yin Mei looked at him.

They weren't even dating, but him and Rong Sheng just kept on talking about engagement this, engagement that. Really, it was way too embarrassing. What in the world were they even thinking?

Yao Helan noticed Yin Mei's piercing glare, and inwardly smiled as he continued on. "Don't worry too much about it. I'll make sure that the one you marry isn't Rong Sheng, but me."

If Yin Mei had been drinking something instead of eating ice cream, she definitely would have spit it out right now. Was he not embarrassed, spouting a line like that? Even if he wasn't, she felt embarrassed for him! The tips of her ears started to redden and she quickly looked the other way.

She soon reached the end of her ice cream and with a crunch, crunch, crunch, bit into the waffle cone and quickly finished that as well.

"You're getting it everywhere," Yao Heyan said in concern, taking out his handkerchief and wiping the edge of Yin Mei's mouth.

Yin Mei froze, wanting to bury herself in a hole somewhere. Some of the people walking around were staring at them, furiously whispering at each other.

It was widely acknowledged that ultimate ship of the school before this had been Rong Sheng and He Lanying, but could it be that they were all wrong and the real OTP was in fact Yao Heyan with He Lanying!?

Such thoughts ran rampant in the minds of the students who had spotted this lovey dovey scene between the two.

They quickly came up with all sorts of stories to support their theory, from Rong Sheng being rejected and thus it was why he had invited Wen Hua to the student council in a fit of jealousy, to Yao Heyan and Rong Sheng fighting an epic battle for He Lanying's hand and though Rong Sheng had emerged victorious, in the end it was Yao Heyan who had won He Lanying's heart and was thus the true winner of their battle... or some nonsense like that became the hottest rumors in the school several days after the culture festival had ended.

But that had yet to happen for now.

As for a certain Yin Mei, she was currently suffering from an endless case of her CPU crashing and rebooting as she tried to discern the meaning of Yao Heyan's actions.

Why would he want to get engaged to her?

What was this oddly romantic scene that she was experiencing right now?

In the end, she didn't come to an answer until several years later, after Yao Heyan thoroughly made clear all his feelings toward her through XX and OO means so that she could never be unsure or misunderstand him ever again.

6/9 regular chapters of the week.

littlemistcreators' thoughts