
Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Yin Mei is, or was, just an ordinary girl. An actual ordinary girl - not just those girls that claimed to be ordinary, but had hidden powers or identities. But, upon her death, she was bound to the villain saving system. It's fine and all reading about transmigration, but actually experiencing it? Having to deal with those brain dead male leads, those immoral female leads, and those pitiful cannon fodders, all while helping out the thoroughly blackened villains... Yin Mei: I wanna go home already! Male Lead: Request denied. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for all the support! Current status: indefinite hiatus

littlemist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
117 Chs

The Vice President is Secretly a Sadist (7)

After a while, the two split up as Yao Heyan returned back to his classroom and Yin Mei continued walking through the school grounds. Some time later, she stood at the back of the gymnasium while watching Wen Hua's class perform Snow White. Many of the roles were gender bent or seemingly out of place. For example, the witch was an athletic looking boy, while the princess was a cool girl that looked like she could save herself and had a harsh tone as she lectured the dwarves.

And when the cute Wen Hua came onto stage, the disconnect between the people and the roles grew greater. She played a cute and slightly clumsy prince, which elicited some laughs and warm smiles from the audience, but Yin Mei just felt increasingly annoyed inside.

In the end, she went back to her classroom to change out of her outfit and met up with a member of the disciplinary committee to patrol the campus grounds. Now that she thought about it, shouldn't Yao Heyan have also been patrolling with a partner from the disciplinary committee? She wondered if they had decided to split up or something.

Patrolling around the grounds, their duties were to warn anyone they found breaking the rules, break up any fights, etc. etc.

The disciplinary committee managed to see the cool awe inspiring sight of the student council secretary roundhouse kicking a troublemaker, and many people's jaws almost dropped. Yin Mei would not admit that she was simply venting her frustrations out on other people. It took all her might not to beat the guy up.

Another legend was created on this day. Aside from the students able to see such a romantic scene between Yao Heyan and He Lanying, leaving those who had shipped them cheering in joy, they also saw such a badass side of the normally reserved and elegant miss secretary. From this day forward, she was secretly known by the students as Queen.

Or so the rumors went.

The three day long culture festival was soon quickly over, and as expected, both Yao Heyan and Yin Mei had been too busy to visit each other's booths. Yin Mei had only spotted Wen Hua occasionally during this time, but pity she had not been able to see any developing relationship between her and Rong Sheng.

It wasn't like she was rooting for them or anything, as she still felt this pairing was a little iffy. Rong Sheng was still okay. In fact, she no longer hated him as much as before after interacting with him for a while, her natural bias against male leads fading just slightly - though, because she knew the original events of the plot, she still had her reservations, but after all, those were actions that he had yet to do at this point in time. But Wen Hua was still someone that she had an aversion too. She recalled that the previous world female lead was still okay, but the world before that. Her eyes darkened. That godd*mn Yao Ling!

Just thinking about it still made her upset.

Wen Hua herself didn't have a particularly horrible personality. It was just that she was simply too weak and reliant on men.

To top it off, she seemed to constantly get into trouble and accidents on a daily basis, also dragging the people along with her.

If Yin Mei recalled from her brief skim through of the storyline, she had been involved in a kidnapping attempt, robbery, attempted murder, theft, miscarriage, attempted r*pe, and all sorts of juicy events for guys to pop out and save her in.

It was too the point that Yin Mei wondered if she had born with some sort of special constitution that resulted in all these sorts of things happening to her.

Well, whatever. Since they were a pair of soulmates, she shouldn't say anything in the end. They had a happy ending after all. That being said, it's not like the information actually showed what had happened after their so-called happy ending - in other words, their life after marriage was completely unknown.

So she couldn't really say how long that happy ending had lasted.

The next day, Yin Mei began preparing herself for the school dance that night. She didn't know whether Yao Heyan and Rong Sheng had sent Wen Hua a dress like they did in the original plot, but she told herself not to think too much into it.

The dress that she chose was red. She really like the color of red. It was the color of roses and fire and fresh blood.

And most of all, it was the color the demon king liked the most. The color that he looked the best in.

But she told herself that wasn't the reason why she liked it.

She looked at her image in the mirror. A long satin dress with a slit at the thigh displayed her slender legs, while her smooth back was almost completely revealed.

It was a little revealing for the dance, but not enough to get her in trouble. She put on the red lace masquerade mask, and put on a bright red lipstick to match.

Right as she was about to put on the finishing touches to her makeup, her phone let out a message alert sound, and Yin Mei saw that she had received a text from Yao Heyan, asking if she had finished yet.

"Not yet," Yin Mei replied before setting the phone back down, and she leaned in slightly close to the mirror to put on her eyeliner and mascara.

She hadn't put on makeup in a really long time. In the zombie apocalypse world, of course there would be no opportunity for anyone to put on makeup. If you had time to be putting on makeup, then one would really wonder if it was truly a zombie apocalypse world.

As for the cultivation world, although there was makeup, Yin Mei wouldn't use that sort of thing. In the first place, Bai Yu and Feng Hua had such stunning natural looks already that makeup was completely unnecessary.

Yin Mei finally finished by putting on a pair of red shoes. Her make up was red, her dress was red, her shoes were red, her nails was red, and her jewelry was also made up of rubies. Everything was so extremely red. She wondered if it might be too much, but whenever she looked at herself, she somehow felt satisfied.

The contrast of the red against the snowy white skin made it look especially white, and her dark eyes stood out from underneath the lace mask. It was definitely eye turning material.

She then messaged Yao Heyan that she was finished, before grabbing a gold clutch and placing the phone inside. Walking out of the dorm, Yao Heyan was waiting. He was wearing a deep black suit with a black button up, his tie a red matching Yin Mei's dress. He had on a shining and metal black half mask, his blue eyes appearing even brighter than before. It was an outfit that was in stark contrast to his gentle appearance, but he looked good in it, his aura somehow becoming more wicked and seductive.

Yin Mei blinked. Yao Heyan turned to look at her, and was stunned in place.

This color of red... truly suited her like no other color. Like he had thought, she looked wonderful in red. The image of that beautiful hanfu flashed through his head again as he wondered where he had seen that.

But he soon shook his head, refocusing his attention on Yin Mei.

He grabbed her slender hand in his own, bending down to kiss it. "Will you accompany me to the venue?" He asked.

Yin Mei absentmindedly nodded. When did she promise him that they would go together? Or had he just known that she would agree?

The two walked to the entrance of the school, where a sleek black limo was waiting for them. The school had rented a venue off campus, and it would take a good half hour to reach the location.

Yin Mei only recalled this when they had both entered the limo. So she would have to be in this same small space with Yao Heyan for half and hour?

"You look the best in red after all." Yao Heyan said, as the car began to drive, speaking out what he had thought earlier.

"Eh? Why would you think that?" Yin Mei asked. She tilted her head. She recalled that she had worn red before Yao Heyan once before. He Lanying herself had rarely worn the color as she had felt it was too garish. So the one time that she had worn red in front of Yao Heyan had been the dress that she had worn on the day they went to the amusement park with Rong Sheng in tow. The red she had worn then was similar to the one she was wearing now, though perhaps slightly lighter in color.

Yao Heyan also remembered that dress, but he thought this one was even better. It was more similar to the image he had in that vision of his. "Hmm, just because." He replied with a slight smile. "I feel like it's similar to something you've worn a long time ago."

Yin Mei felt slightly befuddled. Other than the red dress from back then, was there anything else red that He Lanying had worn? She couldn't think of anything. As for Yin Mei herself, she had of course worn a lot of red in her life. Although in the zombie apocalypse world, she had mostly only worn whatever, in the world before that, she had almost worn red everyday as Feng Hua.

Yin Mei tilted her head, once more feeling like she was forgetting something about the villain that she needed to remember. She didn't want to remember, but she also wanted to remember it. It was a very strange feeling. But she felt that all her doubts and confusions would be blown away if she could just recall.

She wondered why she couldn't remember this very important memory of hers.

There were also patches in her memories whenever she thought about the previous world, and even the world before that.

"I... did I wear red other than that time at the amusement park?" She finally asked, struggling to get over this feeling that she was missing something.

Yao Heyan blinked at her. Now that he thought about it, He Lanying normally had never worn red before, aside from perhaps just a little. So why did he think that? He felt there was a memory from a very, very long time ago that he couldn't recall.

But if he had forgotten it already, then how important could it be?

Thinking that, in the end, he gave up trying to remember it.

They both grew silent, occupied with their thoughts.

Of a memory they had shared together, but had both forgotten.

Yin Mei looked out the dim windows of the limo, watching as the city flew by. The sun was just starting to set, and the orange-red color was distorted by the tinted windows.

When the two arrived, the venue was already bustling with people as limos pulled in and out, each person dressed in stunning and elegant outfits, all wearing masks of all different shapes and sizes.

Each outfit seemed more luxurious and expensive then the last, and one could tell that all the attendees were children of high class families.

Yao Heyan was the first to walk out, and though he was wearing a mask, his unique aura immediately drew stares. The man offered a hand to Yin Mei, who took it as she elegantly stepped out of the car. The bright red wasn't overly harsh and garish to the eyes like Yin Mei was slightly afraid it would be, but certainly drew gasps and attention.

Yao Heyan felt a little protective, wanting to keep Yin Mei to himself, so that no one else could lay an eye on her current stunning appearance. She pursued her lips, taking his hand in his as he helped her up the stairs into the venue.

The venue was a stunning ballroom with crystal chandeliers, gold pillars, and marble flooring. Butlers walked around with silver trays of champagne glasses and small snacks. Glancing around, Yin Mei saw that Rong Sheng and Wen Hua had yet to arrive.

Yin Mei thus immediately retreated to the edges of the room, grabbing a small bite sized cake and glass of champagne while she was at it. "You don't want to dance?" Yao Heyan asked as he followed Yin Mei.

She sat down at the seat of the tall floor to ceiling window, popping the little cake in her mouth. She also took a slight sip of the champagne, before setting it down beside her. It tasted slightly like carbonated lemonade, but she disliked both of those. She had only grabbed it for appearance sake anyways. "No..." Yin Mei replied, her voice trailing off as she gazed at the people mingling, some dancing in the center of the room to the music.

He Lanying had been very good at dancing. Ballroom dancing and ballet were her two specialties. Yin Mei recalled that Feng Hua was also good at dancing - the sword dance, that is.

Yin Mei herself didn't really have an opinion on it. Granted, she did like watching other people dance, but herself? She felt that she would much rather stay sitting.

"You don't want to dance with me?" Yao Heyan spoke again, leaning slightly closer toward her.

Yin Mei reluctantly gave in. Whatever. She had the memories of this body backing her up after all, so it wasn't like she would make a fool of herself dancing this one time. Seeing her nod, Yao Heyan's expression brightened, and he grabbed helped her up, grabbing the champagne glass she had set aside, smoothly placing his other hand around her waist. He set the champagne glass on an empty tray that a server was taking away, before guiding her to the center of the ballroom.

The place immediately quieted down as they saw the two stunningly dressed figures walk to the center of the room.

Even if everyone was wearing masks, everyone could make vague guesses toward their identities.

The song currently on right now was suitable for a slow waltz, and Yao Heyan stepped away to face her, offering his hand. Yin Mei took it, and he used his other hand to grasp her waist, pulling her right up to him. Their faces were now mere centimeters away, and Yin Mei had too look up slightly to meet his bright eyes.

Their bodies swayed slowly to the music. Even if Yin Mei wasn't a good dancer, Yao Heyan had the skills to lead anyone into dancing well. The two of them took a step forward, then a step back. There was a spin, a twirl.

Dancing like this was quite cathartic, Yin Mei thought.

The music ended soon, and changed.

The easy to discern sound of a tango song started to play, and Yin Mei wondered if they would really dance such a passionate and fiery song?

One sharp step, then another. They glanced back, then forward. Although they hadn't choreographed anything before hand, they were so in sync it was as if they did. For some reason, it was as if Yin Mei knew exactly what move to do next, her body moving on its own. He Lanying was unexpectedly good at the tango, perhaps since it was able to release the passion that she had buried deep in her heart for Rong Sheng.

Yin Mei suddenly slid down, one leg stretched out as she was supported by Yao Heyan, who pulled her back up. Her foot wrapped itself around Yao Heyan's leg, as she seemed to look down, her eyes hidden by a pair of fluttering eyelashes, not knowing what was going through her mind.

They stopped in this pose for only a minute though, before continuing their steps. Yin Mei would flick her leg, raise it, and was even twirled around in the air by Yao Heyan for a spin.

When they finished, Yin Mei and Yao Heyan were both breathing heavily, their chests rising and falling as applause soon filled the building. Yin Mei didn't know when, but the other dancers had all left the floor, leaving the two to have it to themselves, as they crowded around the edges of the room to watch.

The two finally separated, and it was unknown whether the blush on Yin Mei's cheeks was from exerting herself or embarrassment. They bowed as the people present continued to clap, before leaving the floor.

(A/N: The tango song I was imagining - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW71-sVyMzM

BTW, I was looking up tango movie scenes, and I really liked the cell block tango, very interesting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1qQCFQCneA

Had to take the time to do some more research into tango and try and describe the dance as best as I could. Out of the ballroom dances, I like the sound and feel of tango the best.

I really like this dance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3vsiiRK5GU&t=38s)

7/9 regular chapters of the week.

Well, the real reason she likes red is because I like red :P I think I'm a little more than obsessed with the way it looks on people. Aside from that, I also like black, blue, purple, and silver :D

Song of the Day: Hallelujah by Jonghyun (Bless his soul, I still feel sad thinking about him. This song just brings out all the feels in me. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNqlFPlNErE)

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