
Movie Queen 7

CEO Ming and Feng Shi planned for more than two hours regarding the company matters and such while Qin Si patiently waited for Feng Shi to come down. He coldly stared at the stairs wondering what she is doing as his companions have already gone to the dance floor.

When she headed down with CEO Ming, Qin Si felt uncomfortable in his heart. CEO Ming looks at Feng Shi as they walk side by side "Are you sure you don't need me to drive you back Miss Feng?"

She took out her phone and shook her head no "I'll inform my driver to come to pick me up. If there is any trouble with the Starlight entertainment inform me immediately if none don't bother me"

CEO Ming nodded "In that case, have a good night miss Feng" As he was about to leave he noticed Qin Si approaching them.

"Hello, young master Qin is there anything you need?" He asks politely as Qin Si stood in front of them.

Upon hearing what CEO Ming said Feng Shi looked up from her phone and her gaze directly landed on Qin Si. The lazily lying wolf pup on her shoulder also looks at the man. In fact, animals aren't allowed but Xiao Wang pulled a few tricks, unfortunately, there is a time limit with this illusion and it's bout to stop taking effect.

Feng Shi didn't plan to start the conversation and Qin Si noticed it so he decided to start the conversation with her "What is the relation between you and Mister Ming?"

CEO Ming could smell the vinegar in the air making him feel awkward "We are just colleagues, Mister Qin. Nothing else anyway Miss Feng, I'll head off first. Goodbye young master Qin"

CEO Ming runs off like being chased by a beast and only when Qin Si withdraws his glare did he manage to let out a sigh of relief. He never thought Feng Shi knew that big god. He silently noted to stay on that little devil's good side and to never offend her.

Seeing that Qin Si isn't planning of leaving and followed her instead Feng Shi looks at him with a raised brow "Does young master Qin need anything?"

If she was someone else they would have taken advantage of Qin Si and grabbed hold of this golden thigh but Feng Shi was a very proud person, cold and independent. She would never cater to someone else. Even without her memories, her personality was self-confident and pride is etched in her bones. Feng Shi also unconsciously guards her heart and not letting anyone in.

It might also be this character that attracted Qin Su's attention "I'll send you home if that's okay and also you can just call me by my name"

Feng Shi put her phone in her pocket before answering "no need but thanks…Qin Si."

She walked out and got in the car without looking back leaving Qin Si looking at her fading back thoughtfully.

The next morning Feng Shi threw her alarm clock hard to the wall in annoyance at its ringing sound. She begrudgingly got out of the comfortable bed and headed to the bathroom and began to get ready for the day. She had learned that her cooking skill is one hundred and one negative so she didn't even bother trying anymore. She could kill anyone with her cooking alone!

She put on her face mask and headed out while Xiao Wang silently followed behind her flying in the air or more like floating, and invincible.

As she got out of the building she saw a black-suited Qin Si leaning in his car. He has sunglasses on but it didn't affect his looks at all as no matter which angle you look at him there isn't any flaw.

She couldn't help but think that even the male protagonist is no match for this man.

He took out the Flowers and a box of chocolates and handed them to her "You look stunning as always Miss Feng".

Feng Shi nodded at the compliment and smelled the fragrant roses "Thank you, You look astonishing, and just call me Feng Shi as well no need to be formal"

"En" Qin Si smiled and opened the door for her before also going back to the driver's seat.

Xiao Wang silently sat on her Shoulder "Blue Roses, are rare flowers that only grew in cold climates therefore they mostly grew in high snowy mountains. In the flower language, it means pure eternal love"

The flowers have a royal blue color with a slight frozen blue at the tip, Cold and Elegant. Feng Shi doesn't know if Qin Si knows what the flowers represent but he has great taste. She looked at Qin So who was driving with a cold expression and her smile slightly became more noticeable.

Qin Si doesn't know the meaning he just thought that this flower suited her that's all. Just like an elegant, Beautiful and aloof goddess high up in the mountain surrounded by pure white snow.

She put her seat belt on before looking at Qin Si again "Where are we going?"

Qin Si stirred the car before answering "Aqua World, I had the whole place reserved. If you don't like it we can go wherever you want"

He nervously suggested as he have no idea what girls like so he read a lot of books and researched on the internet as well as inquired to some friends as he wants this day to be perfect for her. This is his first time trying to please someone. He researched and planned all night thinking of things that would please her. He thought that all those suggestions on the internet is too common for her. What he wants is something, not girls like but something that Feng Shi specifically would love.

Then his friend, the owner of Aqua World recommended this place to him. He thought that since Feng Shi is too busy it would be perfect as it is calming yet fun. It is separated into two parts one meant for relaxation and the other for fun.

"It's good I haven't been in one of those for a long time now" Feng Shi answered Aqua World is like an amusement park well one-third of it is. As its name states it is themed ocean-based. There is also an underground place where they display large aquariums and other relaxing activities.

Feng Shi doesn't know if she ever liked those in the past but since she can't remember she wants to explore new things and see if she will like them.

The Host has been to those kinds of places a lot as a child but when she started her career she no longer could. For her dream, she willingly gave up her freedom. She was unable to go to public places, can't reveal her face in public casually, and had to watch out for how she acted as well as run from paparazzi.

When they arrived, Qin Si led the way to a restaurant to first have breakfast and Feng Shi left the gifts she received in the car.

She looked at the menu first and saw some spicy foods as well as their specialties. They really adhered to their theme as their foods are all fish.

When they ordered Qin Si and Feng Shi just talk about simple things before their foods arrive. In the middle of eating Qin Si accidentally ate one of the spicy food she ordered. He began to sweat as his face turned red before downing a few glasses of water. Seeing Qin Si's state she gave him some water as well "are you okay?"

Although she asks, the amused look on her face gave out what she truly felt. Qin So coughed and drank a lot of water. "I'm fine" he answered awkwardly.

While Qin Si was embarrassed he saw the slight smile on her lips. Not the usual emotionless smile but a true one so he thought that it was worth it seeing her smile.

After eating Feng Shi looked around and decided to have fun on some rides. "Let's go I want to go through every ride!"

From the mild rides to the extreme ones she drags Qin Si around to enjoy everything. A true smile bloomed on her lips as she enjoy herself with Qin Si. Her favorite part was the roller coaster and in the picture, Feng Shi has a smile with excitement in her eyes while Qin Si also has a smile while looking at her.

In the laser tag war, Feng Shi won and she was mocking Qin Si when a giant sapphire teddy bears almost the same size as her with the world "I Love you" in the heart that it is holding. It was cute and fluffy and Qin Mo noticed her gaze so he took her to the stall. The challenge was that Qin Si have to hit moving balloons and inside the balloons are letters.

He must find the letters for Love if he wants prizes from the teddy bear category and fun for the other toys. He has to play nine times before he finally wins. The game actually has color coding for the letters. The stall owner told them after winning that the color coding changed when someone managed to assemble the letters to make sure no one takes advantage of them.

Qin Si received the price. The bear is almost half of Feng Shi's size so Qin Si decided to carry it for her. As they walk around Feng Shi bought two cotton candies for each of them. Even if Qin Si hates eating something so sweet he just smiled and receives it because it is from his beloved woman. Why should he complain?

Being tired already Feng Shi and Qin Si went to the underground which was dimly lit and full of different types of fish.

"Kyaa!" Feng Shi pushed Qin Di in front of her when a giant shark hit the glass bearing his huge terrible teeth.

Qin Si hugged the shocked Feng Shi while brushing her hair. "It's alright it won't hurt you"

Feng Shi peaked at the leaving shark while blushing red in embarrassment. She then steps back making Qin Si feel disappointed as he rather liked that position. "Sorry I just got startled"

Qin Si smiled and ruffled her hair "It's alright"

They walk around for a bit before sitting down on a tank where their foot could be submerged and the fish would suck on it. Feng Shi found the feeling ticklish which made her giggle for a bit. In front of the tank is a huge screen meant for watching. They took a private room after all. The room was dim as the two sat and watch a movie surrounded by fishes. The chair they're sitting on is full of water and the tank can't actually be called one since it is like a mini pool for kids.

Feng Shi lay on Qin Si's shoulder while eating popcorn they both decided to share. It was peaceful and only the sound from the screen could be heard but it was perfect for them. It didn't take long until nighttime came and the place became even more beautiful before they went to another restaurant that is high enough to see the whole place.

Feng Shi look up at Qin Si when they were eating as her teddy bear have been placed on another chair with them and Xiao Wang on another. "Qin Si thanks for this day it was actually great."

Qin Si also looked at her and just smiled "It was for you to have fun after all. Thank you for giving me some of your time my lady". He responded taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

Qin Si look at his watch which indicated that it was already 6:00 "It's not finished yet though. I have one last surprise for you. Look out my love"

She looked out and fireworks bloomed in the sky but what caught her attention is the letters some of the fireworks formed "I Love you" Xiao Wang recorded this moment when Feng Shi had a smile on her face looking at the illuminated sky.

After the fireworks, she looked at Qin Si in a complicated way. "Feng Shi, I loved you ever since I first saw you at that pastry shop. You have always been in my mind. Your eyes hunted me almost every day, especially in my dreams. It was like my soul was drawn to you. It was love at first sight."

She didn't know what to say but before she could respond Qin Si spoke first "I know that it is a one-sided love but I hope you can let me love you. You don't have to be pressured by my love I'm willing to wait even if it takes a whole lifetime"

She bit her lips as she doesn't know how to love or what love is "I can't respond to you Qin Si I can only offer you friendship. Please stop loving me that way as you will just be disappointed. There are others out there much better than me. I'm sorry but I can't reciprocate your love as all I want to do right now is to properly do my job"