
I’m The Protagonist?! 7.5

They arrived back in the mansion without much delay but as they approached the sky blue and white colored building, she could not help frowning feeling a very bad premonition.

Her instinct is telling her that something is wrong inside that place and she will not question her intuition.

Her fall in the previous world flashed in her mind as her body seems to ache in remembrance of those excruciating pain.

Hell would have to freeze before she let herself suffer again.

"Xiao Wang, be on guard" She needlessly ordered since the wolf had already jumped out of her arms and stood vigilantly by her side.

"Master, I will protect you, always. I won't let any accident happen again" He promised resolutely.

No one hurts his master, not on his watch.

Zang Tou's already narrowed eyes seems to deepen as he glanced at the pair without leaving.

He wasn't mistaken just now. That wolf is dangerous. He has never sensed something as fearsome as that wolf's aura. He radiated extreme power that even he, a war veteran cannot fathom but at the same time, so familiar with.

But based on his stance, he did not pose a threat to his ward so whatever happens in that house is none of his concern. He had heard rumors but never facts though.

His mission is to protect her but with that one by her side, he doubts that his protection is needed. He never wanted to take on this assignment, to begin with. It was only because he owed her grandfather his life.

Turning back to see him driving away, Feng Shi strengthened her resolve and strode into the abode sending her waves of a very grim feeling.

When she opened the giant door, she was greeted with the sight of a grand hall with two staircases however that was not what caught her attention but a fashionably dress woman smiling happily at her.

This immediately made her strengthen her vigilance because this did not bode well for her.

The woman had her hair up curled in a delicate flower design and her makeup was exquisite as the previous movie queen, she knows just how much effort was put into her whole body for everything to match so well and managed to emphasize the natural beauty she had already possessed despite her age.

Beautiful on the outside, rotten on the inside. Feng Shi knew far too well how this description matches the woman before her.

However, she is not in the mood to deal with this witch right now so she decided to walk to the other staircase.

"Are you not even going to greet your mother? You mannerless child. Just like your stupid mother" The woman ridiculed as she elegantly walked towards her.

This made Feng Shi halt and her eyes frosted over which made the other stagger slightly. The previous host would never allow this woman to insult the mother she greatly respected.

"You little slut! Who do you think you're looking like that at? Truly are such a wild useless child. But what can we expect from the bastard fruit of a whore, hahaha" The woman ridiculed laughing behind her fan as if what she said was truly a joke just like the stupid girl in front of her.

"Xiao Wang, don't attack I can handle her" She held Xiao Wang back who was waiting for her order to strike.

The tiny pup looked up at her before nodding. "Woof" "Yes master" He replied obediently sitting down and waiting for a good show to unfold.

Feng Shi, contrary to her expectation, did not cower as the previous host would normally do. Going against this stepmother of hers is something that she does not need to hold back on since the world's consciousness is expecting that of her.

Feng Shi rolled her eyes at her before looking at this wannabe villain up and down. With a sneer, she put her hand on her hips before sneering.

"People do reflect who they are unto others, how pitiful" She started her lips curling in a smirk.

"Excuse me?! Don't forget your place, you little runt!" The woman asked offended before glaring at her as well, forgetting her graceful act in shock as this is the first time that she had ever talked back.

"Tsk, ah let me put that into something your tiny little brain could handle then, Feng Hien. I mean, reality check, what you've just said is the truth when it comes to you and the strays you dared to present to my father" Feng Shi stated before her ridiculing gaze turned into a pitying one yet her curled lips stayed the same.

"After all if I remember correctly, a whore is the perfect description for a certain shameless someone who climbed into the bed of someone else's husband, is it not? And have you lived in my mother's rightful place for so long that you have forgotten? I am my father's legitimate daughter from his first wife while your bastard children have been born out of marriage while my father was still married to my mother" Feng Shi stated her smirk turning into a dark grin and instead of destroying her youthful and innocent countenance, it simply added a dark, devious and playful charm to her.

"You're mother was the one who stole my lover! We loved each other until your stupid mother came along and forced my children's father. Don't twist your facts, you are nothing but the fruit of your mother's shamelessness, born out of necessity unlike my perfect children made out of my and Feng Bao's love" Her stepmother, Feng Hien, retorted coldly.

"Haha, how funny, I never knew you were such a jokester though I only thought that you were a pathetic clown" Feng Shi laughed sarcastically before acting in mock shock covering her smirking lips.

"Oh, you were serious" She added before Feng Hien could reply. "How delusional. The fact that my father choose my mother simply means that the love you are so proud of, was never strong enough, to begin with. Because even if you turn the world around it won't change reality. My father chose my mother because she was better than you.”

"As for your oh-so-precious children, have you also forgotten what you've done? They weren't born out of love." This time Feng Shi smiled wider and even more devious, her eyes narrowing and showing the darkness those brilliant orbs tries to hide. With a provoking yet enchanting demeanor, she revealed "They were born out of your desperation, out of drugs and shameless manipulation"

Feng Hien's eyes widened in fear as she never knew that someone alive actually knew her darkest secret.

Their meeting had been a coincidence but those that followed were her own meticulous calculations.

She staggered as she had thought that she had buried that secret six feet under.

Feng Shi could not help enjoying her pale complexion.

"You-. Ho- How d-dare you insult m-me like that" She stuttered before trying to slap her but Feng Shi held her wrist.

With a step forward and a firm pull, Feng Shi put her lips just beside her ears. "You've messed with the wrong girl darling. Now you've got to deal with her devil" She whispered before turning around and elegantly walking up the stairs with the grace and poise of a queen, a queen of darkness.

"You-, you little bitch just you wait! Do you think that without your father around, you can still pretend to be a princess? Someone! Come and lock this slut. No one is allowed to let her out of her room without my permission. I will see if you won't come begging on your hands and knees later on! Tell the chef that the young miss needs to be punished and that she is not to have food" Feng Shi heard Feng Hien screeching downstairs but she did not care.

When she did reach her room, a maid came to her with a smug look carrying the keys but Feng Shi just glanced at her coldly.

She remembers this girl, she was one of those that had always ridiculed and helped lower the previous host's self-esteem. Beating her and ordering her around when her father was away.

"You've really done it, young miss. You think you are high and mighty now just because the master has paid attention to you because of your little act?" The maid asked sarcastically.

"And you think that you are untouchable with her behind you?" Feng Shi retorted with the same tone before slapping the maid hard to the point that she fell with a handprint on her cheek.

Twisting her hand to hold her cheeks in a painful pinch as the maid struggled Feng Shi bent down to meet her face.

As the maid tried to fight back Xiao Wang stepped into her view, "Grr" He growled threateningly causing the maid to freeze and actually wet herself causing Feng Shi to grimace in disgust.

"Gross. Where is your bravery now? Where is that bravado you had when you were bullying me?" Feng Shi sneered stepping back and covering her lower face.

"Just run back to that promiscuous master of yours and tell her that the chapter of her reign is over. The story has just begun" Feng Shi simply warned before going inside her room leaving the quivering maid behind.

Feng Shi did not show mercy on the maid as she knows that all the servants aside from a certain few are loyal to Feng Hien and she had no need for them in her plans. And she never plans to let those that have hurt the previous host get away unscathed. She is not a saint after all. She may currently be a heroine but there is no doubt, she is a villainess, down to the core.