
Quick Transmigration: i want to go back home (快速轮回:我想回家)

[My own story] [inspired by those Chinese novels that i have read] ——————————- “I’m bound to you?” [yes, you are host] “No.” [okay then] “Is that it? You won’t beg me?” [No. What kind of novels have you been reading? Besides the higher ups can give me a new host] “Oh. Then return me to my own body” [No can do host. You died already, you also didn’t accept this missions so i got no choice but to kill you] “Kill me!?” [yes! Good bye ho-] “no! Okay! I accept the missions! I jus want to go home” The system smiled and replied [well, let’s have a nice trip host] —————————— the art is from : ziseviolet.tumblr.com

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17 Chs


A/n: we are gonna call our MC Silvia now. I hope y'all won't get confused.

-" "- means talking while her mouth

-{ }- means speaking to herself

When our Mc finally grasped the situation, she did her best to calm down and act like everything was normal. She took a bath, ate, and dressed for school. Because Silvia was being so focused, she did not notice the perplexed look of her family, particularly her maids' giving her

"Did our lady ate something wrong?" they asked themselves.

The original Silvia never did anything on her own, and for the reason that there's a different soul inside Silvia, behaving out of character is predictable. but this is her first world she cannot risk.

[host] a voice inside her spoke, it was Raizel.

{Yeah?} Silvia replied back

[You're out of character]

{What do you mean?}

[Folks inside the state are giving you weird looks. The old soul does not do things on her own. Everything that she needs to do is getting completed by other people]

{everything? Even assignments? How can she pass her school?}


Silvia did not reply. Her family is rich. She should've been more aware that the original soul had privilege. Silvia stepped out of the state with 2 maids following her. As she enters the carriage, one of her maids suddenly drops her bag. She looked behind her and was about to help the maid, but was halted by Raizel.



"What are you doing?" Silvia asked, her tone wasn't angry nor irritated, and it made the maid calm down a little bit.

"T-the bag was so heavy my lady. I'm s-sorry" Maria apologized as she trembles. She is one of the youngest maids that the original soul has. Silvia felt something warm inside her. It's like she's delighted to see Maria again. Silvia thought that this might have been the original soul's feelings. Maria might be one of the original souls' friends.

"Remove nonessential things inside that bag. We still have time before the class start" both maids looked at each other. "What do you mean, remove!?" They asked themselves

Maria opened the bag, and inside it was full of.....trash?

"What the f-i mean why are there so many rubbish inside my bag?" Silvia mentally cursed herself as she almost cursed out loud.

"What rubbish My Lady? This is all of your things. From makeup, clothes to school supplies."

"Remove the makeup and clothes. We'll return home after school anyway" Silvia told her maids.

Both maids looked at her, wide-eyed.

"My Lady, are you okay?" Ask Maria. She was so puzzled as, why her lady is acting this way. Her Lady never takes things out of these bags, specifically if it's cosmetics and clothes.

"I am," Silvia replied in a serious tone that made Maria snap out of her thoughts and follow the order her Lady had made.


"Lady Bright's arrogance is too much. Even after doing that to Lady Jones she still has the guts to show up here"

"Didn't the Crown prince nullified their betrothal?"

"Yes, he did."

"Ha! She deserved it"

Silvia listened to the gossip as she walked past everyone not minding entirely what they're saying, but the 2 maids of hers felt otherwise.

{ If I was the original soul, I'd probably lash out. Too bad I'm not. I am not affected by such}

Silvia walked past everyone with a straight face that made everyone look at her, perplexed. She always moves like a child if people talk behind her back, but why is she not acting like one right now?

She entered her class with a straight-face. Everyone who was talking about her shuts their mouths as they see her. When she looked inside the room, she saw 3 familiar faces, Liam, Brianna, and Adrian.

{crap} she mentally cursed herself. How could this system not tell her anything about being classmates with them!?

[sorry host]

{you- it's not like your sorry will do anything} Silvia sighs.

When she saw her chair near a window, she mentally thanked the original soul. Even when she was in her own body, she really liked sitting by the window. She guesses her and the original soul might have some similarities, no matter how small it is. when she's about to sit, she sees a lot of crumbled paper under her desk. She grabbed one piece of the crumpled papers and inside were words cursing the death out of her.

Her classmates were sneering as they saw her reading one of the papers. All of them were expecting that she'd scream at them and make a scene, but after minutes of waiting, it didn't happen.

"What the hell?!" They all mentally screamed

Silvia looked at the papers with a blank expression. No one knew what she was thinking. What surprises them is that one by one she picked all of the papers and put them inside her bag.

After her desk was cleaned, Silvia carried her bag filled with paper and put 1 paper on each table she passed to. Everyone was weirded out by what she was doing.

"What are you doing?" Ask by a familiar voice, and when Silvia looked, it was The crown prince.

When Silvia looked over at The Crown Prince, Liam was expecting her to smile and use excuses like "finally you decided not to ignore me anymore " but she didn't. It stunned Liam because when he saw her face, Silvia's face was looking at him with no emotion. She's looking at him like she wasn't in love with him in the first place.

"Giving out papers" Silvia replied. Her voice was cold. It made her classmates shiver, especially Brianna. Adrian saw how Brianna shivered, so he decided to confront Silvia.

"Are you doing this on purpose? You're frightening Lady Brianna"

"What do you mean? I merely answering the Crown Prince query. How can you assume I'm scaring her?" Silvia replied, her tone was still cold

Silvia ignored the stares and continued giving the papers out. A slam was heard, and when she looked over she saw Liam looking at her fiercely.

"You imbecile. This is why I nullified the betrothal."

"and I have to say thank you for it. I wasn't in the right mind for agreeing to that kind of arrangment. Only a dog would allow themselves to be betrothed to someone who only see you as a stepping stone for the throne."

What Silvia said made the atmosphere turn cold and silent. Everyone was taken back. How dare she? only a daughter of a duke to say vixen words infront of everyone, especially infront of the two princes?

it only made the crown prince much angrier and it did not bother Silvia one bit. She continued returning the papers

"Answer me, why are you doing this?!"

Silvia sighs as her patience starts to vanish

[host. No OOC moments]

Hearing Raizel talk, made her calm a little bit.


"Well, maybe i hit my head and it made me realize that you're not everything. There will be always be someone better than you. Get that through your thick skull, you're acting as if the world revolves around you. Guess what? it doesn't. you're acting like this because you think i pushed her off the horses back? oh what do i expect from a guy who's acting like a hero every damned time. " Silvia replied.

"You do know your words can be used as ruining the crown prince reputations." Adrian interrupted Silvia

"ruining? aren't I just stating a fact? while our dear crown prince was busy saving other people he forgot to save one. Me. It's amazing how he always save Lady Jones but never even once saved his ex fiancee. Why? is it because of my background as the daughter of the duke? you must be kidding me. Even the strongest soldier needs a saving too but unlike our crown prince, he's too dense to know that." Silvia replied without a stop and only looking straight into Liam's eyes. It made her more domineering than ever

Everyone looked at her, too stunned to speak

[Host, the SML is having his interest back at you by 10%]

{well, that's a weird way for me to earn favor. How much more do i need?}

[90% more]

{are you saying his interest in me is starting at the very bottom? }

[yes host]

Silvia turned her back to the three people who are either angry or embarrassed by her remarks. After she returned the papers, she took a sit, ignoring every stare she got. The day moved and ended smoothly, tho her actions got her goal's attention. well not bad for a beginner like her.


Boring chapter, I know lmao i'm still new to this uwu

2022 edit: I added more scenes and made it a little slow-paced since one of the readers told me it's too fast and needs more scenes, so I added. please re-read this all of the chaps i am editing. i am changing some parts of it