

[Host] Raizel spoke inside Silvia's head. As of right now, it has been a week since she has been in the Body of the original soul. Nothing special ever happened except Silvia's grades that suddenly went up drastically.

Everyone was surprised to see her excel so much, they even started wondering if her soul was swapped. of course they threw this topic away because of how ridiculous it sounds. But it wasn't, if it was, she wouldn't be in this situation. Raizel cannot help but feel uncomfortable, if Silvia kept going out of character, people would know that the soul inside Silvia might not be her. She got to say, this host of hers has guts. She thought she'd be a kitten inside a cage full of tigers but a dragon inside her is hatching.

though with Raizel's admiration for her host acting, she cannot risk.

[Can you at least take some time? Suddenly changing to another character over night can make everyone's suspicions high.]

{what do you mean Raizel? it's already a week and I am simply helping the original soul}

[Yes you are, but it is too fast. Please take your time. We cannot risk getting found out. If we ever got found out, the risk of you returning to your old body would lessen. Keep that in mind]

{what kind of rubbish are you spouting? I am taking my time, if I wasn't I would probably top the school student level here in no time}

[i know, but please take cauti-] Raizel stopped so suddenly. it made Silvia wonder what it is


[ This is what i am talking about. I told you not to make sudden moves, but you still did. I adored what you did but i was worried about reaching this point, but we did. Seriously! i reached this difficulty with a newbie!? seriously a newbie!?]

[i do not know what you're saying but i feel disrespected. i know I'm a newbie, but so what?]

[ So what? troubles follow you everywhere. i just got a notification from that this world evolved to level E. it reached this point because of you. I told you, didn't i? Do not act rushed]

Silvia was shocked to hear this.

[ It's just one level above. I'll be able to do it] she said

[the other people who said that died after. Will you die this early wow. you're weak]

{then what am I supposed to do!? For fuck's sake, I'm Level F!}

[It's not my fault i did stop you a lot of times, but you never stopped once. Blaming you will not mean anything. We're already here, i will help you pass ]

When Silvia heard Raizel's reply, she calmed down a little bit.

{Reminder that this world is already hard for a level D ranker. You should not have been careless! The reason why this world evolved is because you made someone feel suspicious about you, ]

{i'm not careless! I did take a week before changing the capability of the old soul! I helped her study well!}

Silvia is becoming irritated that her face unintentionally showed it. Everyone felt the coldness she emitted and immediately looked her way. When they all saw Silvia's expression, they couldnot help but look and tremble at the same time.

She did not see nor feel everyone's stares as she was occupied by the conversation between her and her system. Silvia's face is beautiful and delicate, even if she makes a fuzz or make fun of anyone, she still has those innocent type of aura but at this moment, even though her face doesn't hold any ugly expression, they can feel that she is annoyed.

[you must remeber, you might be the normal one between your real siblings but your brain works faster and differently than others. a week of change might be slow-paced for you but it is impossible for normal people.]

Raizel faface palmederself as she wondered why she got this difficult person to handle. Raizel wanted to curse the higher-ups but she didn't want to lose her job. After Raizel calmed down, she noticed everyone staring at Her host.

[Excuse yourself, everyone is looking at you. control your facial expression and tell your teacher that you are not feeling well]

Silvia rolled her eyes. She doesn't even bother the stares she's receiving, but because the system told her, she will follow. She would not risk anything more.

"Mrs! Can I excuse myself? I don't feel good" as Silvia acted pitiful in front of the professor.

The Professor just smiled at her and nodded. At last, Silvia got out of the room, and as she was away, everyone started talking.

"That was weird!"

"Hell yeah."

"I thought we made her irritated again"

"Why was she wearing that expression in the first place?"

"Everyone shut up!" As Liam shouted at everyone, he hated her ex-fiance but he hated everyone when they started talking about her. Everyone gradually shut their mouths up as they don't want to anger the prince even more.

[ please be careful starting right now. There is one person who's having suspicion. we cannot add more people]

{Who is it?}

[ I do not have any idea. I am still investigating, please wait a moment}


Since Silvia excused herself, she doesn't have anything to do. she decided to roam around the school library. Everyone was still in class. A little bit of reading wouldn't hurt.

An hour had passed, and the school bell rang. It indicated that classes were over. Since classes were done, Silvia decided to read more books as she waited for Raizel to come back. She did not pay attention to every student who gave her looks as they passed by her. They wondered, how did Lady Bright suddenly like books?

Silvia paid no attention to them, as she was concentrating on the book she was reading. When Silvia was alive in her world, she liked reading fantasy books because fantasies were better than reality. I could not agree more

[Host] Raizel's voice ruined Silvia's concentration.

{what is it?} Silvia ask

[ I already have a clue who is the person who has suspicion towards you]

{Only a clue? You don't know the name or face? What kind of system are you?}

[shut your mouth . It is not as easy as it sounds. we're in this situation because of you. If that person is near your radius, I can know who's the person having suspicion towards you]

{here I thought you're the best system} Silvia mocked Raizel

[ I am not the best system anymore, since you're stupid. ]

{you little fucker}

[ I am larger than you, I can even obliterate your soul if I want to, but I can't]

{My point is, I am not stupid!}

[oh really? do you know who is the reason why this world leveled up? It's you. I told you, no OOC moments, but guess what? You still did, want me to elaborate?] Raizel smirked as she felt how irritated her host is feeling.

[ First, the academic records. The Good for Nothing Daughter of Duke Bright suddenly got good grades. Second, The Daughter of Duke Bright suddenly had the strength for physical education, third]

{okay! It's my fault! Now shut up!} Silvia mentally admitted defeat.

[ It is your fault-Host!]


[The person is near! Run!]

{what!? Why!?}

[Just run!]

Silvia left the books and started running. She didn't even bother looking back. She also felt that someone was following her


[i see him, host! What!?]


[Should I tell you his name?]

{no! Just let me find a place to hide, maybe near the canteen or something}

[okay. Just turn left, then right, and right again. You'll see the back of the canteen, and behind it is a hole. Don't worry it's clean!]

Silvia followed Raizel's instructions. When she reached the canteen, she saw the hole that Raizel was describing. Immediately she went inside.

"Ha....Ha....Ha..." Silvia was catching her breath, running is hard, especially if you are wearing a school gown..

[Are you okay host?]

"Does...Does it look like I'm okay? I fucking ran a mile" Silvia replied as she was catching her breath.

[Now you are just exaggerating.] Silvia rolled her eyes as she heard what Raizel said.

"Now tell me-" Silvia was cut off when a hand pulled her out of the hole. Her eyes became wide as she saw the person's face.


[Yes host, Prince Adrian. Prince Adrian was the one having suspicion on you]



Another update, lmao I'll edit the book once it is finished!

2022 edit: changed it

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