
QT: Beauty And The Beasts

Latham lived a miserable life on earth. He died and transmigrated in the body of the crown prince of Zoltar. A world of beasts where men are handsome and charming in every possible way. The place of his dreams where he could be someone that he has ever wanted to be. Stuck in the body of the next king of the kingdom. How will he, a modern boy from another world navigate through life in the royal palace? Will he be able to avoid falling for the handsome beasts and keep himself alive long enough to be king?

Xizzem · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Four: Beauty of a God, heart of the devil

Latham stood behind the man for a while trying to figure out what the man was doing. It was very late and cold and yet he was out in the middle of the lake with a fishing rod.

He was busy fishing when he should be sleeping in the comfort of his home.

He wanted to leave but thinking about what other freak of nature might be out there waiting to make him their dinner he thought against it.

He decided it best to wait for the man so they could walk back together. The man kept fiddling with the rod but wasn't catching anything but Latham knew that he was going to catch a cold if he doesn't get indoors soon. He was shivering for the most part but the man didn't seem to care.

"Are you even human?" he asked when he could no longer be quiet. He was freezing and the man just sat there ignoring him.

"Hmm," was the man's response to him while he continued to fish.

"How can you sit there so comfortably while I am freezing to death. Don't you know how to be a gentleman?" he asked the man while rubbing his hands together to produce heat.

"First of all I don't see a lady here and secondly I never asked you to board my boat or to sit there so how is it my business if you freeze to death," he said and his jaw dropped.

In all his life he had never met anyone more inconsiderate and cold than this man. He had seen his fair share of selfish and heartless people but the man took the award home.

He might have the looks that compare to that of an angel but his heart was that of a devil. He was so mean, first the man watched and cheered when he almost died and now he watching him freeze.

"And do you mean by that, I am a prince and I am standing right here," he said and he looked at him, he squinted his eyes and scanned him from head to toe.

He felt conscious of himself and straightened his dress and hair, he felt so small under his gaze. He watched for a while and went back to fishing.

"I don't know are you sure that you are male. I can't tell," he answered so calmly and his words enraged Latham.

How can he say that he can't tell that he is male, is he blind or just stupid. Anyone can tell that he is male from a million miles away and he is saying that he can't tell.

"Don't you have eyes or don't you know what a man looks like?" he asked the man and he got up from his seat and stood face to face with him.

"My eyes work just fine, it is your eyes that I am worried about. I do know what a man looks like and you are not that," he said.

"And in what way do I not look like a man?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"For one, you don't look just like me. Small chest, small body, and no muscles at all," he said, Latham was fuming with anger and wished to kill the smarty pants standing in front of him.

How dare he say that he has a small chest, his chest has always been big and that is a fact that he has been proud of. He has had a six-pack and women always salivate in his sight so how can the man say something like that.

"I think you should get your eyes fixed, can't you see that I have a well-built the...," he said tapping his chest and stopping when he didn't feel anything there.

He looked at himself and was surprised to find that indeed he did not look like a man in his appearance. He was shocked at how young he looked, his body had not matured yet and with his look, she resembled a woman more than a man.

"What happened? Why did you stop, so not only don't you know your gender but you also don't know your appearance?" The man raised a question walking towards Latham and he backed away from him. "Then let me help you?"

"Help me? With wh...what?" she interrogated nervously.

"With your problem, of course, you don't know whether you are male or not so I am going to help you. I will help you figure it out since I am such a gentleman," he said with a naughty smile and Latham moved far away from him scared.

"You better not get close to me you freak," he said moving back away from him and to the edge of the boat.

"How can you call me that when I am only trying to help you. Just a moment ago you were complaining that I am not a gentleman since I didn't help you. Now that I am trying to help you how can you call me a freak?" he asked standing an inch away from him.

The man took the last step and now their bodies were touching from their position and he backed up and slipped. But before he could fall into the water the man caught him by the waist and took off to the sky.

He stopped just above the trees holding Latham under the moon. Latham who closed his eyes when he thought he was going to fall into the cold water opened his eyes and he was beyond shocked.

They were floating in the air and under the moon without the trees to block the moon's light the man's beauty increased by a million. If he ever joined a beauty contest in the twenty-first century he would have won without a problem.

He wouldn't have found a worthy competitor for his looks. 'Does everyone in this place know how to fly' Latham asked himself in his mind?

He didn't feel cold anymore, the heat from the clothing the man was wearing made it feel like they were standing under the sun. 'No wonder he was not freezing at all, he had a robe that keeps him warm.' he thought and her anger from before returned.

Latham couldn't believe how selfish the man was, he could have shared the robe with him but he just ignored him and left him at the mercy of the cold weather.

He felt the man's hand move up his waist and his breath hitched. He looked at the man and found him staring at him, "What are thinking about?" The ma. asked him.

"What makes you think that I am thinking about anything but if you must know I was just wondering how much of an idiot you are," he said.

"Are you sure you want to call me an idiot? I might be offended and you will regret it if that happens, " he threatened.

"Oh! I am so scared," he mocked and started laughing at him. He let go of him, and Latham started falling.

The man flew beside him while they were headed to the ground. Latham screamed with all his might as he imagined his death. He was not a fan of pain in the slightest, he didn't want to die either.

"Take your insult back or die," the man said with a smirk on his beautiful face.

"Okay, I take it back please don't let me fall," Latham screamed his response.

"I didn't quite hear you can you repeat that," the man teased.

"I said that you are not an idiot. You are very smart, a genius in the making. You are handsome, more handsome than all Kdrama actors I have ever seen on television. You are an award-winning beauty," he kept blabbering everything that came into his mind hoping one of them will melt the cold demon's heart.

He was almost hitting the ground and he closed his eyes and prayed to the universe to make his death painless. Latham waited to die when he landed but death never came, he opened one of his eyes to check. He was floating so close to the ground on top of the handsome man.

"So what is Kdrama and where is this place called television," the man asked and Latham almost started laughing at his joke but something about the world he was in was not right. She won't be surprised if they said that they had no idea what a car was. Who would even need it when they can fly?

"It is nothing important." he replied and the man nodded. "I have been called by many names but I have to say this is the first time someone has told me I am handsome and a beauty to my face," he said and Latham scoffed.

"Maybe it is because they can't stand your personality, I can't say that I blame them. You have looks that could put a god to shame but your heart might challenge the devil. So it is a given, the bad boy attitude might interest a lot of girls but it is a big turn-off for most of them," he said and the man thought about it.

The man in front of him was strange, the terms he used were very strange to him but what surprised him was how Latham described him. The beauty of a god and heart of the devil what kind of description is that.

People didn't tell him how he looked out of fear and now life was going to be fun. The new boy was going to make his life interesting.

"Think about your sleeping chamber," he said.

"Why?" Latham asked but thought of it anyway.

"Because I can't leave a confused person who doesn't even know whether he is male or female out in the forbidden forest. Sleep well," he said and dropped him on her bed and disappeared.

'How did we end up here?' Latham thought and was amazed at how powerful that man was.