
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


Behind the Hostess was a cloaked figure standing around 5'6". Gray couldn't see her face but could tell she was at least in fighting form, 'a little petite for my taste, but there is no perfect world,' he thought. Her gear was stylish but looked to have a very intended purpose on each part. Her bracers seemed to be some fashion work of metal, while the rest of her armour looked light and flexible. She had several rings on her left hand and only a strange tattoo on her right. A lions paw maybe?

She gazed across the room as she stood beside Gray. "Harlet, misfortune brings us together again." Finishing with a nod towards Gray. Which he responded in kind.

"Glad you could join us J." Nala smiled at the newcomer. "This is Sloan and Thunder they'll be your partners for the job." Both boys nodded along.

She seemed to stare intently at Sloan and Grays faces for a moment before letting out; "Jess is fine, I'll see you both a quarter to midnight." She slightly bowed to them, not wanting to stay for any longer than need be. She was out the door before either man had said a word.

"Well she may be even more cautious than you Thunder." Sloan let out with another hearty laugh, which was followed by a small giggle.

"Didn't seem to enjoy our company, did she?" Nala replied. 'I don't wanna be here either! If I knew I could have left earlier I would have too.' Gray complained.

"Well I guess I should head out too." Gray said as he stood. Which gained him a small laugh and nod from Nala.

"Very well Thunder see you tonight." Sloan said as Nala began to fall into his lap.

Gray exited Café Black while avoiding most of its patrons. Only nodding towards the Hostess when leaving.


*Around Midnight outside of Earl Masons Villa*

Three cloaked figures stood across the street in a small alley. Without a word all three disappeared. Hidden under Jess' concealment they sped to the villa. Vaulting over the wall in no time and Sloan took the lead. He brought the group to a small Garden which contained a inconspicuous shed.

Gray noticed the interior appeared to have various tools for gardening and a few different fertilizers. The entire shed being no bigger than a small bedroom. Sloan began to shuffle about finally moving a stack of fertilizers to one side. A small trap door was hidden underneath.

"Thank youuuu client!!" Sloan let out with a grin. Which earned him a quick "Shhh" from Jess. The trio began their decent down the corridor and moved underground for some time. Grey used his electricity to make a small near silent form of light for them to see.

Eventually they came to a door and looked for a mechanism to let them enter. "There's nothing here." said Gray, "how are we supposed to get in?" He turned to Sloan.

"I-I-I don't know, there should be a way in from here maybe the client made a mistake?" Sloan said back in defeat.

Growing impatient "No big deal I'll sneak inside and come and unlock this for you both. Just stay here and keep quite!" Jess told them both.

"What? No? What if you run into someone? This isn't the plan!" Gray protested.

"Stop Thunder, lets trust her. See if she can pull this off and if so no harm done."

With that Jess took off back through the tunnel, leaving Sloan and Gray. 'Today's my lucky day.. Today's my lucky day..' Gray kept repeating to himself. Sloan just let out a half smile and waited.


Almost half an hour later the door began to rumble and finally unlatched. Jess was a little out of breath but let them into what appeared to be a small closet. "Come on quietly, there's still guards about." Jess commanded.

Both boys happy to see she wasn't injured or found out, followed her instructions. "This way." She led them from the closet to the main bedroom. Gray noticed that the air inside the house wasn't as fresh as he would have imagined. The trio stopped when they saw something move on the master bed. It seemed that someone was sleeping quite peacefully. No one moved trying to make sure their unexpected guest was asleep. Eventually Jess waved them on, and led them to another door hidden in the room. She pointed at Sloan and he began to get to work on the vault door.

A few minutes passed and they were in. Silently closing the hidden door Jess put up a Silence spell on the room, not allowing anyone to hear what was happening. "Feel free to talk but lets try to hurry, know what were looking for Sloan?" Jess said.

"Yea should be a small orb and a medium sized blade. The blade is y'all's payment so I'll look for the orb. The blade has a strange design and should have a golden hilt." [Rip] Sloan said as he was ripping boxes and opening chests. [Clunk]

[Clatter] Gray scanned the vault looking for the blade, but came up empty. [Plunge] Paintings lined the walls with fine fabrics thrown about. Chests and boxes littered the ground making it difficult to navigate. He found several priceless jewels and equipment, [Rip] but he knew they would be very hard to sell. Selecting coins and a few miner jewels to fill his pockets. [Thud] He finally came across a small charm bracelet that had three charms on it. One was that of a feline, [Step] one was of a clover and the last one was a sundial. Gray thought it would look nice so he put it on his wrist and turned to the others to see if they had found the blade or the orb.

Gray hadn't even fully turned his body when a medium sized blade, with a golden hilt pierced his chest.