
PVZ system by the multiverse.

Douglas died in an accident, knew God and ended up winning a system (plants vs zombies).

patinhoDEUSVULT · Komik
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Dryad who now calls Dália, is getting used to her new body these days she is already able to talk and walk but anything more complex like sneezing and coughing at the same time is too difficult for her.

But right now, we are facing a dilemma.

- I want to become engaged to Satoru!

- I agree!

- I reject, as well as being engaged to Satoru he is not even 2 years old yet!

Ibara and Dália are trying to propose an engagement to Satoru, and Douglas is rejecting that he does not want to decide the future of his son his son who turns around when he gets older.

However the problem is that the boy at this moment is holding on to Dahlia as if this idea were one of the best things in the world, I could even see the look of who won the lottery on him.

That damn son is still going to be in trouble later.

- We will do the following because this conversation will not go anywhere!

- What's your proposal?

- We should let him grow up first when he is old enough he will decide for himself!

The two exchanged looks and turned to me.

- We agree!

- And it is not worth using the special potion to make him take responsibility later!

Their faces twitched a little but they nodded in agreement, after getting them to sign a contract and give their words for what they are most valuable about this matter is over.

Douglas using his Stand left the room and called Michael to play some games.

- So what will it be, Mortal Kombat 13, PVZ 3, we also have virtual reality games?

- Well I never tried a virtual reality game, it can be interesting!

Douglas turned on the computer and started researching to take a look at the games that were there.

- Let's try something simple like this one!

- Gun gale Online, looks good!

The two put on their helmets and lay on the beds next to them.

- Link start! (I'll still say this in real life)

A small light shone, shortly afterwards Douglas appeared in the SBC Glocken starter square, shortly afterwards another light shone beside him and michael appeared as well.

They have hardly changed anything except the fact that they are both black now.

- Or is this incredible, if it weren't for the life bar down there I wouldn't even know it was a game!

Michael started to touch himself and see how the body was doing, the players at the scene looked at him strangely, thinking he was narcissistic.

- Let's take a look at the city and see what we can do!

The two then started walking around the city, however they underestimated the maze that is the city, after almost 4 hours walking around the city they found a map and went to the weapons district.

- Look at the amount of weapons you have here!

- In fact, I never thought that there were so many weapons in one game!

The two walked around the place looking at the weapons, but as they only had a thousand credits they didn't have much to buy, in the end Douglas gave his credits to Michael and he bought a combat knife and the two left the city shortly thereafter.

- Hey look at those newbies, they're not even wearing armor and carrying weapons!

- Hahaha, I bet they will die in the first hours in the desert!

- Puff, in the first hours, I bet that in half an hour they will be at the point of rebirth!

However, the two will just ignore these players and despise them and entered the desert, half an hour later a flock of 20 giant rats attacked them.

But unlike other players Douglas is someone more than superhuman in real life, fighting these rats with simple mentalities is the same as intimidating children.

Bam, Shovel, Shovel, Bang.

The same goes for Michael who has fought several ferocious animals in the jungle, fighting these simple mice was a cinch for him.

(Cutting sounds, stabbing)

5 minutes later the rats were all dead, some with their necks twisted at odd angles and others with cuts at their vital points.

Their bodies were transformed into light and the two received credits.

- I expect more, however this must be only the initial monsters of the game we must try the ones further on!

With them advancing through the desert while killing everything in their paths, some players attempted attacks only to be disarmed and to have their bones broken.

After 4 hours a rumor about two players using bugs or rack in the game started to circulate, with several players sending complaints to the ADMS.

However the answers were always the same, the individual did not use even a means considered to be cheating to kill you even when he dodged his bullets and threw a stone at his grenade in the air making it come back to you, no method was detected that will against the rules of the game.


Douglas broke the neck of a sniper who tried to ambush them just now.

- This is already the 40 enemy killed, there is no punishment for killing in this game, it is not full of PKS players here.

- I think this game is about PK,or farm of monsters but it doesn't matter i am having fun with it taking advantage of the fact that i can kill the will!

The two collected the doubles and went back to the city, in that trip of a few hours they made a profit of 45,000 credits each and earned the nicknames of (Douglas the neck breaker) and (Bloody bear).

Douglas put his name on the game and Michael put his name on the artist making the two earn these strange nicknames.