

Ava, a hardworking young girl, finds herself in a real dilemma after her mother, a drug addict, took out a large loan from loan sharks and fled, leaving Ava to clean up her mess. Ava has one week to pay off her mother's debts or she will be forced to become a mistress to the loan shark, which forces her to sell her virginity to Mason. Mason, on the other hand, wants more than just her virginity; he wants her to be his wife.

Gina_rites · perkotaan
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297 Chs

Do You Want This To Work?

As walked into the office premises, a smile curved up her lip as she remembered her encounter at the office, the previous day.

Workers were peeping from their office as she and Mason walked down the office corridor. Nancy was so green with envy, that Ava thought she was going to burst.

As they passed by her, Mason bent his head and pressed a kiss to her temple, whispering something sweet in her ear causing Ava to giggle.

If looks could kill, Nancy would have killed both Ava and Mason with her look.

The moment they entered his office, Mason pressed his lips against hers and started to kiss her senselessly, and they both disengaged from the kiss when they heard someone gasp, they both to find Nancy standing at the door, with a shocked expression on her face. She quickly turned around and stormed out of the office, and Mason went back to kissing her. She was wanted to feel sorry for Nancy, but then she didn't.