
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs


The dictator was thinking of ways to made the people a bit smarter since most of the dictator citizen doesn't even had any education at all. To solve this problem, the dictator was thinking of building an elementary school in the country. But obviously the dictator doesn't wanted to waste all his money to build a normal good elementary school. The dictator then thought that if the children would be treated like prisoner and build the school like a prison, it would be good as it would be saving more money for the dictator. So, he told his worker to build a prison like school in the country. Then, while building the school, the dictator thought about another great idea. He thought that the school could also be used as work place for the children so not only would the children be studying at school to become smarter, but also they could be working in the school thus earning the dictator more money to pay off the school expenses.

The student uniform would be the same as the prisoner in the dictator prison to reduce the cost of building a school. Then for the toilets, the dictator planned for the students to be doing it on the nature. It meant that the dictator forced the students to be both pooping and peeing outside in the bush. Then for food, like the prisoner, the students won't be getting any food since buying ingredients for food would be too much even for the dictator. The dictator thought that by not feeding the students, they would learn the lesson of how to did diet and saved money.

The parents who were trying to refuse their children for those type of education, would be punished by the dictator. And also the students would had a place to stay in the school. But unlike the prisoner where they would be fighting for only one bed, the students would each had a private room that doesn't had any shower nor a toilet. And any students trying to escaped from the school, would be sniped by the guards or teachers. The dormitory would had a curfew at 11 pm in which the students must entered the dorm if they doesn't wanted to get tortured by the guards or the teachers. Lastly, if the students were trying to fight , they would directly be shot to death by the guards in front of other students as an example. The school starting to look more and more like a prison than a normal school. And of course one special rule the dictator doesn't ban in the school was drugs. The student were all allowed to use drugs but if they died, their bodies would be disposed as a garbage.