
Princess & Knight

As a daughter , I had to engaged someone I had never seen or spoken to because I wanted to obey my parents, I did not try to understand him even after getting engaged. Even thought I got engaged to some one I didn't like , I didn't feel bad because two months later I was ready to go to higher education in Australia, Then I hope I never meet him again, but will fate meet us again? -------- MEI ROULAN------- Ever since I was a child , I lived a relaxed life without listening to what my parents told me. I know about love the day I saw her for the first time. After 2 years later . my parents forced me to engaged my father's best friend's daughter. I thought marrying the girl I loved, but never thought of being someone's else. But what to do? I didn't speak a word to the girl I saw , I didn't even know her name. But I never thought that my whole life change because of the girl I engaged. will I really love the one I'm engaged to? ------------ LI XUAN ----------

Moon11 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Rumored Boyfriend

It was past the time for the next day's lecture, but Shiner had not come to the hall. After about half an hour, Rosy came to the lecture hall.

"Ahem..... Your professor does not have to give the lecture today due to a special reason. But she has given evaluations. Complete them and keep them in the office.''

As Rosy made the announcement and left the hall, Li Xuan also left.

"Rosy, Shinar is fine, isn't she?"

''Hmm. But why is Captain worried about her?'' Rosy asked as if to test Li Xuan.

"Umm... just... this..."

Seeing that Li Xuan had no answer, Rosy muttered, "Oh! You are her finance. You have a right to know what she did.'' Rosy teased him.

"Do you know that I am her Finance ?" he asked in surprise.

"The first day I met Shiner, she told me everything about herself. Then she said about you too.''


Shiner went to the lab due to an emergency. There is also a photo shoot in the evening. It will be night when she comes.

"Okay then, thank you."

Rosy walked a few feet and stopped, "Captain, don't believe what's on social media. And none of that is true. I hope you can put a smile on her face again.'' Rosy said seriously.

''I will try my best to make not only her smile but also her mine," thought Li Xuan.

By the time Li Xuan went to eat that night, it was late. Jing Wang and Mo Yang were also waiting for him. The three of them went to the cafeteria to eat, but Li Xuan had no desire to eat. He waited for Shiner as she hadn't arrived yet.

"Li Xuan , why don't you eat?" Jing Wang asked looking at his plate.

''I don't seem hungry today.'' As he said this, a soldier on guard came.

"Captain, someone has come to see Miss. Roulan."

"Tell him to come in."

Li Xuan didn't know who would come first, but when he saw that it was a man, Li Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

"I came to meet Shiner," said the person who came.

"Are you hers....?" Jing Wang asked, pointing him to sit down.

'' I am Fang Lan. I am hers... We both work in the same lab.''

When he said that, Li Xuan put aside his plate and leaned on the chair he was sitting on.

"Ah..... Why do I feel like I'm used to hearing that name well?" Mo Yang muttered.

"It's you!!! You were once rumored to be Shiner's boyfriend. As it said, you work together with her. Am I right?'' Li Xuan's gaze turned cold as Mo Yang said this.

'' Yes. It's me.'' Then Fang Lan's face turned red with embarrassment.

"But as I remember, Shiner submitted a statement and proved that it was a just rumor." When Mo Yang said that, Fang Lan's smile disappeared.

''Hmmm. But I didn't stop loving her. I hope someday I will get a chance.'' Fang Lan said with confidence.

Hearing that, Mo Yang coughed and said, '' Maybe.''

Li Xuan , who had been gritting his teeth in anger until now, said, "What if she has someone she loves?"

As he said this, the three people around him looked at him in shock.

"Um.... I mean, we don't know, but she might already have a boyfriend."

"You may be right, Li Xuan ," Jing Wang said.

"Even if it is true, I will try my best."

"Congratulations from me then. If she consents, please remind us and tell us about the your marriage. Isn't it Li Xuan .'' Mo Yang replied.

[ Shinar , I think I will have a hard time owning you. Wherever you go, there is someone who likes you. but the one hand, it is not surprising. I also liked you the first day I saw you. ] A smile came to Li Xuan's face as he remembered the day he first saw her.

After about an hour passed like this, Li Xuan saw Shinar coming with Rosy and looked at her. Shinar wore a cap and a mask as usual and wrapped her whole body in a long black coat.

"Princess, Hi !!!! " Mo Yang said seeing Shinar.

''Hi !! '' she said slowly.

After Shinar went to the table where they were, "Shinar, come and eat with us." Jing Wang invited.

'' Thank you. but I'm not hungry now.'' Shinar said.

"Surprise!!! Shinar was startled when Fang Lan said.

"Fang Lan, what are you doing here?" Rosy asked angrily.

He looked at Shinar as he said, "I made a transfer to the American lab."

But Shinar ignored him and said, "Rosy, you eat dinner.. I'm going to the room."

Shinar looked at Li Xuan before leaving, but she could see that there was no happiness on his face.

Fang Lan, who was watching Shinar go back, "Are you crazy?" Now go. You can meet Shinar some other day. This is a military camp. There are rules here. Outsiders cannot come here at night. '' saying rosy scolded him.

"Isn't that right, Captain?" Rosy looked at Li Xuan.

"Ahem... Ah..... yes. It's true.'' Li Xuan also wanted to send him, so he supported Rosy.

After Fang Lan left, Rosy got ready to eat dinner.

"Rosy, why did the princess go without eating?" Mo Yang asked.

An angry Rosy looked at him, ''You are the other one. Stop calling Shinar to princess, or you too could be her rumored boyfriend in a few days.''

''Then how good is it? I can even be her rumored boyfriend.''

"Definitely good. Because Shinar doesn't even keep friendship with someone who was once her rumored boyfriend.'' Li Xuan also smiled when she saw the way Mo Yang's face turned dark when Rosy was teasing.

"I think it would be right if I called her Shinar?" Mo Yang said with a sigh.

''Wise idea.'' Jing Wang said as he looked at Li Xuan, he was thinking something.

''Li Xuan , what are you thinking? ''

'' Nothing. I will go now. You guys keep eating.'' Li Xuan said so and went towards the office.