
Princess & Knight

As a daughter , I had to engaged someone I had never seen or spoken to because I wanted to obey my parents, I did not try to understand him even after getting engaged. Even thought I got engaged to some one I didn't like , I didn't feel bad because two months later I was ready to go to higher education in Australia, Then I hope I never meet him again, but will fate meet us again? -------- MEI ROULAN------- Ever since I was a child , I lived a relaxed life without listening to what my parents told me. I know about love the day I saw her for the first time. After 2 years later . my parents forced me to engaged my father's best friend's daughter. I thought marrying the girl I loved, but never thought of being someone's else. But what to do? I didn't speak a word to the girl I saw , I didn't even know her name. But I never thought that my whole life change because of the girl I engaged. will I really love the one I'm engaged to? ------------ LI XUAN ----------

Moon11 · Teen
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9 Chs

Sweet Punishment

"Nothing. You're more beautiful than you were." As Li Xuan said, Shinar widened her eyes, "Are you crazy?" she whispered.

Li Xuan kept hand on his cheek and looked at her without counting her words.

"Li Xuan... why did you come to the lecture? You don't like lectures." Shinar asked in a whisper.

"That was before. Now you teach. That's why I like lectures now."

"Are you sick? If you take medicine soon, you will be fine." she said angrily.

"I think I got sick after seeing you..."


Seeing Shinar and Li Xuan whispering, Mo Yang asked, "Captain, what are you saying to my princess?"

Mo Yang's voice from the front row echoed throughout the hall, drawing everyone's attention to them.

"Umm.... It's a secret between us, isn't it?" Saying, he looked at Shinar.

"Ridiculous !! "

"The lecture is over for today." she said.

In Shinar's room---------------

After came to the room Shinar went to the bed and hit the pillow until her anger subsided.

"Shinar, who made you so angry?" Rosy asked giving a bottle of water to Shinar.

"Who else ? that idiot."

"Idiot ? Li Xuan?" Rosy asked.

"Don't even mention the name to me. The man who doesn't even like lectures came to the lecture today and talk nonsense."

Rosie laughed saying "Ah.... never without?...".

"Why are you laughing when I'm so angry?"

"Who knows? he remember the love he had before." Rosy teased.

"Shut up and don't talk nonsense.


That night too, Shinar went to the library and was studying books. When Li Xuan passed by, he saw a light in the library, so when he entered, he saw that Shinar was sleeping surrounded by a lot of books. He sat next to her and looked at her for a while. At this moment, an incident that happened three years ago came to mind.

He kissed Shinar forehead saying ,'' you were sleeping like this that day.''

She suddenly woke up at that moment and looked at Li Xuan, but She had no idea what had happened.

"What are you doing here?" Shinar asked in surprise.

Li Xuan was relieved at that moment.

"Ah... I came here after see a light in the library." He stammered and said.

"What are you stuttering? Did you even see a ghost?"

Shinar asked while putting the books in order. because there was no answer, Shinar looked at him for a while.

"Li Xuan, are you okay? You are very strange today."

"Yes. I'm fine."

"I see," she whispered.

"Ah... one more thing. Aren't you going to attend the lectures from tomorrow?"

"Why don't I come?"

Li Xuan asked as he approached where Shinar was. Sensing that someone was behind her, Shinar looked behind her and was startled to see Li Xuan just a inch ahead of her on the face.

"Now you say ? Shouldn't I come to the lectures?" He leaning towards Shinar.

Shinar tried to avoid him but he didn't give a chance. She looked at Li Xuan angrily, but the moment their eyes met, her heart began to beat faster.

"Mrs. Li , what's wrong with me?" Saying, Li Xuan held his forehead to hers. At that moment, She could only hear the sound of his rapid breathing due to the silence around them.

At that very moment, Li Xuan kissed her forehead when Shinar looked at him. Then rubbing her cheeks , "Mrs. Li , listen to me. You deliberately stayed away from me for about three years. It will never happen again. And don't even think about staying away from me again. Today, this is your punishment for staying away from me for the past three years. Just started giving. Do you understand?" He whispered ....

At that time, Li Xuan's words rang in Shinar's ears.

"Childish." Shinar said and left the library.

Shinar couldn't believe what she heard in the library. After coming back to the room, Rosy was also surprised that Shinar was not as talkative as usual.

"Shinar, did anything special happen today?"

When Rosy asked, "No, nothing special happened." She avoided Rosy.

Even though it was past midnight, Shinar's eyes could not even see sleep. Seeing her tossing and turning on the bed, Rosy turned on the lamp.

"Shinar, tell me if you have a problem. Don't hold back."

Shinar let out a long sigh and looked at Rosy with sleepy eyes.

"I think Li Xuan is the reason for your strange behavior?"

"Rosy, I still can't understand Li Xuan. He... he... I don't know how to tell you."

"The reason for all the problems between the two of you is that both of you have been away from each other for so long. Shinar, even though you both were engaged, you did not speak a word for three years. So when you meet again, everything feels strange."

"I know. But... But I stayed away from him for so long because he has someone he loves." She said, hugging the nearby pillow.

"What? He loves someone else?" Saying, Rosie laughed at the mockery.

"I don't believe that. Everyone knows his temper. Everyone in the camp knows that Li Xuan are not close to anyone. Who knows ? Does he love you?"

"Don't read nonsense."

"Shinar, you still haven't told me how you two met. I only know that Li Xuan is your finance."

Shinar got up from the bed and took the necklace from the wardrobe and sighed.