
Princess Bellamy

Simeni_Jennifer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter Three

" Lady Arleta." The head maid, Melinda said outside the door and when she heard no sound she went in.

" Lady Arleta." She gasped when she saw her gulping down wine directly from the bottle.

" Don't act like you're shocked, Melinda. Everyone knows who I am. That's why my father sent me here. " Arleta hiccupped.

" My lady, this isn't right. " Melinda said and tried to take the bottle from her.

" What? Drinking wine. The Queen has a large jar in her room. "

" Which she takes when necessary. It isn't right for a lady to behave in such manner. "

" Melinda what do you know about being a lady? Aside from helping us dress. I never knew my mother and I've been sold of to different men in the name of marriage. Even men old enough to be father. Is that what is right for a lady? "

" Arleta. " Queen Minerva said sadly as she walked into the room. " Leave us Melinda. " She said and Melinda bowed her head before leaving.

" Has he sent you to give me off to the next minister?"

" Arleta I understand how you feel but I'm not going to do it. I understand how it feels to be forced into various marriages that we don't approve of. The women of the royal family has always been living in chains. The other women might have earned their freedom but the women from royalty didn't. You have to marry to strengthen your family's hold. "

" Is that what happened to you? "

" Believe me Arleta, what's happening to you is just a phase, it'll pass. At least you're forced to marry your second cousin or even your brother."

" That must have been awful. "

" Yes but I got over it. Doing all of this to get your father's attention won't work. You have to prove to him that you can be strong on your own. "

" How do I do that? "

" First you have to stop drinking? Secondly, tell your cousins the truth. " Queen Minerva said and pecked her forehead. " They're waiting at the barrier. Make sure you have lots of fun. She needs it."

" I will. Do you think it would let her pass? "

" I know it would. Just make sure you're back before dawn. It's almost sundown. " The Queen said and she jumped up excitedly.

" Thank you auntie. " She said and pecked her cheek before running off.

" Do you want me to send the guards after them? " The head guard asked and she shook her head.

" Let them be for today. They have someone strong with them. I'll let you know if you need to go to the city. Just get the car ready for them. "


" Sorry I kept you guys waiting. " Arleta said as she ran towards the royals.

" Were you drinking again?" Sebastian asked.

" No why would I? " She chuckled nervously. " Have you tried it? "

" Yes, but it's a dead end. You guys have fun anyway." Bellamy said sadly.

" Don't give up. Maybe it's a false. Try it again while I'm here. " She said. " I'm going outside the barrier. Try coming after me. " She said and ran off.

" Okay. " Bellamy inhaled ad went after her. She passed the barrier and immediately she passed it fell. " Wow! Yay! I'm finally out. " She screamed.


" You let down the barrier? " Lord Balor asked the queen. They were watching them from the window of her chambers.

" She let down the barrier. She's more powerful than she seems. "

" The barrier is the only thing keeping the common folks from coming into the castle. And also something like what happened earlier. "

" And it's gonna keep them as long as she's still alive. The king knew she's the only one who could power the barrier and that is why we need to let her live some more before she's told the responsibility in her hands. "

" This is risky. What if it doesn't work? "

" Then my father isn't Dagon. If my father has risen once again, we need to do anything possible to take him back to the realm of darkness where he belongs. "

" The princess life is at risk. "

" She has someone to protect her. "

" What if he's in here?"

" You're asking if that person might be your son? He isn't. He's a commoner like you were once. A commoner with magic. "

" I trust your judgement, your Majesty but....."

" The children will be fine. The barrier was still up when that thing attacked them. Which only means we need her go out to make the barrier stronger. " Queen Minerva said with a smirk.

" Your Majesty. " He said and bowed his head before leaving.

" Be safe my little princess. " She said and conjured up a snowflake.


" Let's go." Arleta screamed as they got into the car.

" Wait." Bellamy said and came down from the car.

" What's she doing?" Arleta whispered and she came back in with a snowflake.

" Mother's snowflake. " Archer muttered.

" She wants us to be safe. " Sebastian said.

" She was watching us. " Bellamy smiled.

" She's still watching. We just need to keep you safe. " Sebastian said and nudged her shoulders and she smiled. They were dressed incognito so no one would know who they were. They would think they were from some rich family.


The car came to a stop at an expensive and popular hotel and they came down.

" Where are we?" She asked.

" The Fristers are holding a party. " Sebastian said.

" You know the Fristers? " Arleta asked.

" Yeah, I've heard about them a few times. "

" We went to the same high school. It's a group of three popular and rich boys. " Arleta said as they were led in. " The Fristers party is a place to start from for a first timer. " She smiled.

" Wow! " Bellamy mouthed as they walked further into the hall.

" Magical right!" Archer whispered.

" The royal's party is more magical. " She smiled. As they walked by, a group of boys stopped to stare at her and Archer shot them dangerous glare. She wouldn't blame them for drooling. She was dressed in one of Arleta's party dress. It was a short sleeveless black gown with slits. The gown fitted her perfectly and brought out her curves.

" Where's Arleta?" Bellamy asked looking around.

" She's with the Fristers. " Sebastian said. As they walked by, the girls kept drooling at the princes while the boys drooled at Bellamy. Her brothers were the most handsome men in the kingdom. They both took after her mother in hair colour, skin, character, and everything except eyes. They had the king's eyes. They both had red hair and hazel eyes. They could pass as twins at a first since they looked alike. While she had various personalities, she looked like her mother and father and grandmother which made her beauty extra.

" Hello fellow rich folks. " One of the members of the Fristers said snd they smiled. Bellamy was almost tempted to bow her head but she held herself.

" Hey. "

" This is Jeremy, Nicklaus and Charles. " Arleta introduced. The one with golden brown was Nicklaus, Charles had blonde hair while Jeremy was a red head like the princes.

" These are my cousins. Bellamy, Sebastian and Archer." Arleta said and they exchanged greetings.

" Care for a dance milady?" Nicklaus asked Bellamy and she blushed.

" Sure. " She said and they both went to the dance floor.

" So you're the princess?" Nicklaus asked and she gasped. " Even if you're incognito, one could tell that you're from royalty. Magic has a way of not hiding itself. "

" So you know about magic it's effect on users? "

" Yes, I do. Since you want it to be secret, I won't tell anyone that we were graced by the princess's presence. Don't bother about my friends, they're as dumb as an oaf. " He said and she laughed.

" This is my first time coming out of the castle. "

" One can tell. I heard the princess was the most beautiful maiden in the lands. Seeing you makes me believe it. " He winked and she blushed.

" Thank you. " She said as the dance came to an end and they went back to the others.

" Here have a little wine while we wait for the magic show. " Arleta said and offered her a glass.

" I shouldn't. " She said politely.

" It just has a little alcohol. " Jeremy whispered to Archer. " Mostly apple cider. "

" You can take it. " Archer said and she sighed before taking the glass from her.

" Such a baby. " Arleta scoffed. The magic show came on soon and Bellamy watched it with keen interest while Nicklaus watched her.

" Stop staring at my sister. " Sebastian glared at him and he chuckled.

" Can't help myself. " He mouthed and he scoffed. The magic sow soon came to an end.

" Do you guys wanna head to the penthouse and leave the guests to party?" Nicklaus asked.

" I thought the penthouse..... "

" Oh honey, this hotel actually belongs to Nicklaus. " Arleta said and Bellamy nodded.

" I do need some rest. " She muttered.

" We'll join you guys later. " Archer said and pecked her forehead.

" Be safe. " Sebastian said and winked at her. They were probably going after girls.

" I'll keep her safe. " Arleta said drunkenly as she pulled her to the elevator.


" Wow! This is beautiful. It looks just like my room. " Bellamy muttered as she walked into Nicklaus's room. Arleta was with the other boys int the living room. " Why did you bring me in here? " She glared at him and he chuckled.

" For a princess who's not been exposed to the outside world, I must say that you're smart. " He said. " I wanted to speak to you alone. I actually took permission from your brothers before bringing you in here alone and I'm not going to do anything against your wish. "

" Speak to me about what? " She asked as they sat on the couch.

" Your snowflake. "

" My snowflake? "

" Yeah. The one you've hidden in your dress. "

" How can you see it when you don't have magic? "

" It's a family heirloom, right? "

" Yes, my mother's. "

" Meant to guide you to your right path. "

" How do know about it? "

" I know quite a lot of things." He said and turned off the light with a snap of fingers and turned them back on.

" You have magic?"

" Can I trust you with this little secret of mine dear princess?"

" If it is a secret then you can. " She smiled. He adjusted closer to her and she shifted uncomfortably.

" I'm not going to bite you. I just want to have a closer look at the heirloom. " He said and she exhaled.

" Okay. " She said and placed it in her hands.

" Such a priceless gift formed with magic. It would begin to fade once it's done it's job. "

" Fade? "

" It led you to me. " He whispered and she shivered. As if planned, the snowflake began melting.

" No.."

" It's job is completed. The Queen knew I would be here that's why she ordered your siblings to bring you here. Since you've rejected all your suitors, you might as well accept me. But I'm not a suitor, I'm just a guide. "

" Guide? "

" I'm the only who's able to help you control your powers outside the castle. " He said, his face few inches away from hers.

" I need a drink. " She whispered and he chuckled. He walked towards the cellar and brought a jar of alcoholic wine. He placed them before her and formed two glasses with his powers and she stared at him speechless.

" I can control mineral materials, earth and some other things." He shrugged as he turned the wine into the two glasses.


" Do you think he'll do it?" Sebastian asked as they walked to the elevator.

" Mother believes he's the one. I'm sure he already knows it, if he's the one. We just have to make sure no one interrupts them. " Archer shrugged.

" I can't believe he's the only commoner with powers. "

" He's not the only commoner with powers. The others have powers but they're recessive. He's the only dominant one." Archer said.

" I need a girl for tonight. " Sebastian murmured.

" You're gonna have lots of mistresses at this rate. " Archer shook his head.

" I don't care. I need pleasure. "


" So you say your family has a lots of companies that help the royal families with finance? " Bellamy slurped.

" Yes. We're the third richest family in the kingdom. "

" Who's the first? "

" The royal family. "

" I knew it. " She giggled. She tried to stand up but she slumped and fell on his body on the couch.

" You smell lovely." Nicklaus said drunkenly.

" You smell like wine. " She giggled with a flushed face. Their faces came closer and she licked her lips. He slammed his lips on hers hungrily and she kissed him back in the same manner. They kissed like couples who's been apart for years. His hands caressed her nipples through the dress and she played with his hair. Her emotions grew instantly and she lost control. She became wild like a fiery beast and overpowered him.

" Bellamy. Your highness." Nicklaus said and forced himself to stop before anything else could happen. It was best if anything happens if she was in her right senses and in total approval with it.

" Why did you stop? I want more. " She cried.

" Your highness, you're not in your right senses. We can't do this. We only just met. " Nicklaus said.

" But I want it. " She cried as her eyes glowed.

" Bellamy you have to control yourself. " He said and held her face in his palm.

" I can't. My body... It's getting hotter. " She cried. He cursed himself inwardly. He had made loose control of her powers when he's supposed to help her control it.

" Ahh!"