
Princess Bellamy

Simeni_Jennifer · Fantasy
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Chapter two

Weeks passed and the kingdom was back to it's former glory. It seems like everyone had forgotten about the passing of their great king. The men of the court were pushing for the coronation of a new king but the Queen refused under the claim that her son was not ready to rule.

Today was another day for a meeting to deliberate on the bearer of the crown. The whole hall was in chaos before the Queen stepped in and the moment she stepped into the hall, it became silent.

" Thank you, my Lords. " She said as she sat on the highest seat.

" Proceed with the meeting. " The highest member of the court said.

" Well there's not much to be said. I've already come to a decision. "

" And that is? "

" Until my firstborn son is ready to rule, I, Queen Minerva Renee Cassius Storm would rule in my son's stead. " She proclaimed with a smirk.

" Impossible! "

" This is outrageous."

" And why is that Lord Arry? Is it because you perhaps are seeking a place on the throne? I am a member of the royal family and I am the Queen! My decision is final. Until my son is ready to rule, I shall rule in his stead. " She said and waved her hand. " This meeting is adjourned. " She said and the men of the court left grumbling under their breathes.

" Your Majesty." Prince Archer said and bowed his head slightly.

" No need for the formalities Archer. You're in my presence. " The Queen scoffed.

" Thank you mother. " He said with a wide smile.

" Don't thank me. Thank your stars that the Lord Balor is in agreement with me. Since we have his support, you can live your life and have fun while it lasts. I'm only doing this because I know the burden that comes with the throne and I do not want you to carry that burden at such a young age. When you think you're ready to rule, you know where to find me. " She said and stood up.

" I will. "

" I'm tired. I'll see you at lunch. " She said and walked out.

" Escaping your rights now dear brother? " Bellamy teased as she walked in.

" I'm not ready to rule. On second thoughts. You could rule in my stead. It would only be fair since you were father's favorite. " He winked.

" Oh please if I was father's favorite , he wouldn't lock me up and make me feel bad about myself all day. " She shrugged.

" He was only protecting you. "

" Yeah, right. "

" I'm bored. I wish I could take you to town with me. "

" I'll be busy sketching diagrams so I don't think it's possible. " She sighed. " Well I'm off. Have fun at the king's town. " She said and walked out of the hall.

" We could sneak her out. " Sebastian said behind him.

" Are you mad? What if she loses control? "

" You have water magic. You could quench it. "

" What if she doesn't use fire? "

" I have the power to control one's mind, I could make her stop."

" Really and how has that worked out for you lately? " He smirked and Sebastian grunted.

" I just wish she could be free. " He sighed.

" She will be when it's the right time. "

" When she's old and frail?. Is that the right time? "

" Relax brother. The princess is only just nineteen. She'll be fine. "

" I wish she's not as powerful as she is. "

" Everyone wishes that. She has a lot of burden to carry. "

" Talking about Bellamy makes me want to cry. I was going horse riding. Wanna come along? "

" Sure. "


Bellamy went back to her room to continue sketching since it was the only thing she could do in the castle. She opened the side windows and the breeze blew her silk hair sideways.

Bellamy was the most beautiful maiden in the land of Crusta. Her dark silk hair which had tiny strands of red complimented her milk skin. She had green eyes like her mother and dark hair like her grandmother.

" You look just like my mother. In her time, she was also the most beautiful maiden in Crusta. " The king would always tell her. She couldn't meet her grandmother cause she died from an unknown disease. She met her grandfather but he died when she was three.

" Your Highness. " Her most closest maid, Mariam said as she walked into the room.

" What is it Mariam?" She asked without turning back.

" You have a visitor. " Mariam said and she turned.

" Who is it? "

" Where's my Bell? Belly?" Her cousin Arleta screamed walking in. Arleta was a free spirited and wayward lady. One would think she was not a member of the royal family at first glance. She changed a lot after her last fall out with the prince of Garvania.

" Arleta." Bellamy said and hugged her. " Leave us. " She said to Mariam who bowed her head before leaving.

" How's my favorite cousin doing?" She asked and pecked her cheeks.

" I'm great. It's been ages since I last saw you. "

" Same here. I was passing by so I thought I could check up on my cuzzy. "

" Ouch! That hurts. "

" I'm just kidding. I'm spending the whole summer here." She said and Bellamy beamed happily.

" Yay! It would be less boring in the castle. "

" It's always boring in the castle. To think of it, you've never really gone out. Not even to school. "

" None of us have gone out for schooling. Mostly home schooling. "

" I get that. Schooling at home is very boring. "

" You wish. " She said and they both laughed.

" I didn't see the prince's on my way in. Did they perhaps leave the castle? "

" No. I think they went horse riding. "

" I love a good horse ride. " Arleta said and pulled her up. " Grab your gears. We're going after the boys. " She said and Bellamy giggled. She went into her closet and changed into a riding wear and helmet.

" Why do you need a helmet?"

" I'm a princess. I can't ride a horse without one. " She smiled.

" I should wear one two. We'll be like twins. " She said and giggled. " I know you have a twin already but he's a guy and I'm a lady. "

" Yeah. We could. "

After dressing up, they went to the stables where the horses were kept and Bellamy was given her horse. It was a white stallion, a very strong and not so friendly horse. It only recognizes the princess and other members of the royal family including Arleta.

" Hey Winter." Arleta said as she patted it's mane and it neighed happily.

" He seems to like you more than me. " Bellamy pouted.

" That's because I always come with special gift. " She said and gave it an apple which it happily ate.

" He never accepts apples from me. Maybe I should try something else." She said and Arleta giggled.

" Maybe. " She said as they both mounted their horses.

They rode towards the valley hoping to meet the boys there and luckily they were still there. " Glad we caught you." Arleta said breathlessly.

" Lady Arleta. " Archer smiled.

" Don't lady me. I'm your cousin." She rolled her eyes.

" Someday your eyes might fall off as a result of rolling them too often. " Sebastian teased and they laughed.

" Very funny. " She said as she came down from the horses. " It's been months since I rode a horse. Bellamy, you were just too fast. "

" I've always been fast. " She shrugged as she tied her horse to a tree nearby. " We should just spend some time at the valley. "

" That was actually the plan. We wanted to spend some time here. " Archer said and Sebastian sighed.

" What is it? " Bellamy said and he smiled.

" Nothing. "

" You wanted to go to the city? You can. I don't want to hold you back. "

" No Bells. You're not holding us back. We could explore the family together like we used to when we were younger. " Sebastian said and she smiled.

" Thank you. " She said and pecked his lips.

" Stupid tradition. " Arleta grumbled.

" It's not stupid. It's just a peck. "

" It should be on the lips. " She said as they all sat on the grass.

" The royal family had always been awkward." Archer chuckled.

" Like forcing cousins to get married. " Sebastian scoffed.

" That was in the past. I'm not sure that would ever happen again. "

" It might if they see the need to keep the blood purer. "

" Our blood is as pure as it can be. "

" That's because your father married his third cousin. " Arleta winked.

" That law is already done. "

" But they still have to choose our partners for us. "

" How long are you staying? " Archer asked.

" Why do you ask? Do you miss me? " Arleta winked.

" No, I thought Bells might need extra company since we would be going for a hunt soon. " Archer shrugged.

" I'll be spending the summer here. "

" You didn't tell me you're going for a hunt? How long? " Bellamy asked.

" Just two days. The Lady of Sapphire had a son..... "

" So she's holding a tournament? "

" Yes. "

" I wish I could take you to the city. " Arleta said as she pulled Bellamy to her side.

" I wish I could go too. But as you can see I can't pass the border of the castle grounds. " Bellamy said sadly.

" Don't worry. You'll pass soon enough. "

They were still talking when they heard rustling sounds from the forest.

" Keep calm. " Archer said and stood up slowly. He walked towards the direction of the sound but he was attacked from behind.

" Archer!" Bellamy screamed.

A demon-like animal jumped from the bush and attacked them while Archer fought with a man.

They tried using their powers on it but it proved fruitless. Bellamy was too scared to use her powers and they were at a losing end. It was either them or the demons.

" Bell, you have to help us. " Arleta said.

" What if I loose control? "

" You won't. I know it. You can't loose control. " Arleta said and she sighed. She closed her eyes and conjured up a shield for herself and her siblings then she created a fire ball with her other hand. She threw it at the animal but it proved relentless.

" Don't give up." She said to herself. She created spears from the poisonous stems around and sent them towards the ugly looking man and he died immediately. The animal grew annoyed when it saw it's owner dead and tried to break the shield. It seemed distracted so Archer broke the shield around him and moved stealthily towards the animal before stabbing it in its neck.

" I just killed someone." Bellamy said as she broke the shield.

" You didn't. That thing would have killed us anyway. I wonder what it is. " Sebastian said.

" We have to go back to the castle. " Archer said and mounted his horse.


" What do you think it is?" Queen Minerva asked the royal physician. The prince sent some men back to the valley to bring the dead things.

" A demon perhaps."

" A demon would not just attack." Archer said.

" I don't know for certain, your Majesty. What I know is that they were after someone. " He said and they turned to look at Bellamy.

" Do you think they're after me? Am I the cause of this?" She sniffed.

" No darling. You didn't cause anything. You did a brave thing fighting them. I'm glad you didn't loose control. " Queen Minerva said and held her face in her palms.

" Auntie." Arleta said.

" Yes Arleta. "

" I was wondering since Bell didn't loose control while fighting ..... "

" You were wondering if she had mastered the act of her powers, am I correct? "

" Yes. "

" She has. "

" Can't she go outside the castle grounds now? "

" Arleta that isn't for me to decide. If she can pass the barrier that means she can go outside. "

" Okay. Bellamy aren't you tired. Come on, let's go to our room. "

" Okay. " Bellamy said and they both left.

" What is it?" Queen Minerva asked the physician one more time.

" I think someone has risen the dreaded king and his men. "

" You mean someone rose Dagon? " Archer and Sebastian asked at a time.

" Yes. " He said and they all exchanged glances.