
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 27: Talk

Lin Xiao woke up that morning with a single thought in his mind. 'When did I become so depraved?'

He looked to his side.

Xia Xianxia was sleeping naked with her cheek resting on his chest. Moreover, her long leg was coiled around his pelvis. She was hugging him tightly as if fearing he would go away.

A few hours ago, they had completely lost it. Only around five o'clock, an hour after the sword fighting began, did Xia Xianxia pass out.

Shuffling his hand, he reached out for her bouncy breast. It was topped off with a rosy bead. Those beads enticed Lin Xiao.

When his fingers touched the peak, Xia Xianxia's body trembled lightly. While contemplating things with closed eyes, he played with them alternatively. Soon enough, it became stiff.

"How long will you pretend to be asleep." Lin Xiao chuckled with his eyes still closed.

Xia Xianxia's eyelids slowly opened, one at a time. After some moments, she rhetorically said: "I am fucked."

"That you are."

"You are fucked too."

"That I am."

"We are seriously fucked."

"English. We 'have' seriously fucked... and that's stretching it."

"...my father was planning to sell me as a concubine to a mighty prince from The Sanctuary. I am right; we are seriously fucked."

"The Sanctuary?" He heard the term for the first time.

"You don't know?" Xia Xianxia was a little surprised.

"Am I supposed to know it?"

"Of course. For a cultivator, The Sanctuary is the dream destination."

"Why so?"

Xia Xianxia cleared her throat and explained: "The Sanctuary, you see, is like another world on Earth. It exists in a completely different dimension. It's almost thrice as big as Earth! I've never been there myself but from what I've heard from father is that the Heaven and Earth Qi there is extremely dense. There are also many mighty cultivators, ancient clans, inheritance grounds, unexplored dungeons present there, and much, much more. I've heard that ancestors of major clans there have reached a level akin to God."

"Heh. Seems exciting." Lin Xiao replied in a monotonous tone, still playing with her hardened peaks. But in his mind, he was thinking of visiting this place. Maybe he would discover opportunities to raise his strength there?

Feeling his touch, Xia Xianxia whimpered lightly and glanced up to the man who had conquered her in a mere one hour. "Seeing how strong you were, I thought you were from The Sanctuary."

"Hate to break it to you, but I am not. Put that aside, why don't you tell me about yourself?" Lin Xiao looked at the clock on the wall. It was only six-thirty in the morning. They have time to talk.

A tinge of pink surfaced on Xia Xianxia's face as she spoke: "I am Xia Xianxia, the daughter of Hundred Poison Valley's Sect Master."

"Hundred Poison Valley... What is the cultivation realm of the strongest person there?"

"9th Level of Sky Qi Realm."

"There must be other sects too, right? How do your Hundred Poison Valley fare against them?"

Xia Xianxia thought for a moment and answered: "Hundred Poison Valley along with nine other major powers are located just outside The Sanctuary, and we are called as 'Castaways' by them. As for how my Hundred Poison Valley fare against the nine powers—we are in the top three. Hundred Poison Valley, AshHeart Temple, and NibbleSky Sacred Cult are always fighting for the top position."

Lin Xiao silently remembered those names. His hand, which was toying with her peaks, grabbed the complete package most suddenly.

"Nnghh~" She moaned and nestled deeply into Lin Xiao's chest.

"You are taking all this quite casually, I must say." Lin Xiao smiled, seeing her cute actions.

Xia Xianxia muttered. "After being pounded that fiercely by this monster, any woman would submit to you. There no use resisting; it's impossible to resist." While she was speaking, her smooth fingers were caressing Lin Xiao's massive package.

Lin Xiao grunted. "Cease your action. Otherwise, I'll have you take responsibility."

"Don't worry; I was mentally prepared for that."

Xia Xianxue slipped under the quilt until her face reached before Lin Xiao's half-erect rod. She grabbed it with an audible gulp. The veiny and pulsating object was too big for one of her hands to hold.

"Are you sure?" He asked when he felt a soft tongue caressing his length. Her movements were gentle, as if she was worshiping it.

"Certainly... At most, I'll simply die. It's worth it." Having said that, she opened her mouth as wide as she could and entrapped the monster within it.

Needless to say, Lin Xiao has no objection. He threw his head back and enjoyed the morning service.

'Reaping three virginities under the span of five days, this might be my next record.' He thought amusedly.

After fifteen minutes of pure bliss, Lin Xiao ejaculated. Xia Xianxia got her fill of morning milk; no, yogurt might be a better word.

The yogurt had barely settled in her stomach when she felt it turning into a stream of pure energy that strengthened her cultivation.

Only then did she discover a shocking fact.

"H-how am I in 3rd Level of Earth Qi Realm?" She was completely shocked. Wasn't she in 1st Level just a few hours ago?

"Dual Cultivation." Lin Xiao faintly responded. In fact, his cultivation also experienced an increase. He was about to breakthrough into the 4th Level of Ancestor Qi Realm.

"You were a dual cultivator?" After licking up the scraps and making Lin Xiao's iron rod shine, she returned to her previous position beside Lin Xiao.

"I became one. You are my first."

His answer made Xia Xianxia blush. She touched her cheeks embarrassedly, only to find that her skin today felt extra smooth and moisturized.

"Is it just me, or does it feel different?" She asked her thought out loud.

"That's one of the perks you received when you drank my milk, supposedly."

This was originally an innate ability of the Primordial Yang Body, but under the influence of Emperor's Heart Upanishad, its effect amplified exponentially.

"Amazing." Xia Xianxia laughed. However, suddenly, her expression became dejected; she said: "What should I do next? If I go back, I'll be killed by father."

"You can stay here. With me, you don't need to worry about them." Lin Xiao replied casually.


"Certainly. However, what excuse kind of excuse would you make when someone finds you here with me?"

"I don't have friends that will miss me enough to find me." She answered with a self-deprecating laugh. Then her eyes shined, she started giggling and said: "But if it's your preys who find me, I'll say that I am your long-lost sister who came to visit you, how about this?"

"Intellectual enough. You'll become my long-lost sister in front of everyone, but what about when we are alone?" Lin Xiao looked into her eyes.

Xia Xianxia glanced at him once. While being on Lin Xiao's chest, she suddenly began licking him. Looking at him with upturned eyes, she spoke in a seductive manner: "How about being your maid? Or maybe you want to humiliate me more... and want me as an obedient... pet?"

He responded with a hearty laugh: "An attractive offer, but I'll settle with the first one for now."

"Well then, when don't you explain why you came to kill me?"

"...alright." Xia Xianxia didn't hide anything. She explained everything from the Hundred Poison Valley ritual to Fu Chao's scheme and Fu Wang's desire for Di Langyan.

Lin Xiao nodded and asked: "What level is this Fu Wang at?"

"3rd Level Of Sky Qi Realm."

"Does your Hundred Poison Valley has a deep relation with Fu Family?"

"Not really, not that I am aware of. Why, what do you want to do?" Xia Xianxan couldn't help but worry a little. She had just discovered her happiness, and if anything happens to Lin Xiao, she won't even have the shoulders to cry then.

"Guess." Lin Xiao didn't reveal anything.