
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 28: Ancient Soul Sacred Spells

"Qianxue, do you have any technique that can be used to retrieve someone's memories?" Lin Xiao was walking towards his school while talking to Qianxue.

"This queen does have one, but that is a taboo technique. Aren't you afraid you'll be hunted down if someone finds out?"

"Not really." He replied briefly. "Can you give me this technique?"

"For free?" Qinaxue snorted.

"Aren't you living in my sea of consciousness rent-free? Furthermore, I even let you use the Tower Of Nine Heavens. Ah, I also gave you my only Yang Seed. Come on, please."

"In return for your Yang Seed, this queen gave you her Vital Yin, raising your strength to Ancestor Qi Realm. In return for staying in your sea of consciousness, I help you out regularly regarding things you aren't familiar with. In return for letting me use Tower Of Nine Heavens, well, I suppose this queen doesn't particularly need to stay there." Qianxue sharply retorted.

Lin Xiao was tongue-tied.

"What is the price then?"

"Start studying alchemy."

"Alchemy... why?"

"This queen's body can only be recreated using Revival Pill, which is High-Tier 8th Grade Pill. You need to learn alchemy for that." Qianxue revealed the reason.

Lin Xiao only thought for a moment before agreeing. "Alright, I agree."

In fact, he was thinking of picking up the alchemy manuals starting this weekend. So he is essentially getting the technique scot-free.

"I am sending the imprint directly into your brain."

Moments later, a stream of the information entered Lin Xiao's mind. Knowledge about a technique called [Ancient Soul Sacred Spells] was present in it. There were five Spells in this technique, all relating to soul one way to another.

Lin Xiao discovered that this wasn't simply pure information. It also contained Qianxue's understanding and comprehension. Sadly, since his soul still hadn't formed, he couldn't perform any of the spells just yet.

Nevertheless, the profound knowledge about the brain and spirit in the technique enabled Lin Xiao to extract memories from others' brains directly if he wants to now. It was effortless to perform compared to even the first Spell from [Ancient Soul Sacred Spells].

Lin Xiao was stunned. This cultivation technique was quite impressive. "What is the level of this cultivation technique?"

"Ancient Level," Qianxue replied indifferently.

"This... Qianxue, are you secretly in love with me or something?" Lin Xiao couldn't help but ask.

"What makes you think that?" She rolled her eyes.

"Well, on top of the fact you gave me an Ancient Level cultivation technique, you also bestowed me with your understanding. I felt like it's out of your character."

"Stop thinking about stupid things. This queen only did so you don't accidentally kill yourself while practising [Ancient Soul Sacred Spells]. This technique is quite abstruse and mysterious. Even I had a hard time grasping it."

Lin Xiao begged to differ. "Eh? Is it really that unfathomable?" Although he felt that this technique was difficult to understand, it wasn't incomprehensible in his opinion.

"Humph." Qinaxue thought Lin Xiao didn't appreciate her help.

Lin Xiao understood that maybe his words would trigger Qianxue, so he hurriedly flattered: "Thank you anyway. You were a big help! I'll work hard on alchemy and will definitely create a body for you in the future."

After hearing his words, Qianxue sullen mood alleviated. "Whatever," She answered and went silent.

Lin Xiao continued his walk towards school. A hundred meters before the High School's gate, twenty-some people suddenly surrounded him.

All of them had some sort of blunt weapon. Baseball bats, clubs, and golf sticks were the most common ones. From how they moved without fear, they don't seem to be a group of ordinary delinquents.

"Are you Lin Xiao?" One of the ruffians asked.

"Yes, I am. Who sent you... wait, it's that guy, isn't it? What was his name again? I remember, Xin Tang, was it?" Lin Xiao acted like he was trying hard to remember the name.

Xin Tang was the school bully who threatened Lin Xiao yesterday since he sat beside Langyan.

"Humph, little brother Xin Tang told me that you have a backbone, but it turns out you are a dumbass. Since you dared to provoke one of us, be ready to face the consequences!" Another one joined with an angry face.

"Is that so? Then what are you waiting for? Would you mind doing whatever you want to do quickly? I am in a hurry. " Lin Xiao said lazily.

"Arrogant bastard!"

"You are seeking death!"

Some delinquents jumped at Lin Xiao, their hands swinging the weapon they gripped.

"Bam! Bang! Thwack!"

After a couple of minutes, Lin Xiao resumed his walk to school again, leaving the delinquents writhing and crying on the ground. Some of them had their bone broken; it wouldn't be a surprise if a few became disabled.

Lin Xiao entered his classroom and found Xin Tang sitting at his seat while trying to talk to Langyan, who was ignoring him.

He sneered inwardly and walked up to him. Without saying anything, he gripped his collar and tugged his lightly.


Xin Tang fell on the ground along with the chair.

"L-Lin Xiao, how are you here?" Xin Tang was shocked. Did his brothers didn't do the job? Or did they mistakenly beat someone else?

With a light snort, Lin Xiao picked Xin Tang up and dragged him out of the class forcibly. Everyone in the class was dumbfounded as to what was happening.

Lin Xiao came back to class with an obedient Xie Tang who was bruised all over. His cheeks were swollen red, making it look like a pair of donkeys' ass.

Being a passive person wasn't Lin Xiao's way. Since Xin Tang moved against him, he wouldn't hesitate to straighten him up.

Xin Tang followed the template of villains. When he was dragged outside, he began cursing Lin Xiao. After getting a couple of slaps, he then began threatening him. And finally, when he got roughed up by Lin Xiao's fist, he became an obedient dog.

"I am letting you go this time. Next time, I'll break all your bones. Do you understand?" Lin Xiao coldly looked at Xie Tang from the corner of his eyes.

"Y-y-yes, master Lin Xiao." Xin Tang was shivering all over.

"Good, now go back to another seat." Lin Xiao slapped Xie Tang's face a few times, neither lightly nor tightly; it was a gesture meant to humiliate him.

Lin Xiao then sat at his own seat.

"Did you beat him?" Langyan asked curiously.

He shrugged. "No, he slapped himself and apologised."

"Hehe, why'd he do that?" Langyan didn't believe him at all.

"Because he sent some delinquents after me this morning, and I beat them up."

"What?! Are you alright?!" Langyan eyes quickly began moving up and down his body frantically.

"Calm down; I am fine." He replied lightly.

Only after hearing this did Langyan calm down. She then shot a frosty look at Xin Tang, her mind thinking of some plan.

"You don't need to worry; I can take of my business." Lin Xiao tried to refrain her from thinking about unnecessary things.

"If you say so..." Langyan nodded. Suddenly, as if remembering something, her expression brightened. "Lin Xiao, are you free this Saturday?"

"I don't know, maybe? What's up?"

"There's a music festival at Qin Qing's school that happens yearly. It is an amazing festival, and Qin Qing will also be performing there. Do you want to go take a look together?"

"I'll inform you about it tomorrow. Also, I didn't think Qin Qing would be a girl who is into music."

"Heh heh, you are in for a surprise then. Music was the sole reason why Qin Qing went to a different school than me. Our school doesn't have much reputation in music."

"If you say that much then I have no choice but to go there." Lin Xiao spread his hands.

"Great!" Langyan smiled brightly.