
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 21: Treating Feng Wuya

Once Lin Xiao got off to the train, he looked at the digital clock on the platform. It was about six in the evening. His appointment with Feng Wuya was at eight'o clock.

Having some time to spare, he decided to buy a few things. At that moment, he noticed that every woman was looking at him, their expression a bit fervent.

Lin Xiao was puzzled. Even though he was pretty handsome, these reactions were abnormal.

'Could it be because I am cultivating Emperor's Heart Upanishad?' He deduced. It was the only plausible answer.

The sudden attention didn't bother Lin Xiao; he was used to the limelight due to his past last.

Ignoring them, he went to the nearest shopping mall. For there, he bought the latest smartphone and a few sets of clothes. Following that, he went to find a property dealer.

Almost an hour later, Lin Xiao stood in the living hall of a single bedroom flat. The flat was around 850 Sqft and came with a big attached bathroom and kitchen.

His flat was on the fifteenth floor. The newly built apartment was located in a good area. Additionally, it was merely a ten-minute walk from here to school.

The male broker standing behind Lin Xiao was looking at him in disdain. From his clothes, he didn't look like someone who could afford this place, so his attitude was condescending.

"How much is this place?" Lin Xiao asked straightforwardly, he was pleased with this place, for now.

The male broker snorted inwardly and said with a frown: "Sir, can you really afford it? It is a deluxe flat in this apartment."

"Why ask so many questions, just answer." Lin Xiao obviously has noticed the prejudice, but he was too indifferent to care about the attitude of a male broker.

Maybe another protagonist would try to face slap the broker, but he wasn't going to waste time caring about the irrelevant.

Hearing this, the male broker's lips twitched; he replied: "Its costs three million Yuan."

Lin Xiao nodded and said: "Prepare the paperwork."

"Sir, can you tea—"

Lin Xiao interrupted apathetically: "Do you want that commission or not?"

Seeing Lin Xiao's confidence and lackadaisical attitude, the male broker thought that maybe this person was one of those rich people who like to dress casually? He does come across them every once in a while.

"Alright, sir, come here." His expression changed at a breakneck speed.

Soon, the paperwork was done, and the transaction was through. The broker broke in a cold sweat, secretly applauding himself for being observant. He was going to treat himself with a cold beer after this.

"Please enjoy your stay, sir. If there's any problem, our company would be happy to serve you." The broker's attitude has taken a sharp one-eighty. His face was all smiles.

Lin Xiao waved his hands casually and threw him away before he could bootlick anymore.

After he was all alone, Lin Xiao threw himself onto the soft bed of his bedroom and closed his eyes. The next moment, he arrived in the mystical world of the Tower Of Nine Heavens.

An hour outside turns into ten inside the Tower Of Nine Heavens. Being the diligent and meticulous person Lin Xiao was, he obviously wouldn't waste this opportunity.

Firstly, he went to check the progress of Dragonia Fruit; he was eagerly waiting to find out its secret. Alas, he was disappointed once more. There was no progress, yet again.

"More than two hundred days have passed since I sowed the seed. Why is it taking so long?" Slightly disappointed, Lin Xiao went straight to the cultivation room to cultivate.

After ten hours of cultivation, he experienced a surge of strength. With a boom, he brokethrough!

2nd Level Of Ancestor Qi Realm!

Being the owner of Primordial Yang Body which was starting to awaken, there was barely any bottleneck for Lin Xiao.

Satisfied with the result, he exited out of the Tower Of Nine Heavens.

Soon after, there was a message from Feng Wuya containing the address of the meeting location. He locked the door of his flat and went to the specified address.

"A hotel?" Lin Xiao chuckled and added, "Isn't she quite bold."

He rang the bell of the hotel room where Feng Wuya was, and moments later, it was opened from inside by her.

Presently, she was dressed in a key-hole-styled white top, draped over with a beige-coloured cardigan and a knee-length tight blue skirt.

All her features were clearly defined in this outfit. She wasn't wearing her spectacles either, making her look less cold and more feminine. Though her deep blue eyes flickering with coldness still made everyone stay a foot away from her.

"You are here." She was slightly dazed after seeing Lin Xiao. Although she couldn't tell how she felt like he was much more charming right now. Her heartbeat actually sped up.

"Sorry for the wait." Lin Xiao saw her dazed look and smiled inwardly.

Once inside, without further ado, Lin Xiao pulled out a bag where he had kept the acupuncture needles. Seeing the sharp, pointy needles, Feng Wuya couldn't help shiver.

"Teacher, are you bad with pointy things?" The innuendo game began.

"Yeah, well, I am not good with them." Feng Wuya sat down on the bed, replying truthfully with a bit of embarrassment.

"Don't worry; you will get used to them. I will help you."

She shook her head furiously. "No, thank you. I don't think I can get used to them. I don't want to get used to them."

"Even if I help you?"

"Even if you help me."

Lin Xiao smiled and sat down on the bed near her.

"Teacher, your clothes." He reminded with a calm smile.

"...you aren't taking advantage of me, right?" Feng Wuya blushed slightly, gritted her teeth and asked doubtfully.

Lin Xiao frowned, a hint of dissatisfaction in his words as he said: "I am not. If you don't believe me, we can stop. The choice is entirely yours."

Qianxue snorted contemptuously. He was clearly taking advantage of her.

Seeing the serious look on his face, Feng Wuya realised she might have hurt his ego.

Although she came prepared for treatment, when it was time to take off the clothes, her heart couldn't help but pound faster.

Can she really do this? Show her bare breast to one of her students? Let him touch her?

Finally, after a minute or so, her arms moved. "Turn around," She said with a ruddy complexion.

Lin Xiao did that.

Shuffling noises came from the back.

"You can turn around."

Once he turned around, the beautiful scenery made Lin Xiao's little brother twitch a bit.

Feng Wuya was presently trying to hide both of her massive white breasts with her thin arms. Obviously, they couldn't possibly hide the spilling fat. In fact, this action of hers only made the situation more erotic.

She sat down on the bed with her arms still crossed on the breast.

"Um... Teacher, though I don't want to embarrass you, I can't treat you like this. You need to remove the hands." Lin Xiao was determined. He came here to see breast, so he was going to see one... or two!

Hearing this, Feng Wuya blushing face reddened even further. Her breathing turned rushed. Gulping, she closed her eyes and let go of her hand.


A pair of knockers popped out! The mammaries were half the size of Lin Xiao's head! How they maintained their shapes and defied gravity could very well become a major research subject for physicists!

Lin Xiao sat down near the bed and asked Feng Wuya to lay down.

Once she did that, Lin Xiao cleared the obscene thoughts and focused. After ascertaining the position of condensed YinQi, he took out three sanitised needles and slowly inserted them onto Feng Wuya's left breast.

Feng Wuya felt like an ant bit her breast. She has her eyes shut at this moment.

The cold and condensed YinQi slowly began seeping out of her body. As it did, Feng Wuya felt a comfort she hadn't experienced for a long time.

After ten minutes, Lin Xiao removed the needles.

Feng Wuya opened her trembling eyes and quickly began wearing clothes. At the same time, she asked casually to ease the embarrassment: "Did you remove all the... YinQi, was it?"

"No, it has stayed in your body for some time now. If I remove all of it suddenly, then your body might have a problem accomodating the sudden change. We can only take it slowly." Lin Xiao explained. This part was genuine; he wasn't deceiving her.

"Alright, so when should we do it next time?" Feng Wuya inquired. After knowing how effective his treatment was, she didn't have any more suspicions.

"Maybe a few days later, I'll message you." Lin Xiao replied.

After that, they decided to went out of the hotel. Just as they were going out, they suddenly met an acquaintance.

They both froze.

Di Langyan and a few more of her female friends were walking by the road right outside of the hotel, their hands filled with shopping bags.

She naturally also saw Lin Xiao and Feng Wuya. Pleasantly surprised, she was about to wave at them. However, just then, she noticed where they were coming out from; her arm froze in mid-air.

Her eyes widened to limits instantly!