
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
133 Chs

Chapter 51: Venturing Deep into the realm of eternal slumber.

Henry's sword got closer to the neck. His sword made contact with the neck. Then out a shout.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Henry screamed as he pushed the sword into the neck of the spirit.

Henry's swift and precise strike cut through the spirit's neck like a knife through butter. His sword moved with such speed that it reached the other end of the neck in a mere second.

The head of the spirit is separated from its body. It's falling from high up in the sky to the ground.

Right after Henry slashed off the neck of the beast. Black energy started to come out from his severed water like water that comes out from a broken dam.

However, Henry knows that this isn't over yet. Henry's sword voice resounded through his ears.

"Master this isn't over you will have to slash different parts of his body to ensure victory, "The ripping sword said loudly.

However, Henry just smiled and said.

"This is almost over, I will just have to slash some more vital spots of the spirit, look around you, ripping the sword"Henry announced.

The sword looked around him, more importantly, it looked around the spirit. Gales of wind that are infused with sword intent are striking different parts of the spirit.

These gales of wind were produced when he was charging toward the spirit at an incredible speed.

The gales of winds are attacking the spirit at an incredible speed. More and more wounds appeared around his body with each passing second.

Some of them are trying to close up but they are failing to do so due to the onslaught of the gales of wind.

"Master, have you planned this from the beginning?"The ripping sword in a slightly proud voice.

Henry slightly nodded his head in approval. He tightened the grip on his sword. Sword intent started to flow from the sword to his body.

In a mere second, his body was covered in sword intent. He then charged towards the shoulder of the beast.

With each step and jump that he took, strong gales of wind would be produced. These gales of wind attacked different parts of the spirit. It also destroyed some weaker spirits.

Henry arrived above the shoulder of the spirit in mere seconds. He tightened the grip on his sword.

Then his sword got covered in thick sword intent. He slashed the shoulder of the spirit. After slashing the shoulder of the spirit, his arm fell to the ground.

Black energy started to come out from the wounded area.

Henry wasted no time and swiftly charged towards the other shoulder of the spirit. His movements were so fast that in less than a second, he had closed the distance and reached the shoulder.

With a powerful swing of his sword, he sliced through the other shoulder of the spirit. Just like before, his sword passed through the shoulder effortlessly, leaving a clean cut.

He landed on the ground after slashing the shoulder of the spirit. Black energy kept leaving his body at a speed faster than the naked eye can see.

Slowly the spirit started to dissipate into countless small fragments.

However, Henry knows that this is not the time to relax.

"I can't relax until I have escaped from this place because of the countless spirits surrounding me" Henry announced.

He looked at his surroundings and saw spirits charging towards him from different directions. He did a rough calculation of how much time he had left to escape.

After doing a rough calculation, he muttered.

"I just have a minute to escape now, it should be plenty"Henry muttered under his breath.

Henry looked at his sword and said.

"Point to the north direction, we are going to escape right now.

Do it quickly, the other two spirits are going to appear here in less than a minute. If they catch up to us then we won't have any chance of survival" Henry shouted in urgency.

The sword wasted no time, it flew out of Henry's hand in less than a second. The sword pointed in a certain direction where now was in sight.

"That's north, no let's escape"The ripping shouted, its voice carrying a tinge of urgency.

Henry slightly nodded his head in less than a second, he grabbed that floating in the air. Then he charged towards the north at an incredible speed.

When he grabbed the sword Henry's body was covered in an even more thick layer of sword intent. Henry didn't know why the ripping sword did this.

However, Henry noticed that it produced strong gales of wind that traveled up to 1 km in all directions and this wind kept traveling in 1 km of radius killing all the spirits in this area. Henry noticed this and then he heard the voice of the ripping sword

"You are probably wondering why did I release so much sword intent just now but why didn't I release this much sword intent earlier aren't I right master."The ripping sword asked.

Henry nodded his head in approval while Henry kept charging towards the north.

The ripping sword voice resounded in his ears.

"Well, I kept this sword intended for defense as you can see that there are lots of spirits that are wanting to kill. However, my sword intends to destroy them even before they can reach you.

I kept this sword intent for defense you see I can recycle my sword intent if I cover the area of a circle with a radius of 1 km. Hence I will be able to maintain these defenses forever."The ripping sword said as he paused

He took a second to catch his breath before continuing to speak again.

"However my sword intent can't hold up all the spirits. Occasionally some strong beasts will get passed by my sword intent and reach you.

You will have to kill those. However, I doubt that any strong spirit who can break through my defense of sword intent will appear for the next 4 days but be on your guard because you never know what will happen.

Also when stronger spirits will appear then my power will be much lower unless I break the defenses but if I do that it will become a disaster. So you can say that I will be useless when a strong spirit comes to attack you unless you tell me to break the defense"The ripping sword explained everything to Henry in detail.

Henry nodded his head slightly after hearing the ripping sword's explanation. After that, he fell into deep thought since if the ripping sword were to grow weaker then his combat power would be much lower.

The ripping sword is the only strength of Henry in this realm because he can't use any spiritual energy in this realm.

So his sword intent is Henry's only strength in this realm.

"It will be troublesome when stronger spirits will start to appear since without the ripping sword being in full power there is a high chance for me to die.

Moreover, I don't even know how much time it will take me to reach the Primordial Beginning of this realm.

Let me ask what will happen when the ripping sword will destroy the defenses to regain all of his strength"Henry muttered under his breath.

Then all of a sudden Henry's interface would start to tremble slightly. Then a line of words started to appear in his retina.

(Congratulations you have received another clue on how to escape this place due to the achievement that you have received


It will take roughly 5 to 7 days to reach the Primordial beginning if we're to run non stop. However, a lot of challenges and trials await you.


You were successfully able to kill the Elite's darkness spirits whom you shouldn't be able to kill with your current strength)

When Henry received this clue he became dumbfounded since he didn't expect to receive another clue just for defeating the spirit.

"Now that's unexpected. I didn't expect to receive another clue so easily. Since I have received a clue for defeating a strong spirit.

It isn't illogical to think that I will receive another clue if I were to defeat another strong spirit"Henry muttered under his breath.

After Henry received this clue he is feeling more motivated than ever to run. All of a sudden he will also be feeling a lot more energetic than before.

"I am seeing a ray of light in this endless darkness now. Anyway I should ask the ripping sword the question I wanted to ask"Henry muttered under his breath.

He turned his attention to the ripping sword and then he asked.

"Hey ripping sword if you were to remove the barrier protecting us when a strong opponent appears to regain your strength.

What is the worst thing that can happen?"Henry asked with a serious look on his face.

After the ripping sword heard Henry's question then it wol feel completely silent. Henry also kept silent as he ran towards the Primordial beginning.

"Something bad must happen if the barrier surrounding it disappears. Well I had expected this but how can I deal with the strong spirit without the ripping sword in its full power"Henry fell into deep thought as the frown on his neck deepened.

A second later the voice of the ripping sword resounded in his ears. He can feel a tinge of uncertainty of what lies in their near future from the ripping sword voice.

"Something that you can't comprehend. Regardless you and I will probably die a painful death"The ripping sword said with a sigh in a creepy voice.

Henry fell silent after hearing this.