
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasy
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133 Chs


"Something that you can't comprehend. Regardless you and I will probably die a painful death"The ripping sword said with a sigh in a creepy voice.

Henry fell silent after hearing this. A moment later Henry mustered up courage and asked.

"What exactly will happen?"Henry asked with a tinge of uncertainty and fear.

The ripping sword let out a sigh and said.

"The spirit strong enough to bypass my sword intent mixed with the gales of wind will only appear when we have ventured deep into the dark realm my master.

As we get closer to the Primordial beginning more and more spirits will appear since they are the guardians of this place. There will be both weak and strong spirits.

The strong spirit will be less in numbers and act as a commander of the army. The weaker ones will be the foot soldiers.

There will be millions of weaker spirits. My barrier will tear the weaker spirits apart but if I were to remove my barrier then these weaker people would attack you all at once.

I am afraid even you won't be able to fight against them"The ripping sword voice resounded through his ears.

Henry fell into deep thought after he heard the ripping sword remark. A few minutes of thinking later he let out a sigh.

"Sigh looks like we can't do anything. For now, let's just keep heading to the Primordial Realm of the beginning"Henry let out a sigh as he said those words.

The ripping sword didn't say anything, it kept maintaining the barrier around them.

At the same time, in the world of living. At the Heavenly Soul Saint Trap.

Roars of the beast could be heard from deep in the cave. A thick layer of killing intent covered the entire cave.

At the center of this killing intent are three individuals looking at the monster in front of them.

These three individuals are the killer, Jacky, and Princess. The monster is none other than Henry.

"What is happening to him??" Princess asked with a deep frown on her face.

The other two individuals shook their heads and kept looking at Henry.

Half of Henry's body is covered in red aura and the other half is covered in blue and calming aura that's coming out from the ripping sword.

At the same time, Henry has fallen to the ground and is roaring in pain and he has a tightly grip on his right hand.

The two auras are like fighting against each other to take control of the entire body. If the red aura takes over Henry's body then it will erase all of his emotions.

A few seconds later, the killer stepped in and said.

"What are we waiting for now is our chance to kill, everyone charges towards him to kill him"Killer roared as a powerful aura burst out of his body.

"You are right, "Both Princess and Jacky said simultaneously.

A powerful aura also burst from their body. The three of them started to channel as much spiritual energy as they can to their weapons.

A moment later, their weapons are covered in a thick layer of spiritual energy. As they are about to charge towards Henry, all of a sudden the three of them received a notification from the system simultaneously.

Reminding them about the requirements of the mission

(You can't kill him nor attack him at this crucial moment or else you will break the mission requirements that will result in your death.)

When both of them read this message, they stopped dead in their tracks.

"What the hell is wrong with this weird-looking interface, I don't even know whether it's good for us or bad for us.

Yet it's stopping us from killing the enemy. This thing is giving me a very bad impression" Princess exclaimed as she gritted her teeth so hard that her gums started to bleed.

The others also nodded their heads in approval.

"How are we going to defeat him if this keeps up??"Jacky added with a frown on his forehead.

They looked at Henry's body rolling and roaring on the ground loudly.

"ROAR ROAR ROAR ROAR ROAR!!!!!"Henry let out powerful roars.

The red aura covering his body grew and covered a larger area of his body. His strength is rapidly increasing as the red aura grows at the cost of his Humanity and emotions.

The three cultivators watching this gritted their teeth even harder.

"Damn it, how can we fight him if he recovers all of his strength? ''Killer said in an annoyed tone.

All of a sudden the interface in their retina started to glitch, then all of a sudden the lines of words disappeared without a trace. They were shocked, they all decided to check their mission requirements but they realize that they don't know how it works.

Then a message appeared on their retina.

(Stop the rampage of the successor of the Heavenly Primordial Saint by any means. This is a team quest and you will receive rewards depending on your contributions. The conditions of how you will stop the successor of the Primordial Heavenly saint have been removed.

You may torture, kill, or cripple him to stop him)

(Congratulations you have received a blessing from an unknown entity.

Your powers will increase by at least 45 percent)

As they read the lines of words, they felt strong power coursing through their body. The three of them will be shocked beyond words by the sudden power and the movement of the requirements.

"I am feeling much much more powerful than before. I am at least 50 percent stronger than before"Killers screamed as he started to bring out all of the power from his body.

A powerful burst of aura will come out from his body. The aura slowly turned into a black aura.

The others also did the same thing, a burst of black aura came out from their body. Then Jacky roared.

"Let us kill him"Jacky let out a powerful roar.

The others nodded their heads, channeling as much dark spiritual energy into their weapons as possible.

Soon their weapons were covered in a thick layer of black spiritual energy.

As they kept channeling black energy, some parts of their body turned a little black.

Inside the mind of Henry.

5 days have passed in the dark realm.

As he ran toward the Primordial beginning of the realm of eternal slumber, a notification appeared on his retina

(Something unexpected has happened in the world of living where your body is. If you fail to reach the Primordial beginning by the next day then your consciousness from your body will surely perish.)

(You have received an important emergency quest:

The Primordial Beginning's importance:

Something truly unexpected has happened in the world of living. If you fail to reach the Primordial beginning by the next day then your consciousness will surely perish

Punishment: Loss of your consciousness)

When Henry read the line of words appearing on his retina, he was shocked beyond words.

Most importantly scared.

"How am I supposed to reach the Primordial Realm a day early? I am running as fast as I can.

Moreover, what has happened to my body."Henry muttered under his breath as he fell in deep thought on how to reach a day early.

A few minutes of thinking later he shook his head slightly. He decided to ask the

ripping sword something.

"Hey ripping sword, do you know a way to travel faster than my current speed?

Also, do you know what has happened outside?"Henry asked as his voice carried a tinge of seriousness.

The ripping sword remained silent for the next few seconds. It's normal in Henry's eyes so wait a few more minutes.

However, the ripping sword didn't speak even a little bit during this period.

This caused Henry to get worried.

"Hey, ripping sword are you alright?"Henry asked with a serious look on his face.

After that, the ripping sword started to tremble non-stop for the next few seconds.

The thick layer of sword intent that's infused with the gales of wind also started to weaken a lot.

The spirits slightly stronger saw this as an opportunity and started to enter the barrier surrounding Henry.

A huge frown appeared on Henry's forehead, then he screamed as he felt the sword intent coming out from the ripping sword to get weaker and weaker with each passing second.