
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasi
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133 Chs

Chapter 34:The death of the ape

He would open his eyes and would see that he is in the middle of a calm ocean. He would feel the disturbance in the water and malicious killing intent being directed towards him.

"You are dead now overgrown monkey," Henry said softly.

Henry held his sword even more tightly. As he held his sword tightly he would start to channel spiritual energy into the sword.

As he would channel spiritual energy into the sword. The sword will slowly get covered in water.

The layer of water covering the sword would get thicker with each passing second.

As he held his sword tightly, he would let out a calm breath. His breath would be cold which can freeze anything.

The malicious killing intent would get closer and denser with each passing second.

A moment later Henry charged into the cloud of malicious killing intent. After that, he will jump inside it.

"Now I will have to slash the vital spot of the malicious killing intent or in other words the best.

However, will I know which is the vital spot of the beast if he is in the form of this fog?"Henry thought to himself.

He scanned for anything that looks out of the ordinary. Which could eventually be a vital spot.

However, a moment later he won't find anything unusual and would shake his head.

"There isn't anything different in the aura anywhere, "Henry thought to himself.

However as he said such words, he saw the fog of the killing intent slowly disappearing.

Henry would look confused and would look at his surroundings and saw the killing intent is heading in a certain direction.

"The killing intent is gathering in that direction."Henry thought to himself as he watched the gathering killing intent.

The killing intent kept heading in that direction for the next second until there isn't any killing intent left in the surrounding area.

Henry would go towards that killing intent by walking as he walked the sound of water splashing resounded through the entire place.

The killing intent started to move and take a different shape. It moved for the next 5 seconds until it had taken the shape of it.

Henry stated with a smile.

"Now that's what I wanted, "Henry thought to himself with a wide smile on his face.

The killing would have took the shape of the ape that attacked Henry. They looked completely identical.

Due to this Henry would be able to see the vital spot of the beast.

"Now I can kill it, "Henry thought to himself.

He channeled more spiritual energy into his sword. As he channeled more spiritual energy the water surrounding the sword got thicker.

He inhaled a huge amount of cold air from the area. He kept charging toward the beast at an incredible speed

The beast turned his red eyes towards Henry. It released a powerful roar that caused the water to ripple.


The beast charged towards Henry at an incredible speed.

However, Henry would be able to easily pinpoint its exact location also where it's going to head next by listening to the sound of water it caused as the beast would charge towards him.

The sound of water splashing resounded throughout the entire place which reached Henry's ears and aid him a lot in this battle.

"Splash Slas....." The sound of water splashing resound through the entire place

After listening to the side of water splashing for some time he would pinpoint the direction of its attack.

"So you think you brainless ape that you can kill me when I am in this state then you couldn't be more wrong.

When I am in this state my senses have reached the peak of a mortal including my Hearing, touch, sight, smell, and taste.

In fact with the help of my hearing I have determined the direction that you are going to attack so you are good as death now"Henry said softly.

Henry kept charging toward the beast while tightening his grip on the sword.

The beast also kept charging toward Henry. They would be just a few seconds away from clashing.

The beast points his claws towards Henry and Henry locked his eyes on the claws of his two limbs.

The beast's claws would be an inch away from reaching him. Before doing anything he said a few words.

"According to my calculations, he will hit me with his tail if I jump at my current speed. So I can't jump. If I try it, take the attack head-on.

He will just hold on with his limbs then he will kill me with the other. If I dodge to the left he will use his legs to send me flying and later kill me.

As for dodging to the left, it's out of the question. However, if I lower my body slightly and reach the ground. Then I would be safe," Henry muttered to himself as he calculated.

After the claw of the ape would drew near him he would let his body fall to the ground. In the process, he hurt his head slightly.

After Henry disappeared from here it's a sight the beats will become slightly confused since it slowed down his attack a little bit.

The sound of the claw splashing water resounded throughout the entire place. The sound of his foot splashing water also changed slightly.

Henry looked up at the beast and noticed slight changes in its facial expressions which made Henry smile slightly.

"The beast's facial expressions have changed slightly, which would mean the beast is confused now. I can take advantage of it"Henry thought to himself

Henry charged towards the leg of the beast while taking advantage of its confusion. Then he slashed the leg of the beast.

When he slashed the leg of the beast. The feet of the beast would fell to the ground and then water surrounding the ripping sword washed away the fog of the severed feet.

After that, the beasts would let out a pained and wicked roar.

*Roar rOAr RoaR"The beast let out a pained and wicked roar.

A moment later the beast shook the pain away. The beast's eyes would began to look for Henry.

Henry remained calm and listen to the sounds of water splashing to determine the direction of its next attack.

A moment later Henry smiled boardly and began to charge toward the claws of the beasts.

"If what I have determined is right then I can now get rid of its claws and possibly kill him in the next strike.

He hasn't pinpointed my location yet, however, this will soon change."Henry thought to himself as he would continue his charge.

As he would be charging toward it the beasts would turn his eyes toward him. He would have been noticed by the beasts.

The tail of the beast headed towards him.

"Dodge to the right, left, lower your head, and then right. Then finally slash the claws of the beasts and then go for the head finally killing the beasts" Henry said as he dodge to the right.

The tail would hit the ground but it kept following him. He dodged to the left and the same thing would happen.

He trusted his calculations and kept doing them. A moment later he appeared above the claws of the beast.

"Here goes nothing, "Henry said as he would maximize the spiritual energy output of his sword.

The water surrounding the sword would also got thicker.

He appeared in front of the claws in less than a second from the sky. He would slashed vertically.

The length of his sword would be so long that it cutted off the claws of the two hands which are some distance away.

Before the beast roared, Henry appeared in front of the neck of the beasts. Then he slashed the neck of the beast as he would put all of his strength into that slash.

The head of the beast would be now falling from its neck. Henry's vision started to return to normal.

"You are dead," Henry said.