
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

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Chapter 74: End of Night

Just as Aiden had arrived at the rear to confront the Night King, back at the front things had taken a huge shift. No matter how many large attacks both Spawn and Angela did, taking out large groups of the dead all at once, the small group were slowly getting overwhelmed.

Not only that but so was Daelora and Krypto in the sky, the undead dragons outnumbered the two greatly, though they weren't as intelligent as Daelora, fighting on instinct alone, you should never doubt the instincts of an apex predator. They were adapting to Daelora and Krypto, their advantage was the undead were all connected, similar to a hive mind of sorts, so their coordination, though rather rigid, becoame more tightly controlled.

It was as if they were a snake, surrounding it's prey in a large circle that slowly got closer and closer towards the prey, like a noose tightening.

Same could be said with the battle below, the numbers of undead they killed were but a drop of water in a flowing river. Those that were killed were quickly replaced, this caused them to have to use powerful attacks back to back. This wasn't something that they both could maintain forever, and it was as if the dead knew this.

For every one they killed, it was like two others took their place within moments, leaving no room for error. Daelora's dragon breath helped very little, especially as the undead dragons tightened their coordination more, causing her to be forced to mainly concentrate her fire at the dragons.

Daenerys could see and feel the wounds on her dragon's body getting worst as time went on, this caused her to lose concentration a few times, if not for Dacey, Val, and Ygritte watching out for her, she would've been hurt several times.

"Focus Daeny, calm yourself." Dacey admonished as she pulled Daenerys out of the path of a ice lance that shot thru the group at high speed.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Daelora is hurting, she is weakening due to her injuries." Daenerys responded, panic evident in her voice.

"Trust in her, trust in Aiden. Focus on the enemies you need to focus on. Your worries are filtering to her as well, you must remain strong for her, allow her to do what she does best, your feelings are also transferred to her just as much as hers are to you." Dacey answered back as she smashed thru a group of undead that had tried to use their talk as a distraction to attack.

Dacey herself was a skinchanger, though not as powerful as Aegon, the Starks, or Reeds, she could only bond with two animals, but she was improving ever since she became a kryptonian herself. She was knowledgeable about how the bond worked.

Daenerys tried her best to focus on the fight in front of her, keeping her emotions in check, but this was easier said than done. It was difficult to remain calm against overwhelming odds, it was plain to see that they were fighting a loosing battle.

Just as the battle seemed to be too much for not only those fighting on the ground, but also the two in the air, a most welcomed roar shook the very ground violently. The temperature rose dramatically and a large pillar of golden flames shattered multiple undead dragons and punctured thru to hit the ground below, laying waste to a large section of earth along with a large amount of undead with it.

Flamebird appeared above the battle, her body alight with golden flames. She covered the battlefield with her enormous size, it was as if she was a another sun in the sky, the heat from her body caused the frozen snow to melt, steam began to rise from the undead as the heat seemed to eat away the magic within them.

This had turned the tide greatly in their favor, as Flamebird had grown to an enormous size which allowed her to fight in both the air and ground at the same time. As she bit and crunched the undead dragons she used her massive tail to sweep thru the army below, any undead that were hit by her fiery tail instantly turned into dust.

Flamebird had the divinity of destruction, so her attacks had the added effect of causing massive damage to those she deemed an enemy. As the battle finally began to turn in favor of Spawn and his group, back at the rear Aiden and the Night King's battle was coming to a close.

The Night King and his two generals had launched a coordinated attack with the Corpse Queen who had remained hidden using ancient magic, Aiden had detected her the whole time but had want to lure her out so that he could deal with them all. He knew if he just killed the Night King, she may use some spell to escape.

She wasn't any normal Other, she was an avatar of the Many Faced God, a tool used to cause chaos on the world of the living. By doing this, he could create a need for the gods, keeping them relevant throughout time.

If the world was at peace, prayers to the gods would decrease over time, thus weakening the gods greatly. This was also why they had kept the technology of Planetos stagnant throughout the years, in a modern society gods have less power. Mankind will begin to put faith in themselves through their own creations thru science rather than putting faith into a god for protection.

It would be one thing if the god actually used their power to protect their followers, but most gods didn't truly care for the lives of mortals, they gained their believers souls after death anyway, so why waste their divine power on mortals. They had to reserve their power to fight against other gods if they were to attack.

This was why Old Valyria had faced it's Doom, the Valyrian Freehold's Dragon Gods actively protected its people, using their power to protect their believers from outside threats for ages. This was how they were able to be so successful in wars and expanded their territory greatly.

This however weakened them over time, thus allowing the Many Faced God to take action against them. He spread his faith across the realm, taking on many different forms, he started off as the Old Gods then began creating the religion of the Seven, the Lord of Light, and various others, increasing his own power while the Valyrian God's were slowly weakening.

Aiden wanted to end this cycle for good, ridding the physical plane of the influence of the Many Faced God completely. Only then will he truly rid the world of the Others entirely. If the Corpse Queen escaped, she could just recreate another Night King in the future.

As the Night King attacked with his two remaining direct sons, Aiden feigned being pushed back. He lowered his speed and durability to lure the Corpse Queen to make a move herself.

He fought the Night King head on, using Valyrian steel swords to fight the three in melee combat, he showed his skill with the sword by fighting all three to a draw, eventually killing the Night King's two sons leaving it just the two of them.

Aidens body showed signs of frost damage, and he slowed his pace more and more, making his breathing heavier with each passing minute. He worried for those on the front lines, but he knew that this was important, so he could only trust in them to last.

After several clashes, Aiden baited a large attack from the Night King, overextending a slash leaving himself wide open for an attack, which the Night King took. Using his sword made of ice, the Night King slid forward and released a powerful slash onto Aidens chest, creating a large gash that tore open his chest and sent him crashing thru several trees.

As Aiden began to rise slowly, several ice chains wrapped around his body, pinning him to the ground. A large alter made of a ice rose from below Aiden's body, it glowed with an eerie blue light as the chains tightened around Aiden.

The Night King's stoic face finally showed a malicious smile as he stood before the alter, gloating in his victory. As soon as the alter of ice fully formed, the Corpse Queen rose from within the snow itself.

Neither said a word to the other, none needed to be said. The Night Queen produced an ornate ceremonial dagger, it was made of dragonglass and ice. A freezing blue flame could be seen within the ice that made up the blade, causing the blade to glow with a blue light that matched the color of their eyes.

Aiden struggled causing the ice to crack, but the alter repaired itself quickly, causing several more chains to appear and wrap around Aiden to increase it's hold.

It was clear what the Corpse Queen wanted to do, she wanted to turn Aiden into one of the Others as well, she knew if she could turn Aiden into the new Night King, she would have the most powerful subordinate she could ever gain.

The Night King began to undress his Queen, allowing her clothes to fall to the ground, her snow white skin shining in the dim light of the day. Her body was unblemished, you would never believe she was thousands of years old from how she looked, instead you would think she was a woman in her late teens.

Her whole body was void of any hair except of what was on her head, her breasts were firm and the size of melons with small dark nipples. Aiden seeing this could understand how Bran Stark had fallen for her at first sight and even willingly offered his soul to her when he laid with her.

Aiden however wasn't moved in the slightest, Angela too was similar after all, they both were women with stunning features, however Angela looked more lively and warm while this Corpse Queen had a cold and deadly beauty.

After all her clothes were removed, she approached the alter, the ceremonial dagger in hand. As she passed by the foot of the alter, the Corpse Queen ran her hand along Aiden's leg, stopping when she got to his mid section. Using her hand she began to rub Aiden's cock over his suit in anticipation, she would use his seed to produce even more powerful White Walkers.

Unfortunately for her, this desire would never come to be. Both the Corpse Queen and Night King were so caught up in their ritual, they failed to notice what appeared behind them. This was Aiden's original body who had been exploring the lands of Ulthos and Sothoryos.

He had learned much regarding the history of the world, the truth of the Doom and the real power behind the Others. This was how he knew about the true threat, the Corpse Queen herself. Everyone, including Aiden, had thought the Night King was the true danger.

But after Aiden had explored various ruins scattered across the lands of Ulthos and Sothoryos, deciphering various scrolls and ancient paintings, he learned of who and what the Corpse Queen really was.

Unlike the Night King and the Others, she had no restrictions such as the Wall or salt, she could pass thru the Wall with ease and swim across the ocean. This was something the Others couldn't do. Should they go into the ocean, they would desolve into nothing due to the salt in the water.

In the original timeline, when the Night King killed Viserion, one of Daenerys' three dragons, the only reason he was able to retrieve his body was because he had fallen into a lake of fresh water. Had he fallen into the ocean, the Night King wouldn't have been able to retrieve it to reanimate the dragon into an Wight.

Aiden learned all of this forgotten and hidden knowledge, this was all unknown because the Many Faced God had sacrificed all his followers on both lands in order to produce enough divine energy to unleash his attack on the Valyrian Pantheon of Dragon Gods, allowing him to not have to use any of his own power to launch the attack.

Instead he used the lives of millions of men, women, and children as a sacrificial offering to launch the attack to cause the Doom. The Corpse Queen was the orchestrator of the sacrifices, she then cursed both lands so that the history of the attack would never be found by humans.

The curse turned the various creatures and plants that inhabited the lands to mutate and change, creating powerful and bloodthirsty monsters that roamed the interior of the land where many of these ruins could be found.

Had Aiden not been able to easily overpower and kill these monsters, then the truth would've remained hidden, he would've destroyed the Night King and thought that all was good. This was why no human ever returned from exploring either lands, the only reason Jaenara Balaerys and her dragon Terrax was able to return was due to flying over the land, not actually exploring it from the ground.

She only wanted to see how big the island was, her dragon always found a high mountain to rest on whenever they needed to stop for rest, it felt the dangers within the jungle and land itself, so it only went down long enough to hunt prey to feed herself and her rider.

Seeing that the time was right, both the Night King and Queen were completely fixated on his other self who was strapped to the alter about to perform their ritual, Aiden's original body moved at a speed that made time seem to freeze.

He used his own divinity to wrap around his hands as he grabbed both of their heads, he knew it was the only way to kill them both completely. His hands glowed with a golden flame that engulfed both of their bodies the moment that he touched them.

Due to his speed neither of them had realized what had happened as Aiden crushed their heads, both shattering into billions of shards of ice then evaporating into nothingness.

The moment Aiden shattered both of their bodies, two massive shockwaves burst outward from where they once stood, and a angry shout was heard across the entire planet.

Not only did all the undead shatter all at once, several statues of the Seven spread across the realm also shattered, the Salt Throne on the Iron Islands crumbled, all the fires within the Red Temples went out, every Statue of the Weeping Lady in Lys broke into pieces, and every Weirwood Tree with a face began to weep blood.

This happened across the whole world, not just within the temples, but even within homes of those that had small statues or idols of the many forms that the Many Faced God had.

Bakkalon the Pale Child worshipped in Essos, the Black Goat in Qohor, the Drowned God in the Iron Islands, the Hooded Wayfarer in Essos, the Lion of Night in Far East Essos, the Merling King of the Summer Isles, the Moon-Pale Maiden of Essos, R'hllor, the Stranger of the Seven, and the Weeping Lady were all the same god. Every depiction of the god had shattered and crumbled worldwide all at once.

The Many Faced God's connection to the earthly plane had been not only been broken by the Corpse Queens death, Aiden had also lashed out with his own divinity to inflict harm onto the god. He had seen what the god had done to his own followers as he explored the ancient lands. Practically wiping out humans from both Ulthos and Sothoryos almost completely.

The only ones who survived were small isolated clans that didn't worship him, even those however were either killed by the curse or like the tribes on Sothoryos, had relocated to the outskirts of the land and stayed out of the interior, living only on the coasts.

Aiden's copy that was on the alter smiled at the original before melding back into himself, he felt it was now unnecessary to have a second copy in this world.

Aiden could hear the turmoil across the planet, caused by the many statues and dipictions of the god being destroyed, the only ones that remained intact were the Old Gods and the Great Stallion which was worshipped by the Dothraki.

Aiden turned his attention south, towards what would soon be the battle for the Iron Throne, as he flew back towards Spawn and his wives so that he could begin healing them, in case they would be needed for the upcoming battle.