
Primal Hero

In the midst of a Chaotic land, he was born as a result of the world's final efforts. Born to save the world, not destroy it like the one before him. He was birthed by the supreme God, to save his world, to Save Aldea from Chaos And Calamity. He did not know his name, But he Knew His Purpose. He was born to be the Judge, To be the Saviour...To be the hero. That was his role, A role he would...A role He Must uphold! Will he be able to do it?

Blazuku · Fantasi
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7 Chs

[01] Birth.

The moment the saintess stepped through the towering doors of the cathedral dedicated to the worship of the Wolf God, an aura of awe and reverence permeated every inch of the space. The grandeur of the interior captured the attention of not just her but her entire entourage, overwhelming their senses with a breathtaking display of architectural mastery and devotion. This had happened every time, without fail. The home of their God was truly magnificent...

The cathedral's vast nave stretched out before the saintess, flanked by sturdy stone pillars that seem to touch the heavens. Carved intricately with depictions of wolves in various poses -- fierce, protective, and regal -- these pillars gave a sense of the divine presence that permeates the sacred space. The warm glow of flickering candlelight dances upon the stone, casting soft shadows that narrate tales of ancient legends. Legends of their dear world.

The ceiling soared overhead, adorned with an exquisite mural depicting the lunar cycle, showcasing the moon's gentle phases and the grace of the night sky. Gleaming golden stars twinkle amidst the scene, symbolizing the Wolf God's connection to the celestial realms. The mural radiated a sense of tranquility and harmony as if the heavens themselves have descended to bestow their blessings upon all who enter.

Stained glass windows, carefully crafted with masterful artistry, adorn the sides of the cathedral. These vibrant works of art depict scenes of wolves running freely through verdant forests, their eyes shining with the wisdom of the wild. The sunlight filtering through the stained glass creates a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors, showering the sacred space with a marvelous rainbow of hues that seem to animate the figures within.

An elevated sanctuary awaits at the front of the cathedral, housing a majestic altar carved from the finest marble. The altar is meticulously sculpted to resemble a pack of majestic wolves, their eyes seemingly alive with a profound sense of wisdom and divinity. Candles and offerings embellish the altar, a testament to the vibrant faith and veneration of the Wolf God.

The air inside is infused with the fragrant aroma of burning incense, carrying notes of earthiness and mysticism. The sound of hushed whispers and the occasional gentle echo of prayers resonate throughout the cathedral, creating an atmosphere of profound spirituality and devotion. The Hundreds of members of the Holy Order prayed with devotion, their faith firm.

As the saintess stood in this sacred space, she cannot help but feel a deep connection to the magnificent Wolf God, a sense of reverence and wonder that envelops her. It is a place where faith intertwines with the primal forces of nature and where devotees come to seek solace, guidance and a sense of belonging within the divine realm of the Wolf God.

She was the one closest to her diety.

Adorned in a flowing robe of pure white, with her ethereal beauty and her mystical presence she stood in front of the Altar. She was the beacon of Divine reverence and devotion, second only to the Wolf God.

Her presence commands attention, radiating an aura of tranquility and strength. Her long, flowing hair cascades like a waterfall, shimmering in hues of silver and moonlit ebony, reminiscent of the night sky when the moon is at its zenith. A delicate silver circlet rests upon her brow, adorned with intricate engravings of wolves in repose, symbolizing her close connection to the Wolf God and her role as their faithful emissary.

Her eyes, as piercing and wise as a wolf's gaze, convey a sense of ancient knowledge and deep compassion. They reflect the luminescence of moonlight, shimmering with a gentle glow that seems to penetrate your very soul, hinting at the insights she possesses and the wisdom she imparts.

The Saintess possesses an ethereal beauty that seems to transcend the mortal realm. Her features are soft, yet chiseled, conveying both serenity and resolve. A serene smile graces her lips, reflecting quiet confidence and unwavering faith in the Wolf God she serves with unwavering devotion. Indeed, she was the most beloved follower of the Wolf God.

In her hands, she holds a sacred staff, crafted from the wood of an ancient tree. The staff is adorned with carvings of intertwined wolves, representing the unity and harmony of the pack and their connection to the divine. It serves as a symbol of her authority and role as the spiritual guide and protector of her flock.

Her movements are graceful, almost otherworldly as if she is guided by an unseen force. She exudes a sense of inner peace and harmony, instilling faith and tranquility in those who seek her guidance. Devotees gaze at her, seeking solace and wisdom, knowing that in her presence, they are in the embrace of the Wolf God's divine grace.

"Oh, Savar, The God of this feeble Mortal realm."

She spoke, her voice as harmonious as Heavenly melodies. The members of the Holy Order all prostrate themselves behind her, and an Aura of Holiness descended when she pronounced the name of the Wolf God.

"The Calamities have ravaged your lands, your crops, your rivers. They wreak havoc on the innocent souls and bodies of your children, who are helpless to fight against them. Hundreds of Thousands of your children have sacrificed themselves in your name to protect the Holy Lands...But I fear all we can do is hold on. We...Your blessed children will fall."

"Please answer our prayers, our calls. We beg of you to help us. Sava will fall if you are not here to bless it with your divine grace. I...we beg of you, as your children and as your followers. To answer our prayers, do not leave us to rot."

In the end, It was an earnest plea. A plea to save them. A Plea to bless them once again with almighty grace. He had not answered their calls since the Calamities had been born but they did not lose faith in their god. It was all that they had. She pleaded again, this time, with everyone's.

"Please...save us."