
Primal Hero

In the midst of a Chaotic land, he was born as a result of the world's final efforts. Born to save the world, not destroy it like the one before him. He was birthed by the supreme God, to save his world, to Save Aldea from Chaos And Calamity. He did not know his name, But he Knew His Purpose. He was born to be the Judge, To be the Saviour...To be the hero. That was his role, A role he would...A role He Must uphold! Will he be able to do it?

Blazuku · Fantasy
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7 Chs

[02] Birth[2]

"Aldea is Falling, My lord."

A White werewolf knight adorned with Wolven armor spoke out.

He was a holy spirit, A Holy Spirit of the Almighty Wolf god.

His three-meter tall frame held great strength. Even though his Armour covered most of his body, One could feel the enormous power hidden within his body!

His armor was unique. It was indeed a symbol of divine artistry. It was as strong as it was fabulous.

Multiple parts of the Armour were made of a special material that was extremely flexible but also tough. This allowed for a greater range of movement. Something a werewolf desperately needed

"Shall I make the Holy Order descend? Allow me to take care of the calamities my lord."


An ancient, archaic voice rang out. A wolf made up of bright white light as large as the world itself appeared in front of the Werewolf Knight.

The Knight bowed his head to show his loyalty and respect.

The god of the world, of Aldea, Savar descended.

His form was so magnificent, So powerful it could not be defined with words.

His magnificent figure made of white light sat down in his Holy land made by his own consciousness.

"My Lord...Please. Allow me to descend and Slay those Heathens!"

Avanadiel, The Strongest werewolf knight begged his God, His master to unleash him onto the world.

He begged his lord, His savior.

[I cannot do that Avanadiel.]

Savar, The Wolf God however denied it yet again.

"My lord...My savior Aldea is suffering! Your children are suffering!"

[Are the calamities, not my children as well?]

Savar Questioned. Avanadiel fell silent.

[They have just been led Astray. They have no sin.]

[ I am the one who harbors their Sin, For I failed to guide them.]

"My Lord, please do not degrade yourself!"

[It is my fault Avanadiel, No denying it.]

"My lord..."

[I Birthed them with the purpose of saving Aldea...I just made a mistake when deciding through which method.]

"They have gone...astray from your teachings! They...they..."

[Purge the land according to their own desires.]


The conversation between them continued.

"Especially the strongest Calamity, Akavas! He was supposed to be your Messenger! But he now stands at the forefront! Please...allow me to bestow judgment upon him! I beg of you, my lord!"


A hidden regret was present within the Voice Of Savar. He remembered Akavas vividly.

He was supposed to be the purest soul...But he was corrupted by the sins of the world.

He failed to protect him...and now he suffered the price.

Akavas...A child of his own blood, One blessed with his powers...his energy...his attributes had his heart...

But he fell to the dark side...It was his own fault.

He released him into the world...unprotected.

Avanadiel looked at his beloved God in dismay. He knew of Akavas...He had raised Akavas as well.

But even he did not expect Akavas to fall so early...

and lay havoc on the Lands of Aldea.

"My lord...we must do something. Your children on the side of righteousness are too weak...They will perish! Akavas is someone who has your divine blood...They simply cannot go against him! Their strong, firm faith in you hinders them! Surely you must have something to help them!"


Savar stayed quiet. He seemed to be lost in thought.

[I will simply create another child.]

"My lord?! Please just send me! I alone will be enough to smite Akavas and bring peace upon Aldea!"

Truly, Avanadiel was strong. Extremely strong. He was second only to Savar, Akavas ay have a chance...but that chance was low.

"I beg thee! Send me! I will make sure that Vanquish them within days!"

[No. I will create another. One that will go on a path contrasting Akavas.]

Light gathered around Avanadiel as the Wolf God, Savar used all his strength to birth another,. Another like Akavas.

[Kindness, Courage, Bravery, Strength...]

He listed the qualities the new soul was to be birthed with. His child, Akavas's brother.

"My lord...Such power!"

[Inspiration was taken from my most loyal knight Avandiel...Be birthed oh dear soul. Purge this land.

Save it.

Save Aldea, My child.]


the waves of undulating power that were being unleashed were so immense that Avanadiel stumbled!

[Go. And stay true to your purpose. Go and accomplish your first task...And Do not doubt your actions. Believe in them.]



A blinding white light shone upon Aldea that day, a white light that descended upon a particular area of the world.

[Go, Shine brighter than everything in this world...You have my protection.]


Hello, Author Blazuku here. This novel is gonna be quite different. In my opinion, Webnovel is filled with Villain novels and other Cold, Anti Hero type novels. I don't wanna do that. This novel will be about a hero, A hero that is loved and embodies the character of a Hero. Due to this kind of start, His character will by Naive at first but that will change with time, as his story progresses and he sees that not everything can be done in a good way etc.

I hope all of you continue to read it. Thank you for your time.
