
Swollen Hand by Beating

The few police officers who were pushing and shoving immediately released each other and straightened their wrinkled clothes. Jiang Nuannuan hurriedly entered, her steps hurried.

Her gaze casually met one of the officers in front of her. "What about those two aunties? Didn't they accuse Fei Jin of prostituting? I was present myself."

"I took them to the office. They caused a ruckus in the lobby all afternoon and refused to leave until that woman…"

The officer realized she was referring to herself, the woman the aunties called a 'prostitute.' A chill ran down his spine. "I knew there must have been a misunderstanding."

Jiang Nuannuan's tone lost its usual gentleness.

"Because of those two peeping toms who should be in jail, they came to my door asking for a letter of forgiveness. It seems you didn't handle it properly."