
Taking Him Home

"Stop, stop! I'm going to die!" The aunties could hardly speak clearly as they took turns being slapped, tears streaming down their faces from the pain.

Jiang Nuannuan's hand was throbbing from the hits. Finally, she took a deep breath and restrained herself. "Will you talk to me properly now, Auntie?"

"Yes, yes, I will. Please, please stop." they pleaded, trembling with fear, looking as if they were about to be scared to death.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, took a tissue to wipe her hands, and spoke with a relieved tone. "Now you're being sincere. If you had talked to me like this earlier, would I have hit you like this?"

The two aunties had swollen faces and bruised noses, huddled together and begged, "We're sorry, we're sorry…"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at them, anger hidden in her beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and snorted softly.