
President Han’s Aloof Wife Comes Back for her son

Six years ago the night of her graduation Lu Beicheng was drugged by her best friend and boyfriend and was arranged to sleep with an old man. But she did not walk into the room as planned instead she walked into another room only to find an equally drugged man. The next day when she woke she found herself in an unknown environment the bed sheets stained red. Memories of last night began to flood into her head, she had no memory of who the man was she only remembered her boyfriend leading her into a room. Lu Beicheng heart turned cold both her best friend and boyfriend had betrayed her but that was not all three months later she found out she was pregnant. Filed with guilt and shame she goes to France under the guise of studying to raise her child alone. However two years after her son’s birth he suddenly disappears, Lu Beicheng had searched desperately for son,slowly getting herself involved with the mafia and business hoping she would have enough resources to find her son. Three years later Lu Beicheng rushes to China save her father, she also had the hopes that she would that she would find her son here. After successfully removing her father from prison she is bamboozled by another problem their company’s stocks were falling,their customers were leaving,the company was on the verge of falling. Left with no choice Lu Beicheng seeks help from her third uncle and he told her”..Marry Han Zhanbei..” Excerpt “Daddy..where’s my mother..you promise me you’ll find my mummy..where is she, aren’t you powerful why can’t you find my mummy..” “Nian’er can you give daddy a little time, I will definitely find your mummy...” “Okay I’ll give you some time but you have to find my mummy as soon as possible I don’t want another mummy..” Lu Beicheng’s coming had alerted her enemies,will she be able to leave a peaceful life with her husband and son or end in terrible fate especially when she has a crazy psychopath breathing down her neck!!

Little_North_Star · perkotaan
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7 Chs

Chapter one

"Miss Lu, miss Lu what do you have to say about your father going to jail.."

Reporters crowded Lu Beicheng who just walked out station, she looked slightly haggard but her aloof expression and cold aura made the reporters shiver in fear.

"I have nothing to say.."

After saying this Lu Beicheng ordered her bodyguard to clear a path for her she didn't run or hide her face after the path was cleared.

She continued with a neither fast or slow pace,the crowd was so enamored by her elegance and beauty that they didn't realize that she had entered her car and left.

*Three days ago*


"Beicheng I think it's time for you to come back home and take your place in the family.."

Lu Beicheng sighed when she heard her father talking her about this. She was perfectly happily overseas she did not want to come back home yet.

"Father...Beihan is there let him take over the Lu empire I have no desire to run the company.."

Lu Beicheng braced herself for another round of scolding but seconds had passed and she didn't hear anything.

"Very well but you still have to come home you've been overseas for six years, you have finished your studies last year, do you plan on staying overseas forever.."

Lu Beicheng eyes rolled but she didn't say anything making her father annoyed.

"Beicheng you must return home and that's an order.."

After that he ended the call Lu Ansheng sighed as he placed his phone on the table. His eyes meeting his wife's, she shook her head slightly and sat down next to him.

"Does our Beicheng not want to come home.."

Lu Ansheng nodded he didn't understand why she liked being overseas so much, her home and family was here in China.

"Beicheng has been living overseas for nearly over six years now of course she feels some attachements she's a young lady, she probably has a few friends and maybe even a boyfriend.."

"Preposterous! My daughter is too young to have a boyfriend."

Gu Qingyang chuckled as she shook her head he was already so old yet he was still immature Beihan had certainly got this trait from him

"Your daughter is 23 year's old she shouldn't even have a boyfriend.."

"That's right!.."

Lu Ansheng interrupted Gu Qingyang but her next words made him jump from his sit .

"She should be married.."

Lu Ansheng stood up as he roared making Gu Qingyang laugh what kind of clown did she marry .

"Beicheng is still a little girl she's not ready for marriage when she's ready her father will look for a rich and powerful man for her to marry.."

Gu Qingyang lips twitched was Beicheng the one who was not ready or him Gu Qingyang shook her head in fact they both were not ready.

"Now Ansheng our families did not arrange us together we married out of love so we should let our children marry who they love as well.."

Lu Ansheng looked at his wife and smiled she was still as loving and thoughtful as the first day they met.

"Alright we'll do as you say.."

Meanwhile getting off the phone with her father Lu Beicheng sighed and looked at the suitcase beside her bedside table.

She was already prepared to leave but she didn't know what was stopping, going back China after such a long time felt like a new experience for her.

"No Beicheng you can't stay you have to go back and be with your family, maybe being back home wasn't so bad."

Lu Beicheng reassured herself as she laid down on the bed to rest for the night.


The CEO of Lu Enterprises was arrested just this morning, words say that the CEO could be given life imprisonments for crimes against the government.

Lu Beicheng blinked when she read the news her ears just kept buzzing.

Lu enterprise..their empire..her father..arrested. Lu Beicheng tried to make herself believe it was a rumor but the live recording of her father getting arrested drained all her hope.

She needed to get back to the country as soon as possible. She quickly scrambled from the bed, took a shower, grabbed her passport and booked a 10 o'clock flight to China.

Meanwhile in the Lu family house the heavens were crying as a gloomy shadow enshrouded the house.

Lu Beihan hugged his mother who wept bitterly in his arms, she couldn't accept the fact that her husband had been arrested and it was right in front of her eyes.

"Mother don't worry Father will get released soon.."

Gu Qingyang shook her head, she just didn't understand Lu Ansheng was an upright man how could he suddenly commit crimes against the government.

"Mother don't worry, we'll think of a way to get father released once sister beibei arrives.."

Gu Qingyang nodded there was still Lu Beicheng surely she could find a way to save her father.

Speaking of Lu Beicheng she arrived at the capital 20 minutes past 3 and was on her way to the Lu family house.

Her eyes were red and cracked as she closed her eyes to calm her mind.

Now that she was in the country, she needed to find out the detailed information of what was going on, next she needed to find the person who framed her father.

She knew her father very well, he was an upright man and didn't dabble in dubious acts. Even if he did he wouldn't go against the government.

After that make the person pay for his or her crimes.

Lu Beicheng smiled a little seeing the building she had spent her childhood in, she wondered how much her brother had grown.

The last time she was him in person he was twelve, she heard from her mother that he had even gotten onto the university earlier than his peers.

She paid the driver and walked into the house, the maids and the house keeper were all surprised to see her.

"Young mistress!!.."

They exclaimed as they gathered around her, she looked even more beautiful than when they saw her six years ago.

"Uncle Zhou, auntie Bai and other ladies and aunties I don't know it's very nice to see you all.."

Lu Beicheng looked at the familiar faces that took care of her when she was little and smiled she was glad she was able to meet them.

"Uncle Zhou where's my mother.."

Uncle Zhou was the Lu family house keeper he had been working in the family for more than twenty years, Lu Ansheng even gave him some shares in the company so he could have something to fall back to when he decided to leave.

Zhou Gangzheng looked at Lu Beicheng solemnly, the Lu family had been going through a lot recently he didn't know if the young mistresss knew about it.

"She's in her room with the young master.."

Lu Beicheng nodded and left her suitcase with butler Zhou and went upstairs. Getting to to the fourth step she was a figure on the fifth step with his hands in his pocket he was staring at her, trying to confirm who she was.

Lu Beicheng was equally surprised looking at Lu Beichen he had grown up quite a lot.

"You have grown!.."

Lu Beicheng chuckled as she spread her arms open for a hug, expecting Lu Beihan to give her a hug but he didn't move, he just kept staring at her.

Lu Beicheng grew annoyed and started walking she did not have the time to dawdle around.

Getting closer to her mother's room she could hear her sobbing, her guess was she had been crying for a long time. She looked back to see Lu Beihan standing three steps away from her,his hands still in his pocket.

"Lu Beihan if you continue this attitude I will beat you up.."

Lu Beicheng said coldly her gaze on him was cold and hard, because she didn't understand his attitude wasn't he the one who said he wanted her to come home and that he missed her. She was here now and he was giving her this bitchy attitude.