
unknown future

There is a little one growing inside of me i have no money nor a good job to raise these child i don't want to make life unbearable for myself and the child moreover my bastard father and his son will mock me i don't want to face them with a child or heavenly pregnant. thought xue yan then he decided doctor can i get an abortion ,

.... sir you have a human like you growing in there at least feel sympathy for the child has done nothing wrong and have you discussed it with the fath..... before he could finish talking xue yan interrupted the doctor saying, doctor can i get an abortion or not have thought on the child future before i came to such decision okay why don't you do it like these i want you to go home and spend time with the fetus in you then you can decide if you still want to push for an abortion.

fine i will think about it as you suggested said xue yan before leaving the doctor's office.

After leaving the hospital he decided to go to his mother grave and talk to her.

mum it me your son it been two weeks you left me and things have been going wrong .....haha mum you wont believe it the day you left me is the same day your son got raped ..... sob sob mum and am pregnant i don't know what to do or how to go about it i decided to go for an abortion because i can't take care of these child neither do i have a good job you knew how it was for us it was not easy but you know the doctor said i should go home and think about it for a week and i know that doctor must be thinking im a heartless person for considering an abortion but I'm not .... wu wu wu he doesn't know it was also had for me to make such decision but i had to think of this child future. mum do you know the most amazing thing ... i know you don't know so let me tell you , smiling ....

his heart beat you need to see how you can bearly see anything from those screen but you can harmonically hears those cute heart beat and mum you know what when i first heard those i heart beat i couldn't believe there can be another heartbeat in me i was shocked out of colours.After spending sometime with his mother grave and telling her things like he always do xue yan decided to head home. immediately he left the grave yard a shadow appeared in a grave not to far from his mothers own, my dear son it time you wake up before it too late you have slept enough if you sleep any longer your husband su yan might be snatched from you, just like as if that was it trigger point the gongi which should have woken since woke up from deep slumber and said father sorry i have kept you waiting for long but now im back and ready to take what mine. That very Good son now listen to me the moment we leave here in anyway should we act like we are related or we will be left with nothing you my distant relative and am your only relative remember this said the man in the shadow. yes father promise not to disappoint you after all said and planned the left. not knowing that it already too late because the husband has already been snatched with a child in between .

where as xue yan headed to grocery store to get some food good for pregnant men and women instead of going home straight he thought since i have a week to think why don't feed these child properly before he is cut short from this word moreover the doctor asked me to eat healthy.