
su ye han

mean while in another place in coast country a mysterious man has been causing problems on netizen, # number one richest man in coast country.

someone need love: oh my God it just a week he started his company and he is already at the Top.

crush haters: i agree to commenter up there if it so easy to become the number one richest maybe i should open a company hahaha what am i saying someone as broke as me can't compete

boredom ness: we dont know how many life he ruined to get there.

i agree: i agree to all commenters up.

peace maker: you all are here wasting you time have you seen him he so handsome

news carrier : i heard his name is su ye han and he is so handsome

while the whole world was wondering how he became rich overnight another thing was trending online # most handsome bachelor.

su ye han wife: I'm blinded by love i can believe someone like this exist.

legal wife: commenter up am his legal wife so give up

slave of su han: i don't mind being a slave as long as i can be with him

beauty seeker: where has this beauty been hiding

meanwhile the main cause of this problem is busy trying to find someone, what do you mean you can't find him what all the description i gave you .

Disciples .... boss how can we find a person who looks exactly like a fairy with the eyes of an angel, lips as red as cherry, and skin as white as milk and figure which is much better than so many models boss we don't even know how fairy looks not to talk less of an angel.

What do you mean, that my description is not good enough right.

Disciples: no boss we are just incompetent to find him we will try harder in finding him.

Few minutes later after everyone has left there just left with these zombie king and his personal assistance.sir i suggest you forget that human you just used him to replenish your self so as to blend him with the human and moreover you know human and zombie can't be together it's forbidden said Lou man

Well I'm back so things has to change i have the right to love who i want and don't want to hear anything about this again, leave now.

meanwhile after continuous morning illness xue yan decided to visit the hospital for a checkup at the hospital is was advised to get a pregnancy test done, Doctor are you kidding me i know many men are blessed with the gift of conceiving a child but I'm not one of those many said xue yan in harsh tone to the doctor after all said he went for a pregnancy test in other prove he can't be pregnant.

congratulations sir, you are 2 week gone and your baby is not really healthy you should eat more healthier with enough rest.